Nginx configuration analysis

Release: 2016-08-08 09:31:25
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In the previous article " Nginx Startup Initialization Process" briefly introduces the startup process of Nginx and analyzes the source code of its startup process. There is a very important step in the startup process, which is to call the function ngx_init_cycle(). The call of this function provides an interface for configuration analysis. Configuration analysis interface can be divided into two stages: preparing data phase and configuration analysis stage; The parsing phase is to call the function:

    /* 配置文件解析 */  
    if (ngx_conf_param(&conf) != NGX_CONF_OK) {/* 带有命令行参数'-g' 加入的配置 */  
        environ = senv;  
        return NULL;  
    if (ngx_conf_parse(&conf, &cycle->conf_file) != NGX_CONF_OK) {/* 解析配置文件*/  
        environ = senv;  
        return NULL;  
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Configuration parsing

  • ngx_conf_t
  • Structure
  • This structure is used by
  • Nginx
  • to describe the attributes of each directive when parsing the configuration file. It is also a very important one in the

program. Data structure, which is defined in the file:


/* 解析配置时所使用的结构体 */
struct ngx_conf_s {
    char                 *name;     /* 当前解析到的指令 */
    ngx_array_t          *args;     /* 当前指令所包含的所有参数 */

    ngx_cycle_t          *cycle;    /* 待解析的全局变量ngx_cycle_t */
    ngx_pool_t           *pool;     /* 内存池 */
    ngx_pool_t           *temp_pool;/* 临时内存池,分配一些临时数组或变量 */
    ngx_conf_file_t      *conf_file;/* 待解析的配置文件 */
    ngx_log_t            *log;      /* 日志信息 */

    void                 *ctx;      /* 描述指令的上下文 */
    ngx_uint_t            module_type;/* 当前解析的指令的模块类型 */
    ngx_uint_t            cmd_type; /* 当前解析的指令的指令类型 */

    ngx_conf_handler_pt   handler;  /* 模块自定义的handler,即指令自定义的处理函数 */
    char                 *handler_conf;/* 自定义处理函数需要的相关配置 */
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Configuration file information conf_file

conf_file is to store the relevant information of the Nginx configuration file. The definition of the ngx_conf_file_t
structure is as follows:

typedef struct {
    ngx_file_t            file;     /* 文件的属性 */
    ngx_buf_t            *buffer;   /* 文件的内容 */
    ngx_uint_t            line;     /* 文件的行数 */
} ngx_conf_file_t;
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Configuration contextctx

Nginx configuration files are configured in blocks. Common ones include http block, server block,


block and upsteam block and


block among others. Each such configuration block represents a scope. The scope of a higher-level configuration block contains the scopes of multiple lower-level configuration blocks, which is the phenomenon of scope nesting. In this way, many directives in the configuration file will be included in multiple scopes at the same time. For example, the instructions in the http block may be in three scopes at the same time: http block, server block and location block.             When the Nginx program parses the configuration file, each instruction should record the scope to which it belongs, and the configuration file context ctx variable is used to store the scope to which the current instruction belongs. Among the various configuration blocks of the Nginx configuration file, the http block can contain sub-configuration blocks, which is more complex in terms of storage structure. Different instruction types in the instructions pType

Nginx Program are defined in different source dock files in the form of macro. ngx_conf_file.h

#define NGX_DIRECT_CONF            0x00010000  
#define NGX_MAIN_CONF              0x01000000  
#define NGX_ANY_CONF               0x0F000000 
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These are the instruction types supported by the core type module. The NGX_DIRECT_CONF class instructions have been initialized before the Nginx

program enters the configuration parsing function, so after entering the configuration parsing function, they can be directly parsed and stored in the actual data structure. From the structure of the configuration file, They generally refer to those instructions that are outside the configuration block and are in the global block part of the configuration file. NGX_MAIN_CONF class instructions include


