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Vom Verbot zur Regulierung: Der Aufstieg des nigerianischen Web3-Marktes und der Aufbau eines dynamischen Regulierungsrahmens

Freigeben: 2024-07-24 01:05:45
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Als eines der Länder mit dem am schnellsten wachsenden Web3-Markt in Afrika verfügt Nigeria über ein enormes Entwicklungspotenzial auf dem Web3-Markt. Angesichts der Instabilität des aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Umfelds suchen die Nigerianer aktiv nach neuen Möglichkeiten der Wertspeicherung. Die große, junge Bevölkerung des Landes, die neuen Technologien gegenüber aufgeschlossen ist, hat dem boomenden Kryptowährungsmarkt starke Impulse gegeben.

Nigerias Web3-Regulierungsumfeld unterliegt dynamischen Anpassungen. Im Jahr 2021 erließ die Zentralbank von Nigeria (CBN) ein Verbot der Beteiligung von Geschäftsbanken an Kryptowährungstransaktionen mit dem Ziel, die mit dem aufstrebenden Kryptowährungsbereich verbundenen Geldwäsche- und Terrorismusfinanzierungsrisiken einzudämmen. Da der Web3-Markt jedoch schnell gewachsen ist, sind neue regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen entstanden.

Im Jahr 2022 hat die Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) die „Digital Asset Offering Platform and Custody Rules“ erlassen und klare Geschäftsrichtlinien für Kryptowährungsbörsen und Depotbanken bereitgestellt. Anschließend beschloss die Regierung im Nigeria Finance Bill 2023, eine Kapitalertragssteuer von 10 % auf Kryptowährungstransaktionen zu erheben. Dieser Schritt stärkte nicht nur die Überwachung von Kryptowährungstransaktionen, sondern bestätigte indirekt auch den Status von Kryptowährungen.

Beeinflusst durch mehrere Faktoren wie unzureichende Finanzdienstleistungen, hohe Inflation, Abwertung der Landeswährung und eine junge Bevölkerung, verzeichneten Nigerias Kryptowährungseinführungs- und Handelsaktivitäten ein schnelles Wachstum. Obwohl die Zentralbank von Nigeria Kryptowährungen noch nicht als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel anerkannt hat, werden sie im Land zunehmend genutzt und gehandelt.

Obwohl die Zentralbank von Nigeria Geschäftsbanken im Jahr 2021 die Durchführung von Kryptowährungstransaktionen verbot, definierte sie die Verwendung von Kryptowährungen nicht als Straftat. Daher werden Kryptowährungen in Nigeria häufig an großen Börsen gehandelt und auch der Peer-to-Peer-Handel erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit.

Um den Kryptomarkt weiter zu regulieren, hat die Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission im Mai 2022 Vorschriften für digitale Vermögenswerte, einschließlich Kryptowährungen, innerhalb ihres Regulierungsbereichs erlassen. Diese Vorschriften klären die betrieblichen Anforderungen für Kryptowährungsbörsen und definieren den rechtlichen Status digitaler Vermögenswerte.

从禁令到监管:尼日利亚 Web3 市场的崛起与动态监管框架的构建

1. Marktstatus

Nach relevanten zuverlässigen Daten ist Nigeria führend in der Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit des Kryptowährungsmarktes in Afrika:

1. Transaktionsvolumen:

Chainalysis, eine bekannte Blockchain In einem im September 2023 veröffentlichten Bericht des Forschungsunternehmens wurde festgestellt, dass das Handelsvolumen mit Kryptowährungen in Nigeria zwischen Juli 2022 und Juni 2023 56,7 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichte, was einem Anstieg von 9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Diese bemerkenswerte Wachstumsrate übertrifft andere große afrikanische Kryptowährungsmärkte wie Südafrika, Kenia, Mauritius, Ghana und Tansania.

Außerdem betrachtet Paxful, die Peer-to-Peer-Handelsplattform für Kryptowährungen, Nigeria schon immer als seinen größten afrikanischen Markt. Im Oktober 2023 entfielen mehr als 60 % des afrikanischen Handelsvolumens von Paxful auf Nigeria, was seine Marktführerschaft weiter festigte.

2. Treiber:

(1) Wirtschaftskrise: Nigeria steht vor wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten mit einer schwachen Währung und einer hohen Inflation, was die Nigerianer dazu veranlasst hat, sich alternativen Währungen wie Bitcoin und an den USD gekoppelten Stablecoins zuzuwenden.

