The country of Hoo Exchange is Seychelles. It is not registered in mainland China, but has registered entities in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
Hoo Exchange country of origin and mainland registration status
Country of affiliation:
Hoo Exchange is a global digital asset trading platform whose country of residence is Seychelles.
Mainland registration status:
Detailed description:
Hoo Exchange is operated by Hoo Technology Group Inc. and is headquartered in Mahe Island, Seychelles. Therefore, the country of residence of Hoo Exchange is Seychelles.
Hoo Exchange does not have any registered or operating entity in mainland China, and therefore is not considered an exchange registered in mainland China.
However, Hoo Exchange has branches in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom and is registered in these regions.
Due to the strict regulation of virtual currency trading in the United States, Hoo Exchange does not have any registered or operating entities in the United States.
To sum up, the country of residence of Hoo Exchange is Seychelles. It is not registered in mainland China, but has registered entities in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
The above is the detailed content of Hoo Exchange's country of origin and mainland registration status. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!