, http, mail, upstream and other instructions that can form configuration blocks. They do not have their own initialization function. If the

Nginx program encounters a NGX_MAIN_CONF class instruction when parsing the configuration file, it will transfer to the parsing of the next level instruction. The following are the instruction types supported by the event type module.
#define NGX_EVENT_CONF            0x02000000 
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The following are the instruction types supported by the http type module, which are defined in the file: src/http/ngx_http_config.h
#define NGX_HTTP_MAIN_CONF          0x02000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_SRV_CONF           0x04000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_LOC_CONF           0x08000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_UPS_CONF           0x10000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_SIF_CONF           0x20000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_LIF_CONF           0x40000000  
#define NGX_HTTP_LMT_CONF           0x80000000  
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General module configuration parsing The configuration parsing module is in Implemented in src/core/ngx_conf_file.c. The interface functions provided by the module are mainly ngx_conf_parse. In addition, the module provides another separate interface

ngx_conf_param, which is used to parse the configuration passed from the command line. This interface is also a wrapper for ngx_conf_parse

. First, let’s take a look at the configuration parsing function

ngx_conf_parse, which is defined as follows:

 * 函数功能:配置文件解析;
 * 支持三种不同的解析类型:
 * 1、解析配置文件;
 * 2、解析block块设置;
 * 3、解析命令行配置;
char *
ngx_conf_parse(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_str_t *filename)
    char             *rv;
    ngx_fd_t          fd;
    ngx_int_t         rc;
    ngx_buf_t         buf;
    ngx_conf_file_t  *prev, conf_file;
    enum {
        parse_file = 0,
    } type;

    prev = NULL;

    if (filename) {/* 若解析的是配置文件 */

        /* open configuration file */

        /* 打开配置文件 */
        fd = ngx_open_file(filename->data, NGX_FILE_RDONLY, NGX_FILE_OPEN, 0);
        if (fd == NGX_INVALID_FILE) {
            ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, ngx_errno,
                               ngx_open_file_n " \"%s\" failed",
            return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

        prev = cf->conf_file;

        cf->conf_file = &conf_file;

        if (ngx_fd_info(fd, &cf->conf_file-> == NGX_FILE_ERROR) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf->log, ngx_errno,
                          ngx_fd_info_n " \"%s\" failed", filename->data);

        cf->conf_file->buffer = &buf;

        buf.start = ngx_alloc(NGX_CONF_BUFFER, cf->log);
        if (buf.start == NULL) {
            goto failed;

        buf.pos = buf.start;
        buf.last = buf.start;
        buf.end = buf.last + NGX_CONF_BUFFER;
        buf.temporary = 1;

        /* 复制文件属性及文件内容 */
        cf->conf_file->file.fd = fd;
        cf->conf_file-> = filename->len;
        cf->conf_file-> = filename->data;
        cf->conf_file->file.offset = 0;
        cf->conf_file->file.log = cf->log;
        cf->conf_file->line = 1;

        type = parse_file;  /* 解析的类型是配置文件 */

    } else if (cf->conf_file->file.fd != NGX_INVALID_FILE) {

        type = parse_block; /* 解析的类型是block块 */

    } else {
        type = parse_param; /* 解析的类型是命令行配置 */

    for ( ;; ) {
        /* 语法分析函数 */
        rc = ngx_conf_read_token(cf);

         * ngx_conf_read_token() may return
         *    NGX_ERROR             there is error
         *    NGX_OK                the token terminated by ";" was found
         *    NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START  the token terminated by "{" was found
         *    NGX_CONF_BLOCK_DONE   the "}" was found
         *    NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE    the configuration file is done

        if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
            goto done;

        /* 解析block块设置 */
        if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_DONE) {

            if (type != parse_block) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected \"}\"");
                goto failed;

            goto done;

