英[laɪk] 美[laɪk]

vt. Like; (used with would or should to express politeness) think; want; like to do

prep. (express attribute) like ; (expression) like; (asking for opinions)...how about; (expression of enumeration) such as

adj. similar; the same

n. similar people [things]; preferences ; Hobbies; (especially those regarded as not as good as someone or something) type, type

conj. as in; as if; like...; as if

adv. as; ( Informal spoken language, instead of as) the same as...; (informal spoken language, used when thinking about the next sentence, explanation or example) probably; maybe

Third person singular: likes Plural: likes Present participle: liking past Formula: liked Past participle: liked

mysql LIKE wildcard syntax

Function:Used to search for the specified pattern in the column in the WHERE clause.

Syntax:SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern

Comments:"%" is used to define wildcards (missing in the pattern letters).

mysql LIKE wildcard example

//从上面的 "Persons" 表中选取居住在以 "N" 开始的城市里的人 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE 'N%'; //从 "Persons" 表中选取居住在以 "g" 结尾的城市里的人 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '%g'; //从 "Persons" 表中选取居住在包含 "lon" 的城市里的人 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '%lon%'; //通过使用 NOT 关键字,从 "Persons" 表中选取居住在不包含 "lon" 的城市里的人 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City NOT LIKE '%lon%';