Können MySQL-Funktionen blind durch MySQLi-Gegenstücke ersetzt werden?

Patricia Arquette
Freigeben: 2024-10-17 15:23:02
673 Leute haben es durchsucht

Can MySQL Functions Be Blindly Replaced with MySQLi Counterparts?

Can MySQL Functions Be Directly Swapped with MySQLi?


In PHP, the use of mysql_ functions has been deprecated and later removed. Can these functions be blindly replaced with their mysqli_ counterparts throughout a project, such as replacing mysql_query() with mysqli_query()?


No, the functions are not directly interchangeable.

While MySQLi provides similar functionality to mysql_, the two sets of functions are structurally different. Simply replacing mysql_ with mysqli_ will not always work and may introduce errors.

Recommended Approach:

To safely migrate your codebase, consider the following steps:

1. Error Reporting:

Enable error reporting for mysqli_ to identify any potential issues.

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2. Connection Establishment:

Create a new connection function that saves the connection as a PHP variable, using mysqli_.

$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);
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3. Query Execution:

Use the mysqli_query() function with the connection variable as the first argument.

<code class="php">$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);</code>
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4. Result Fetching:

Retrieve the result using mysqli_fetch_assoc() in procedural code or the object-oriented method.

<code class="php">while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    // ...
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5. Connection Closure:

Close the connection using mysqli_close() (procedural) or the object-oriented method.

<code class="php">mysqli_close($mysqli);
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6. Function Conversion:

Convert all relevant functions that rely on database connections or result sets to their mysqli_ equivalents.

Remember, it's prudent to review the mysqli_ documentation for more detailed information and to verify compatibility with your specific code.

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