        /* 解析配置文件 */
        if (rc == NGX_CONF_FILE_DONE) {

            if (type == parse_block) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                                   "unexpected end of file, expecting \"}\"");
                goto failed;

            goto done;

        if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) {

            if (type == parse_param) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                                   "block directives are not supported "
                                   "in -g option");
                goto failed;

        /* rc == NGX_OK || rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START */

        /* 自定义指令处理函数 */
        if (cf->handler) {

             * the custom handler, i.e., that is used in the http's
             * "types { ... }" directive

            if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected \"{\"");
                goto failed;

            /* 命令行配置处理函数 */
            rv = (*cf->handler)(cf, NULL, cf->handler_conf);
            if (rv == NGX_CONF_OK) {

            if (rv == NGX_CONF_ERROR) {
                goto failed;

            ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, rv);

            goto failed;

        /* 若自定义指令处理函数handler为NULL,则调用Nginx内建的指令解析机制 */
        rc = ngx_conf_handler(cf, rc);

        if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
            goto failed;


    rc = NGX_ERROR;


    if (filename) {/* 若是配置文件 */
        if (cf->conf_file->buffer->start) {

        if (ngx_close_file(fd) == NGX_FILE_ERROR) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, cf->log, ngx_errno,
                          ngx_close_file_n " %s failed",
            return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

        cf->conf_file = prev;

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    return NGX_CONF_OK;
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From the source code of the configuration parsing function, we can see that this function is divided into two stages: syntax analysis and instruction parsing. Syntax analysis is completed by the ngx_conf_read_token() function. There are two methods of command parsing: one is Nginx

’s built-in command parsing mechanism; the other is a custom command parsing mechanism. The custom instruction parsing source code is as follows:

        /* 自定义指令处理函数 */
        if (cf->handler) {

             * the custom handler, i.e., that is used in the http's
             * "types { ... }" directive

            if (rc == NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unexpected \"{\"");
                goto failed;

            /* 命令行配置处理函数 */
            rv = (*cf->handler)(cf, NULL, cf->handler_conf);
            if (rv == NGX_CONF_OK) {

            if (rv == NGX_CONF_ERROR) {
                goto failed;

            ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, rv);

            goto failed;
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​ And Nginx

’s built-in parsing mechanism is implemented by the function ngx_conf_handler(). Its definition is as follows:

/* Nginx内建的指令解析机制 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_conf_handler(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_int_t last)
    char           *rv;
    void           *conf, **confp;
    ngx_uint_t      i, found;
    ngx_str_t      *name;
    ngx_command_t  *cmd;

    name = cf->args->elts;

    found = 0;

    for (i = 0; ngx_modules[i]; i++) {

        cmd = ngx_modules[i]->commands;
        if (cmd == NULL) {

        for ( /* void */ ; cmd->name.len; cmd++) {

            if (name->len != cmd->name.len) {

            if (ngx_strcmp(name->data, cmd-> != 0) {

            found = 1;

             * 只处理模块类型为NGX_CONF_MODULE 或是当前正在处理的模块类型;
            if (ngx_modules[i]->type != NGX_CONF_MODULE
                && ngx_modules[i]->type != cf->module_type)

            /* is the directive's location right ? */

            if (!(cmd->type & cf->cmd_type)) {

            /* 非block块指令必须以";"分号结尾,否则出错返回 */
            if (!(cmd->type & NGX_CONF_BLOCK) && last != NGX_OK) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                                  "directive \"%s\" is not terminated by \";\"",
                return NGX_ERROR;

            /* block块指令必须后接"{"大括号,否则出粗返回 */
            if ((cmd->type & NGX_CONF_BLOCK) && last != NGX_CONF_BLOCK_START) {
                ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                                   "directive \"%s\" has no opening \"{\"",
                return NGX_ERROR;

            /* is the directive's argument count right ? */

            /* 验证指令参数个数是否正确 */
            if (!(cmd->type & NGX_CONF_ANY)) {

                /* 指令携带的参数只能是 1 个,且其参数值只能是 on 或 off */
                if (cmd->type & NGX_CONF_FLAG) {

                    if (cf->args->nelts != 2) {
                        goto invalid;