(2)Kryptowährungsbewusstsein: Laut einer im September gemeinsam vom amerikanischen Blockchain-Softwareunternehmen ConsenSys und dem britischen Datenanalyseunternehmen YouGov veröffentlichten Umfrage weist Nigeria mit 99 % den weltweit höchsten Grad an Kryptowährungsbewusstsein auf. Dieser Anteil übersteigt den von entwickelten Volkswirtschaften wie dem Vereinigten Königreich, den Vereinigten Staaten, Japan und Deutschland und liegt im weltweiten Durchschnitt bei 92 %.

(3)Regulierungstrends: Die jüngsten von Nigeria ergriffenen Regulierungsmaßnahmen, insbesondere die von der Zentralbank von Nigeria (CBN) herausgegebenen Richtlinien für Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP), haben, obwohl sie noch verfeinert werden, einen klaren Rahmen für Kryptowährungen geschaffen . Der Markt sorgt für ein gewisses Maß an Klarheit und fördert eine gesunde Entwicklung innerhalb eines regulatorischen Rahmens.

3. Im Vergleich zu anderen afrikanischen Märkten:

Obwohl Südafrika über eine besser entwickelte Finanzinfrastruktur und einen größeren Kryptowährungsmarkt verfügt, ist seine Wachstumsrate nicht so hoch wie die Nigerias. Darüber hinaus nimmt Kenia immer noch eine wichtige Position auf dem Kryptowährungsmarkt ein, seine Aktivität im Kryptobereich ist jedoch aufgrund regulatorischer Unsicherheiten in letzter Zeit zurückgegangen.

从禁令到监管:尼日利亚 Web3 市场的崛起与动态监管框架的构建

2. Starkes Entwicklungspotenzial

Nigeria ist bekannt für seine junge junge Bevölkerung, die sich für neue Technologien und die hohe Verbreitung von Smartphones begeistert. In Nigeria macht die junge Bevölkerung im Alter von 18 bis 34 Jahren 26,6 % der Gesamtbevölkerung aus und erreicht etwa 60,3 Millionen. Diese Zahl übersteigt sogar die Gesamtbevölkerung vieler Länder. Das Durchschnittsalter Nigerias liegt bei 17,2 Jahren und liegt damit deutlich unter dem Kontinentdurchschnitt von 19 Jahren.

This unique demographic structure provides a broad soil for encryption applications and services based on mobile technology, with huge potential. Specifically, Nigeria's advantages are reflected in the following aspects:

1. Technology acquisition capabilities: Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest smartphone penetration rate in Africa, with more than 40% of the population owning smartphones. According to Statista's forecast, this proportion will grow to 66% by 2025, or more than 140 million people. This high penetration rate makes it easier for Nigerians to accept and adopt new technologies such as cryptocurrencies.

2. High Internet usage: Nigeria has the largest Internet user base in Africa, with more than 120 million users. Widespread internet access provides young Nigerians with easy access to cryptocurrency information and participation in the cryptocurrency market.

3. Seek alternative investments: Given the high inflation rate in Nigeria (approximately 29%), people are looking for alternative investment methods that can combat inflation and achieve wealth growth. Although cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, their potential for high returns has attracted many young Nigerians .

4. Entrepreneurship: Nigerians are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risks. This makes them willing to accept and try emerging things, such as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, as potential opportunities.

Additionally, Nigeria’s young population has had the following impacts on cryptocurrency adoption:

1. Increased trading volume: Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest cryptocurrency trading volume in Africa, with young people accounting for the majority of traders Significant proportion. According to CoinMarketCap’s 2020 report on cryptocurrency adoption, the number of young cryptocurrency users in Nigeria grew by 210.6%.

2. DeFi Popularity: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications are growing in popularity among young Nigerians, who are attracted by the potential to earn passive income and participate in the permissionless financial system.

3. Growth of Crypto Startups: To cater to the needs of young crypto enthusiasts, startups in the Nigerian crypto space are booming. These startups develop innovative products and services such as cryptocurrency wallets, exchanges, and educational platforms.

从禁令到监管:尼日利亚 Web3 市场的崛起与动态监管框架的构建

3. Development of Stablecoins in Nigeria

In Nigeria’s cryptocurrency ecosystem, stablecoins are rising at a significant rate to become the investment tool of choice for retail investors.

There are several main reasons behind this phenomenon:

1. Hedging inflation: Given that Nigeria’s current inflation rate has reached a 27-year high, this issue has attracted widespread national attention. Under inflationary pressure, the low yield of traditional savings accounts has made it difficult to maintain the real value of savings. Stablecoins provide a safe haven for investors seeking to preserve the value of their assets. Especially against the backdrop of the sharp decline in the naira's exchange rate against the US dollar, which has depreciated 47% in the past 12 months, the value of stablecoins has become increasingly prominent.

