Why is my computer so slow when I plug in the USB flash drive?

Release: 2024-08-19 15:37:42
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After inserting the USB flash drive into the computer, the "My Computer" will appear to be stuck, which is very troublesome. PHP editor Yuzai will provide you with an in-depth analysis of this problem, help you understand the common causes of slowdowns, and provide solutions. Come and find out!

Why is my computer so slow when I plug in the USB flash drive?

1. Why is my computer so slow when I plug in the USB flash drive?

This is caused by the slow recognition process of this USB flash drive by your motherboard. Such a USB flash drive is not considered a fault, and there is nothing to be covered by the warranty. It is not wrong for JS not to repair it, but he may not be able to repair it. However, JS said "wear and tear" is an excuse to fool laymen. Only mechanical things have "wear and tear". However, your Kingston is most likely a fake, and there is no technically feasible solution. Since it is still under warranty, I suggest you find an expert to mass-produce it, make the disk 0 capacity and cannot be formatted, and then ask JS to replace it with a new one.

2. Why does my computer open so slowly when I double-click it?

Slow software is mainly due to the following situations

1 There are many startup items that need to be loaded when the computer starts, which results in slowing down the startup speed of the computer

Solution: Use the shortcut keys ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager In the startup items, close all software that is not necessary to start up.

2 The system cache is about to be full, causing the software to freeze and the system to fail to respond.

Solution: Try to completely exit the running state after using the software instead of clicking the upper right button after using it. A lot of software that can be used with a cross in the corner will run in the background by default after startup, so after using the software and confirming that it will not be used for a short period of time, completely close the software on the taskbar.

3 Nowadays, most computers do not actually need to install Computer Manager. The antivirus that comes with win10 is almost enough. Secondly, the current 360 or Tencent Defender and the like have certain bundled things, and acceleration balls may be included. When clearing the memory, it also reduces the running speed of the computer. Solution: The computer system of the subject should come with a housekeeper, so there is no need to download the computer housekeeper from the Internet. The housekeeper downloaded from the Internet not only occupies the computer memory but also takes up a lot of memory. It’s really useless except for system storage. 4. One piece of advice: Don’t install anything else except the system in the C drive. Of course, it must be installed, except for things that cannot run if it is not installed. 3. My computer starts up quickly, but runs slowly. Is it very slow to open the software?

First, use anti-virus software or optimization software to clean up files or programs such as computer junk. Second, if the above methods fail, consider hardware problems or the computer CPU temperature is too high (shut down or exit most programs and let it cool down)

Third, consider that there is a problem with the system files (reinstall the system directly)

Fourth, if the above methods do not work, consider that the aging of the hardware has caused the computer to become stuck. If this is the case, then you can only use it or directly change the computer (generally not recommended) Hardware) Consider it is caused by a system problem. You first try to see if you can enter the safe mode. If it can, check it. If it doesn't work, just reinstall the system. If it still doesn't work, consider the hardware problem. 4. The WPS table is very slow to open.

WPS The table is very slow to open

In daily office work, many people choose to use WPS tables to process data. However, as the amount of data increases, some people may encounter the problem of WPS tables opening very slowly. This situation may affect productivity, so it is necessary to find a solution.

Possible causes

There are many reasons why WPS tables open slowly, some of the common reasons include:

Excessive data volume: If the table contains a large amount of data, it will take longer to open the table. Software problems: There may be some bugs or configuration issues in the WPS software itself, causing the table to open slowly. Computer performance: If the computer performance is low, you will naturally experience lag when processing large tables.


For the problem of slow WPS table opening, you can try the following solutions:

Optimize the amount of data: If possible, try to reduce the amount of data in the table, and you can move some data to other worksheets. Reduce the burden of forms. Upgrade software version: Update WPS software to the latest version in a timely manner, fix possible bugs, and optimize performance. Clean your computer: Regularly clean your computer's junk files, optimize your system, and keep your computer's performance at its best. Close unnecessary programs: When opening a large table, try to close other unnecessary programs to release resources for the WPS software. Adjust software settings: Check the settings of the WPS software. You can try to adjust some parameters to improve the efficiency of the software.

In general, solving the problem of slow WPS table opening requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors such as data volume, software version, computer performance, etc. Through appropriate optimization and adjustment, the speed of table opening can be improved and work efficiency improved.

5. CDR opens very slow patch

For many users, using **cdr to open very slow patch** in daily work is a common problem, which not only affects work efficiency, but also makes people feel uncomfortable. Frustrated. When faced with such a situation, we need to take some measures to solve the problem.