                } else if (cmd->type & NGX_CONF_1MORE) {/* 指令携带的参数必须超过 1 个 */

                    if (cf->args->nelts < 2) {
                        goto invalid;

                } else if (cmd->type & NGX_CONF_2MORE) {/* 指令携带的参数必须超过 2 个 */

                    if (cf->args->nelts < 3) {
                        goto invalid;

                } else if (cf->args->nelts > NGX_CONF_MAX_ARGS) {

                    goto invalid;

                } else if (!(cmd->type & argument_number[cf->args->nelts - 1]))
                    goto invalid;

            /* set up the directive's configuration context */

            conf = NULL;

            if (cmd->type & NGX_DIRECT_CONF) {/* 在core模块使用 */
                conf = ((void **) cf->ctx)[ngx_modules[i]->index];

            } else if (cmd->type & NGX_MAIN_CONF) {/* 指令配置项出现在全局配置中,不属于任何{}配置块 */
                conf = &(((void **) cf->ctx)[ngx_modules[i]->index]);

            } else if (cf->ctx) {/* 除了core模块,其他模块都是用该项 */
                confp = *(void **) ((char *) cf->ctx + cmd->conf);

                if (confp) {
                    conf = confp[ngx_modules[i]->ctx_index];

            /* 执行指令解析回调函数 */
            rv = cmd->set(cf, cmd, conf);

            if (rv == NGX_CONF_OK) {
                return NGX_OK;

            if (rv == NGX_CONF_ERROR) {
                return NGX_ERROR;

            ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                               "\"%s\" directive %s", name->data, rv);

            return NGX_ERROR;

    if (found) {
        ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                           "\"%s\" directive is not allowed here", name->data);

        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                       "unknown directive \"%s\"", name->data);

    return NGX_ERROR;


    ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
                       "invalid number of arguments in \"%s\" directive",

    return NGX_ERROR;
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HTTP Module configuration analysis The main structure here is ngx_command_t. We introduced this structure in the article "Nginx Module Development", and its definition is as follows:
struct ngx_command_s {  
    /* 配置项名称 */  
    ngx_str_t             name;  
    /* 配置项类型,type将指定配置项可以出现的位置以及携带参数的个数 */  
    ngx_uint_t            type;  
    /* 处理配置项的参数 */  
    char               *(*set)(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf);  
    /* 在配置文件中的偏移量,conf与offset配合使用 */  
    ngx_uint_t            conf;  
    ngx_uint_t            offset;  
    /* 配置项读取后的处理方法,必须指向ngx_conf_post_t 结构 */  
    void                 *post;  
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        若在上面的通用配置解析中,定义了如下的 http 配置项结构,则回调用http 配置项,并对该http 配置项进行解析。此时,解析的是http block 块设置。

static ngx_command_t  ngx_http_commands[] = {

    { ngx_string("http"),
      NULL },

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        http 是作为一个 core 模块被 nginx 通用解析过程解析的,其核心就是http{} 块指令回调,它完成了http 解析的整个功能,从初始化到计算配置结果。http{} 块指令的流程是:

  • 创建并初始化上下文结构;
  • 调用通用模块配置解析流程解析;
  • 根据解析结果进行配置项合并处理;