2. Reduce transaction fees: Compared with more volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, stablecoins have lower transaction fees. This feature makes it more suitable for daily transactions and small payments, thus attracting a large number of retail investors.

3. Bridge to the DeFi field: Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications are reshaping the financial services landscape, allowing users to bypass intermediaries for activities such as lending, borrowing, and earning interest. Stablecoins such as Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and Binance USD (BUSD) provide Nigeriens with convenient ways to participate in these innovative financial services.

4. Easy to use and reinforced stability: Stablecoins provide a familiar experience for users who are accustomed to using traditional fiat currencies. Compared to other volatile cryptocurrencies, the price stability of stablecoins lowers the barrier to entry for new investors.

5. Cross-border payment convenience: Compared with traditional transfer methods, stablecoins can achieve faster and more economical cross-border payments. This advantage is especially important for Nigerians who need to receive remittances from abroad or conduct international business.

In view of the many advantages of stablecoins, the Nigerian government has actively promoted the development of the stablecoin market in recent years. According to a notice issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the country’s banks, fintech companies, and blockchain ventures are working together to develop a stablecoin called cNGN.

It is expected that cNGN will learn from the functional concepts of popular stablecoins such as USDT and enter the market competition. This will help it expand beyond Nigeria and drive global stablecoin trading.

With the increasing popularity of stablecoins in Nigeria, the cryptocurrency field is experiencing a climax of innovation. Startups are looking to stablecoin-based solutions to drive widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. These solutions include:

1. A payment platform based on stable coins that enables users to use stable coins to pay for goods and services, thereby broadening the application scenarios of cryptocurrency.

2. A stablecoin-powered micro-lending platform that provides micro-lending services to underbanked Nigerians to promote financial inclusion.

3. Profitable stablecoin investment products provide investors with a way to generate stable income. By holding stablecoins, investors can accumulate passive income, thus further enhancing the market appeal of stablecoins. .

4. Nigeria’s Regulatory Difficulties

As Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria has a booming cryptocurrency market. In 2022, the country ranked 11th in Chainalysis’ Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index. At the time, the Central Bank of Nigeria banned banks in the country from promoting cryptocurrency transactions.

Despite the crackdown lasting more than two years, the country jumped to second place in the 2023 Index rankings.

License Application

On June 27, 2024, the Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued an announcement stating that it has given cryptocurrency exchanges and digital asset traders 30 days to re-register their businesses, otherwise they will face Risks of Enforcement Actions.

This announcement is part of Nigeria’s plan to regulate digital asset trading. The SEC said the new registration seeks to amend its rules regarding digital asset issuance, offering platforms, exchanges and custody of virtual asset service providers (VASPs).

"All operating and potential VASPs should visit the SEC electronic portal within 30 days of the date of this circular to complete the application process," the Commission said in a statement on its website.

SEC’s move comes amid growing public scrutiny and suspicion of digital assets. Earlier this year, Nigerian authorities accused cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance of money laundering and disrupting the foreign exchange market.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recommended that Nigeria implement comprehensive regulation of the crypto industry to deal with some economic problems. Meanwhile, the Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission is exploring the tokenization space and plans to pilot a permissioned liquidity pool containing tokenized bonds and deposits.

The SEC’s new regulations mark an important step in strengthening the regulation of digital assets in the country. This not only shows Nigeria’s emphasis on the potential of the cryptocurrency market, but also reflects its determination to maintain financial order and protect investors. . Despite numerous challenges, including fiat currency devaluation and pressure in the foreign exchange market, Nigeria’s cryptocurrency market remains active.

Binance Executive Incident

The complex regulatory environment facing Nigeria’s cryptocurrency industry is complex and challenging, Earlier this year, media reports revealed that a series of incidents between Nigerian authorities and Binance were Its supervision is complex and involves the detention of two Binance executives.

The two top executives of Binance are Nadeem Anjarwalla, a British citizen who serves as Binance’s regional manager for Africa, and Tigran Gambaryan, a former IRS agent who is now the head of Binance’s Financial Crime compliance department.

The detention of Binance executives by Nigerian authorities began in February 2024. The Nigerian government accused Binance of "exchange rate manipulation" that caused the country's currency to plummet by 70%, and charged the two executives with money laundering and tax evasion before detaining them.

While traveling to Nigeria in January, Tigran received a message demanding that Binance pay $150 million in cryptocurrency within 48 hours to resolve the charges, which he interpreted as a request for a bribe from a Nigerian official.

On February 28, Nigerian authorities detained the two executives after negotiations broke down. On March 5, Binance removed the naira settlement function from its platform and withdrew all services in Nigeria. On March 22, Nadeem fled Nigeria.