Understand the root of the problem

First, we need to figure out why **cdr opens slow patch**. There are many possible reasons, including outdated software versions, insufficient system resources, file corruption, etc. Before you can solve the problem, you must conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem to find out the root cause.

Upgrade the software version

After confirming that the outdated software version is one of the reasons for **cdr opening slow patch**, you can consider upgrading the software version. The new version usually fixes bugs and performance issues of the old version, which can effectively improve the running speed of the software.

Optimize system resources

Sometimes insufficient system resources can also cause **cdr to open a patch that is very slow**. You can optimize the allocation of system resources by closing unnecessary background programs, cleaning up temporary files, increasing memory, etc., thereby improving the running speed of the software.

Check file integrity

In addition, file corruption may also be one of the reasons for **cdr opening slow patch**. You can resolve this issue by checking file integrity, repairing corrupted files, or re-downloading the files.

Seek professional help

If the above methods still cannot solve the problem of **cdr opening slow patch**, it is recommended to seek professional help. You can contact the technical support team of the software manufacturer, who can usually provide users with targeted solutions.


In general, **cdr opening very slow patch** is a common but troubling problem. Through the methods mentioned above, I believe everyone can effectively solve this problem and improve work efficiency and user experience.

6. What should I do if my computer is slow to open the browser?

The questioner can press ctrl+shift+esc before opening the browser to open the task manager, go to the performance tab and check the memory bar, and then open the browser. If the memory If the usage reaches more than 80%, you can consider adding 8G memory.

In addition, if you want win10 to run smoothly, it is best to install it on a solid-state drive. Using a mechanical hard drive will cause lag. Open this computer, right-click the system disk (usually the C drive) and select Properties, then go to the Tools tab and click Optimize. The Optimize Drive window will pop up. You can see whether each disk on the computer is a mechanical hard drive or a solid-state drive. If the system is installed on a mechanical hard drive and you want to replace it with a solid-state drive, you can search for partition migration online.

7. Why is my computer’s Internet speed normal but the speed of opening the webpage is very slow?

A simple troubleshooting

1. Test the ping value to see if it is higher than 100. If it is higher than 100, it means there is a problem with the router and signal, or it is used in the LAN There are too many users using it together (solution, upgrade router, change wireless password, set qos)

2. Testing with a mobile phone is normal, indicating computer problems, then the coverage is wider. Here is a brief introduction to methods to speed up computer operation. (Clean computer junk files, clean browser cache, clean junk registry files, close unnecessary services, close background tasks, clean memory, mechanical hard disk also needs to defragment files)

8. Word documents are very slow to open

Word The reason and solution for slow document opening

Drag the mouse and click on a Word document on the desktop, only to find that it takes several minutes for the document to finally open. What a frustrating thing! It not only wastes our precious time, but also greatly reduces work efficiency. So, why is our Word document opening so slowly? Is there any solution? Below, let us find out.

1. The Word document is too large

The size of the Word document is an important factor affecting the opening speed. When a document contains a lot of text, pictures, tables, and other objects, its size also increases. Therefore, if your Word document is large, it will take significantly longer to open. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the size of your document, thereby opening it faster.

First of all, you can consider deleting some unnecessary content. Analyze the document to see if there are any unnecessary paragraphs, images, or attachments. If there are any, delete them without hesitation. Additionally, you can compress images in your document, reducing their resolution and size. Through these methods, you can effectively reduce the size of the document and speed up the opening speed.

2. Plug-ins and macros

When opening a Word document, it is sometimes affected by plug-ins and macros. These additional features may cause programs to take too long to load, affecting opening speed. To solve this problem, you can disable some useless plug-ins and macros, or upgrade to the latest version of the plug-in.

In Word, you can disable plug-ins and macros by following these steps:

Click the "File" tab and select "Options" In "Add-ons" or "Macro Security", disable unnecessary plug-ins and macros Click "OK" to save Change

In this way, your Word document opening speed should be significantly improved.

3. Word program settings

In addition to problems with the document itself, the settings of the Word program may also cause the document to open slowly. There are settings that can optimize the performance of the Word program so that it opens faster.