  当 Nginx 检查到 http{…} 配置项时,HTTP 配置模型就会启动,则会建立一个ngx_http_conf_ctx_t 结构,该结构定义在文件中:src/http/ngx_http_config.h

typedef struct{
  /*  指针数组,数组中的每个元素指向所有 HTTP 模块 create_main_conf 方法产生的结构体 */
   void **main_conf;
   /*  指针数组,数组中的每个元素指向所有 HTTP 模块 create_srv_conf 方法产生的结构体 */
   void **srv_conf;
   /*  指针数组,数组中的每个元素指向所有 HTTP 模块 create_loc_conf 方法产生的结构体 */
   void **loc_conf;
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  此时,HTTP 框架为所有 HTTP 模块建立 3 个数组,分别存放所有 HTTP 模块的create_main_confcreate_srv_confcreate_loc_conf 方法返回的地址指针。ngx_http_conf_ctx_t 结构的三个成员分别指向这 3 个数组。例如下面的例子是设置 create_main_confcreate_srv_conf 、create_loc_conf  返回的地址。

ngx_http_conf_ctx *ctx;
/* HTTP 框架生成 1 个 ngx_http_conf_ctx_t 结构变量 */
ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_conf_ctx_t));

*(ngx_http_conf_ctx_t **) conf = ctx;

/* 分别生成 3 个数组存储所有的 HTTP 模块的 create_main_conf、create_srv_conf、create_loc_conf 方法返回的地址 */
ctx->main_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool,
                             sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

ctx->srv_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

ctx->loc_conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

/* 遍历所有 HTTP 模块 */
for (m = 0; ngx_modules[m]; m++) {
    if (ngx_modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

    module = ngx_modules[m]->ctx;
    mi = ngx_modules[m]->ctx_index;

    /* 若实现了create_main_conf 方法,则调用该方法,并把返回的地址存储到 main_conf 中 */
    if (module->create_main_conf) {
        ctx->main_conf[mi] = module->create_main_conf(cf);
    /* 若实现了create_srv_conf 方法,则调用该方法,并把返回的地址存储到 srv_conf 中 */
    if (module->create_srv_conf) {
        ctx->srv_conf[mi] = module->create_srv_conf(cf);
    /* 若实现了create_loc_conf 方法,则调用该方法,并把返回的地址存储到 loc_conf 中 */
    if (module->create_loc_conf) {
        ctx->loc_conf[mi] = module->create_loc_conf(cf);

pcf = *cf;
cf->ctx = ctx;

for (m = 0; ngx_modules[m]; m++) {
    if (ngx_modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

    module = ngx_modules[m]->ctx;

    if (module->preconfiguration) {
        if (module->preconfiguration(cf) != NGX_OK) {
            return NGX_CONF_ERROR;
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        从源码 src/http/ngx_http.c 中可以看到,http 块的配置解析是调用通用模块的配置解析函数,其实现如下:

    /* 调用通用模块配置解析 */
    /* parse inside the http{} block */

    cf->module_type = NGX_HTTP_MODULE;
    cf->cmd_type = NGX_HTTP_MAIN_CONF;
    rv = ngx_conf_parse(cf, NULL);

    if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
        goto failed;
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    /* 根据解析结构进行合并处理 */
     * init http{} main_conf's, merge the server{}s' srv_conf's
     * and its location{}s' loc_conf's

    cmcf = ctx->main_conf[ngx_http_core_module.ctx_index];
    cscfp = cmcf->servers.elts;

    for (m = 0; ngx_modules[m]; m++) {
        if (ngx_modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

        module = ngx_modules[m]->ctx;
        mi = ngx_modules[m]->ctx_index;

        /* init http{} main_conf's */

        if (module->init_main_conf) {
            rv = module->init_main_conf(cf, ctx->main_conf[mi]);
            if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
                goto failed;

        rv = ngx_http_merge_servers(cf, cmcf, module, mi);
        if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
            goto failed;

    /* create location trees */

    for (s = 0; s < cmcf->servers.nelts; s++) {

        clcf = cscfp[s]->ctx->loc_conf[ngx_http_core_module.ctx_index];

        if (ngx_http_init_locations(cf, cscfp[s], clcf) != NGX_OK) {
            return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

        if (ngx_http_init_static_location_trees(cf, clcf) != NGX_OK) {
            return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    if (ngx_http_init_phases(cf, cmcf) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    if (ngx_http_init_headers_in_hash(cf, cmcf) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    for (m = 0; ngx_modules[m]; m++) {
        if (ngx_modules[m]->type != NGX_HTTP_MODULE) {

        module = ngx_modules[m]->ctx;

        if (module->postconfiguration) {
            if (module->postconfiguration(cf) != NGX_OK) {
                return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    if (ngx_http_variables_init_vars(cf) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

