Use python to simulate logging into Baidu
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re; import cookielib; import urllib; import urllib2; import optparse; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check all cookies in cookiesDict is exist in cookieJar or not def checkAllCookiesExist(cookieNameList, cookieJar) : cookiesDict = {}; for eachCookieName in cookieNameList : cookiesDict[eachCookieName] = False; allCookieFound = True; for cookie in cookieJar : if( in cookiesDict) : cookiesDict[] = True; for eachCookie in cookiesDict.keys() : if(not cookiesDict[eachCookie]) : allCookieFound = False; break; return allCookieFound; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # just for print delimiter def printDelimiter(): print '-'*80; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # main function to emulate login baidu def emulateLoginBaidu(): print "Function: Used to demostrate how to use Python code to emulate login baidu main page:"; print "Usage: -u yourBaiduUsername -p yourBaiduPassword"; printDelimiter(); # parse input parameters parser = optparse.OptionParser(); parser.add_option("-u","--username",action="store",type="string",default='',dest="username",help="Your Baidu Username"); parser.add_option("-p","--password",action="store",type="string",default='',dest="password",help="Your Baidu password"); (options, args) = parser.parse_args(); # export all options variables, then later variables can be used for i in dir(options): exec(i + " = options." + i); printDelimiter(); print "[preparation] using cookieJar & HTTPCookieProcessor to automatically handle cookies"; cj = cookielib.CookieJar(); opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)); urllib2.install_opener(opener); printDelimiter(); print "[step1] to get cookie BAIDUID"; baiduMainUrl = ""; resp = urllib2.urlopen(baiduMainUrl); #respInfo =; #print "respInfo=",respInfo; for index, cookie in enumerate(cj): print '[',index, ']',cookie; printDelimiter(); print "[step2] to get token value"; getapiUrl = ""; getapiResp = urllib2.urlopen(getapiUrl); #print "getapiResp=",getapiResp; getapiRespHtml =; #print "getapiRespHtml=",getapiRespHtml; #bdPass.api.params.login_token='5ab690978812b0e7fbbe1bfc267b90b3'; foundTokenVal ="bdPass\.api\.params\.login_token='(?P<tokenVal>\w+)';", getapiRespHtml); if(foundTokenVal): tokenVal ="tokenVal"); print "tokenVal=",tokenVal; printDelimiter(); print "[step3] emulate login baidu"; staticpage = ""; baiduMainLoginUrl = ""; postDict = { #'ppui_logintime': "", 'charset' : "utf-8", #'codestring' : "", 'token' : tokenVal, #de3dbf1e8596642fa2ddf2921cd6257f 'isPhone' : "false", 'index' : "0", #'u' : "", #'safeflg' : "0", 'staticpage' : staticpage, 'loginType' : "1", 'tpl' : "mn", 'callback' : "parent.bdPass.api.login._postCallback", 'username' : username, 'password' : password, #'verifycode' : "", 'mem_pass' : "on", }; postData = urllib.urlencode(postDict); # here will automatically encode values of parameters # such as: # encode into #print "postData=",postData; req = urllib2.Request(baiduMainLoginUrl, postData); # in most case, for do POST request, the content-type, is application/x-www-form-urlencoded req.add_header('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); resp = urllib2.urlopen(req); #for index, cookie in enumerate(cj): # print '[',index, ']',cookie; cookiesToCheck = ['BDUSS', 'PTOKEN', 'STOKEN', 'SAVEUSERID']; loginBaiduOK = checkAllCookiesExist(cookiesToCheck, cj); if(loginBaiduOK): print "+++ Emulate login baidu is OK, ^_^"; else: print "--- Failed to emulate login baidu !" else: print "Fail to extract token value from html=",getapiRespHtml; if __name__=="__main__": emulateLoginBaidu();