まず、Word の自動保存機能をオフにしてみてください。この機能はデータ損失の防止に役立ちますが、多くのシステム リソースも消費します。自動保存機能をオフにすると、Word の実行速度が大幅に向上します。

2 番目に、Word の一時ファイルをクリーンアップできます。 Word では、文書を編集したり開いたりするときに一時ファイルが生成されます。これらのファイルが多すぎると、プログラムの実行速度に影響します。次の手順に従って、一時ファイルをクリーンアップできます:

[ファイル] タブをクリックして、[オプション] を選択します。 [詳細設定] オプションで、[参照] をクリックします。 「ユーザー フォルダー」内のすべてのファイルを見つけて削除します。

また、次のことを試すこともできます。 Word の表示オプションを最適化します。ページに表示される要素の数を減らすことで、ドキュメントをより速く開くことができます。この設定は [オプション] メニューにあり、ニーズに合わせて調整できます。

4. パソコンのパフォーマンス

上記の方法に加えて、パソコンのパフォーマンスも Word 文書を開く速度に影響します。コンピューターの構成が低い場合、Word の実行が難しくなり、文書を開くのが遅くなることがあります。この場合、メモリを追加したり、より高速なプロセッサに交換したりするなど、ハードウェアのアップグレードを検討できます。

さらに、システムリソースを占有している他のプログラムを閉じてみることもできます。他のプログラムが多くのメモリとプロセッサを占有すると、Word の実行速度が制限されます。したがって、Word 文書を開く前に、不要なプログラムをいくつか終了し、システム リソースを解放すると、文書を開く速度が向上することがあります。


Word 文書を開くのが遅いという問題は、私たちの仕事や勉強に多大な支障をもたらします。しかし、合理的な運用と最適化により、この問題を解決し、開く速度を向上させることができます。

まず、ドキュメントのサイズを縮小し、不要なコンテンツを削除し、画像を圧縮します。次に、不要なプラグインやマクロを無効にすると、読み込み時間を短縮できます。さらに、自動保存をオフにしたり、一時ファイルをクリーンアップしたりするなど、Word プログラムの設定を最適化すると、開く速度が速くなります。最後に、ハードウェア デバイスをアップグレードし、リソースを大量に消費する他のプログラムを終了すると、PC のパフォーマンスが向上し、ドキュメントを開く速度が向上します。

上記の解決策が Word 文書を開くのが遅いという問題を解決し、作業効率を向上させるのに役立つことを願っています。

9. オーバーウォッチを開くのが非常に遅いです

オーバーウォッチを開くのが非常に遅い: ゲームの起動が遅い問題を解決する方法

オーバーウォッチは、プレイヤーに愛され、多くのプレイヤーベースを持つチーム シューティング ゲームです。ただし、ゲームの起動時にオーバーウォッチの起動が非常に遅くなり、プレイヤーに迷惑がかかる場合があります。このブログ投稿では、オーバーウォッチの起動が遅い理由を調査し、プレイヤーがこの問題を解決するのに役立ついくつかの解決策を提供します。


ハードウェア構成が不十分: 一部のプレイヤーのコンピューターがオーバーウォッチの最小システム要件を満たしていないため、ゲームの起動が遅くなる可能性があります。 ネットワークの問題: ネットワーク接続が不安定または遅いと、ゲームの起動速度に影響します。 ゲーム ファイルの破損: オーバーウォッチ ゲーム ファイルの破損により、ゲームの起動が遅くなる場合もあります。 バックグラウンド プログラムの干渉: 一部のバックグラウンド プログラムがシステム リソースを占有し、オーバーウォッチが正常に起動できなくなる可能性があります。



1. コンピューターのハードウェアが最小システム要件を満たしているかどうかを確認します


2. ネットワーク接続を確認します


3. ゲーム ファイルを修復する

ゲーム ファイルが破損しており、オーバーウォッチの起動が遅いと思われる場合は、ゲーム クライアントを通じてファイルを修復するか、ゲームを再インストールすることで問題を解決できます。

4. バックグラウンド プログラムを閉じる

一部のバックグラウンド プログラムは、オーバーウォッチの通常の起動を妨げる可能性があります。プレイヤーは不要なバックグラウンド プログラムを閉じてシステム リソースを解放し、ゲームの起動速度を向上させることができます。


オーバーウォッチは非常に魅力的なチームシューティングゲームですが、オーバーウォッチの起動が遅いという問題は、プレイヤーのゲーム体験に影響を与える可能性があります。ハードウェア構成、ネットワーク接続、ゲーム ファイル、バックグラウンド プログラムを確認することで、プレイヤーはオーバーウォッチを開くのが遅いという問題の解決を試みることができます。上記の解決策が、プレイヤーがこの問題をうまく解決し、スムーズなゲーム体験を楽しむのに役立つことを願っています。

10. コンピューターのドキュメントを開くのが遅いという問題を解決するにはどうすればよいですか?

まず、コンピューター上で [この PC] を開き、[表示]、[オプション]、[表示] の順にクリックし、[サムネイルにファイル アイコンを表示する] チェックボックスをオフにして、最後に [適用] をクリックして [OK] をクリックします。

The above is the detailed content of Why is my computer so slow when I plug in the USB flash drive?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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