     * http{}'s cf->ctx was needed while the configuration merging
     * and in postconfiguration process

    *cf = pcf;

    if (ngx_http_init_phase_handlers(cf, cmcf) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    /* optimize the lists of ports, addresses and server names */

    if (ngx_http_optimize_servers(cf, cmcf, cmcf->ports) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_CONF_ERROR;

    return NGX_CONF_OK;


    *cf = pcf;

    return rv;
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HTTP 配置解析流程

        从上面的分析中可以总结出 HTTP 配置解析的流程如下:

  • Nginx 进程进入主循环,在主循环中调用配置解析器解析配置文件nginx.conf;
  • 在配置文件中遇到 http{} 块配置,则 HTTP 框架开始启动,其由函数 ngx_http_block() 实现;
  • HTTP 框架初始化所有 HTTP 模块的序列号,并创建 3 个类型为 ngx_http_conf_ctx_t 结构的数组用于存储所有HTTP 模块的create_main_confcreate_srv_confcreate_loc_conf方法返回的指针地址;
  • 调用每个 HTTP 模块的 preconfiguration 方法;
  • HTTP 框架调用函数 ngx_conf_parse() 开始循环解析配置文件 nginx.conf 中的http{}块里面的所有配置项;
  • HTTP 框架处理完毕 http{} 配置项,根据解析配置项的结果,必要时进行配置项合并处理;
  • 继续处理其他 http{} 块之外的配置项,直到配置文件解析器处理完所有配置项后通知Nginx 主循环配置项解析完毕。此时,Nginx 才会启动Web 服务器;


        HTTP 框架解析完毕 http{} 块配置项时,会根据解析的结果进行合并配置项操作,即合并 http{}server{}location{} 不同块下各HTTP 模块生成的存放配置项的结构体。其合并过程如下所示:

  • HTTP 模块实现了 merge_srv_conf 方法,则将 http{} 块下create_srv_conf 生成的结构体与遍历每一个 server{}配置块下的结构体进行merge_srv_conf 操作;
  • HTTP 模块实现了 merge_loc_conf 方法,则将 http{} 块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套每一个server{} 配置块下的结构体进行merge_loc_conf 操作;
  • HTTP 模块实现了 merge_loc_conf 方法,则将server{} 块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套每一个location{}配置块下的结构体进行merge_loc_conf 操作;
  • HTTP 模块实现了 merge_loc_conf 方法,则将location{} 块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套每一个location{}配置块下的结构体进行merge_loc_conf 操作;


/* 合并配置项操作 */
static char *
ngx_http_merge_servers(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_http_core_main_conf_t *cmcf,
    ngx_http_module_t *module, ngx_uint_t ctx_index)
    char                        *rv;
    ngx_uint_t                   s;
    ngx_http_conf_ctx_t         *ctx, saved;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    *clcf;
    ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t   **cscfp;

    cscfp = cmcf->servers.elts;
    ctx = (ngx_http_conf_ctx_t *) cf->ctx;
    saved = *ctx;
    rv = NGX_CONF_OK;

    /* 遍历每一个server{}块 */
    for (s = 0; s < cmcf->servers.nelts; s++) {

        /* merge the server{}s' srv_conf's */

        ctx->srv_conf = cscfp[s]->ctx->srv_conf;