On March 29, Nigeria’s anti-corruption agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, filed money laundering and related charges against Binance, Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla. On April 8, Tigran Gambaryan pleaded not guilty to five money laundering charges and was remanded to a medium-security prison. On May 24, Tigran Gambaryan collapsed in a Nigerian court and his family suspected he had malaria and a severe throat infection. Despite a court order to transfer him, he remains lodged in Kuj prison due to inadequate medical facilities.

Binance said in response that the company requires all users to undergo strict identity verification, not all transactions are related to naira, the total transaction volume should not be mistaken for actual funds flowing through the exchange, and its system will be automatically suspended To prevent manipulation, merchants who try to manipulate the market will be kicked out.
Binance CEO Richard Teng said that Tigran Gambaryan was not a decision-maker or negotiator for the company, but only acted as a functional expert in financial crimes and policy discussions, and accused Nigeria of illegally detaining Binance executives and demanding huge sums bribe. Relevant Nigerian agencies refuted and denied this statement.

As of July 2024, Tigran Gambaryan is still detained in Nigeria and his case is still pending. Binance said it is working with the Nigerian government to resolve the issue.

Balances and checks

Olayemi Cardoso, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, said that in the past year alone, $26 billion of funds flowed through Binance’s platform in Nigeria. The sources and users of these funds are cannot be adequately identified by the central bank. Bayo Onanuga, Special Advisor to the President of Nigeria, accused Binance of interfering with Nigeria’s exchange rate setting and replacing the role of the central bank.

In February this year, the Nigerian government asked the country’s telecommunications companies and other Internet service providers to block people from accessing cryptocurrency trading platforms, including websites operated by Binance, Bitcoin Base, and Kraken. In addition, okx also announced its withdrawal from the Nigerian market in July due to regulatory issues.

The Nigerian government’s regulatory policies on cryptocurrency trading are always changing and adjusting. In January this year, the Central Bank of Nigeria lifted its previous ban on cryptocurrency trading, but it continued to prohibit banks and financial institutions from independently trading or trading in virtual currencies.

At the same time, the Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission also issued a 30-day ultimatum to cryptocurrency exchanges and digital asset traders, requiring them to re-register their businesses, and made it clear that legal action will be taken for non-compliance.
The Nigerian authorities have accused exchanges such as Binance of laundering money and influencing foreign exchange, exacerbating public suspicion and concerns about crypto platforms. The cryptocurrency market itself has high risks and uncertainties, and such regulatory actions and accusations have further impacted public trust in crypto platforms.

In general, the difficulty of Nigeria’s encryption supervision is mainly reflected in how to effectively curb illegal activities using cryptocurrency while meeting some financial needs, and balancing the relationship between regulatory policies and market development. This requires the country's government to continuously explore and improve relevant regulatory measures, laws and regulations.

5. Specific regulatory policies for Web3 in Nigeria

The Nigerian government has officially approved the national blockchain policy as a key measure to promote the transformation of the digital economy. This policy aims to build an economic system with blockchain as the core to support secure transactions, data sharing, and value exchange among multiple parties (including individuals, businesses, and governments). Although the policy document has not yet been made public, the government has instructed relevant regulatory agencies, including the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to begin formulating a regulatory framework to ensure the effective deployment of blockchain technology in various sectors.

The launch of the National Blockchain Policy demonstrates Nigeria’s strong interest in blockchain technology and its high recognition of its ability to promote economic development. Nigeria has quickly become one of the most active countries in the world in adopting digital assets, and its large population has widely used cryptocurrencies in remittances, online transactions, and more.

The Nigerian government is actively embracing blockchain technology this time, aiming to take advantage of its advantages and provide corresponding regulatory policies to ensure the healthy development of blockchain technology. This is of great significance in attracting investment and promoting the development of the Nigerian blockchain ecosystem. The participation of regulatory agencies such as the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities and Exchange Commission reflects the government’s thoughtful consideration of the potential impact of blockchain technology, aiming to ensure the steady development of the market through supervision while maintaining financial stability and investor rights.

In addition, the Nigerian government plans to establish a cross-departmental steering committee to oversee the implementation of blockchain policies. The committee will play a central role in coordinating collaboration between different departments and with other stakeholders.

In May 2023, the Nigerian government once again confirmed the launch of its blockchain policy and emphasized its vision: to promote innovation and trust by building a blockchain economy to support multi-party secure transactions, data sharing and value exchange , growth and prosperity.

According to Bloomberg, the Nigeria SEC is exploring the issuance of tokenized tokens backed by equity, debt or property (non-cryptocurrencies) on approved digital asset exchanges.

To sum up, The Nigerian government has demonstrated its firm support for blockchain technology through a series of policy initiatives and hopes to promote economic growth and innovation through its application.

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