The RGB protocol is a protocol for representing colors in computers that uses values (0-255) of three channels (red, green and blue) to define the color range (gamut). The RGB protocol works by using additive color mixing to create colors, encoding to represent colors in hexadecimal codes, and is widely used in computer graphics and digital devices.
What is RGB protocol?
RGB protocol (Red Green Blue) is a protocol used to represent colors in computer graphics. It uses three basic color channels: red (R), green (G), and blue (B), each with a value between 0 and 255. By combining these channels, a wide range of colors can be created.
How the RGB protocol works:
Applications of RGB protocol:
RGB protocol is widely used in computer graphics, image editing, video production and web design. It enables computer systems to display and process colors in a precise and consistent manner.
Advantages of RGB protocol:
Limitations of the RGB protocol:
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