         * 若定义了merge_srv_conf 方法;
         * 则进行http{}块下create_srv_conf 生成的结构体与遍历server{}块配置项生成的结构体进行merge_srv_conf操作;
        if (module->merge_srv_conf) {
            rv = module->merge_srv_conf(cf, saved.srv_conf[ctx_index],
            if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
                goto failed;

         * 若定义了merge_loc_conf 方法;
         * 则进行http{}块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套server{}块配置项生成的结构体进行merge_loc_conf操作;
        if (module->merge_loc_conf) {

            /* merge the server{}'s loc_conf */

            ctx->loc_conf = cscfp[s]->ctx->loc_conf;

            rv = module->merge_loc_conf(cf, saved.loc_conf[ctx_index],
            if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
                goto failed;

            /* merge the locations{}' loc_conf's */

             * 若定义了merge_loc_conf 方法;
             * 则进行server{}块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套location{}块配置项生成的结构体进行merge_loc_conf操作;
            clcf = cscfp[s]->ctx->loc_conf[ngx_http_core_module.ctx_index];

            rv = ngx_http_merge_locations(cf, clcf->locations,
                                          module, ctx_index);
            if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
                goto failed;


    *ctx = saved;

    return rv;

static char *
ngx_http_merge_locations(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_queue_t *locations,
    void **loc_conf, ngx_http_module_t *module, ngx_uint_t ctx_index)
    char                       *rv;
    ngx_queue_t                *q;
    ngx_http_conf_ctx_t        *ctx, saved;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t   *clcf;
    ngx_http_location_queue_t  *lq;

    if (locations == NULL) {
        return NGX_CONF_OK;

    ctx = (ngx_http_conf_ctx_t *) cf->ctx;
    saved = *ctx;

     * 若定义了merge_loc_conf 方法;
     * 则进行location{}块下create_loc_conf 生成的结构体与嵌套location{}块配置项生成的结构体进行merge_loc_conf操作;
    for (q = ngx_queue_head(locations);
         q != ngx_queue_sentinel(locations);
         q = ngx_queue_next(q))
        lq = (ngx_http_location_queue_t *) q;

        clcf = lq->exact ? lq->exact : lq->inclusive;
        ctx->loc_conf = clcf->loc_conf;

        rv = module->merge_loc_conf(cf, loc_conf[ctx_index],
        if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
            return rv;

         * 递归调用该函数;
         * 因为location{}继续内嵌location{}
        rv = ngx_http_merge_locations(cf, clcf->locations, clcf->loc_conf,
                                      module, ctx_index);
        if (rv != NGX_CONF_OK) {
            return rv;

    *ctx = saved;

    return NGX_CONF_OK;

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        在文章中 《Nginx 模块开发》,我们给出了“Hello World” 的开发例子,在这个开发例子中,我们定义了自己的配置项,配置项名称的结构体定义如下:

typedef struct  
        ngx_str_t hello_string;  
        ngx_int_t hello_counter;  
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        为了处理我们定义的配置项结构,因此,我们把 ngx_command_t 结构体定义如下:

static ngx_command_t ngx_http_hello_commands[] = {  
                offsetof(ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t, hello_string),  
                NULL },  
                offsetof(ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t, hello_counter),  
                NULL },  
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        处理方法 ngx_http_hello_stringngx_http_hello_counter 定义如下:

static char *  
ngx_http_hello_string(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf)  
        ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* local_conf;  
        local_conf = conf;  
        char* rv = ngx_conf_set_str_slot(cf, cmd, conf);  
        ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "hello_string:%s", local_conf->;  
        return rv;  
static char *ngx_http_hello_counter(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd,  
        void *conf)  
        ngx_http_hello_loc_conf_t* local_conf;  
        local_conf = conf;  
        char* rv = NULL;  
        rv = ngx_conf_set_flag_slot(cf, cmd, conf);  
        ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "hello_counter:%d", local_conf->hello_counter);  
        return rv;  
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《深入理解 Nginx 》

《nginx 启动阶段》


以上就介绍了Nginx 配置解析,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。

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