Dieses Dokument verwendetPHP-Handbuch für chinesische WebsitesFreigeben
元素用于标识计算机程序输出,通常使用浏览器缺省的 monotype 字体(例如 Lucida Console)。
内容类别 |
Flow content, phrasing content, palpable content. |
允许的内容 |
Phrasing content. |
标记遗漏 |
没有,起始和结束标签都是强制性的。 |
允许父级 |
任何接受 phrasing content.的元素。 |
允许ARIA角色 |
任何 |
DOM界面 |
HTML元素 |
The diet-tracking app said: You're not eating your veggies and that was true
The diet-tracking app said: You're not eating your veggies. and that was true.
Specification |
Status |
Comment |
HTML Living StandardThe definition of '' in that specification. |
Living Standard |
HTML5The definition of '' in that specification. |
Recommendation |
HTML 4.01 SpecificationThe definition of '' in that specification. |
Recommendation |
Feature |
Chrome |
Edge |
Firefox |
Internet Explorer |
Opera |
Safari |
Basic Support |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
1 |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
Feature |
Android |
Chrome for Android |
Edge mobile |
Firefox for Android |
IE mobile |
Opera Android |
iOS Safari |
Basic Support |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
1 |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |
(Yes) |