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  • How To Use PHP As A Backend Using React For Frontend
    How To Use PHP As A Backend Using React For Frontend
    Introduction Developing dynamic and interactive web apps is crucial in the dynamic and ever-changing world of web development. The speed and versatility of React, a JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces, have led to its great populari
    PHP-Tutorial 321 2024-07-17 12:49:38
  • Python : Intro
    Python : Intro
    கடந்த 08.07.2024 ஆம் தேதி கணியம் அறக்கட்டளையால் எடுக்கப்பட்ட இணைய வழி பைத்தான் அறிமுக வகுப்பில் கலந்து கொண்டேன். பைத்தான் நிரலாக்கம் மொழியானது எளிதில் புரிந்து கொள்ளக்கூடிய வகையில் உள்ளது. Applications of Python: -Scripting -to Automate the proc
    Python-Tutorial 293 2024-07-17 12:42:18
  • Custom Transcription and Clipping Pipeline
    Custom Transcription and Clipping Pipeline
    Why I did it: I was working on this project and developed a bunch of tools to get through heavy-duty data engineering components publishing cause some of them are ingenious, but mostly, so that they get swooped up by next Gemini model and get i
    Python-Tutorial 917 2024-07-17 12:40:20
  • Magic and Muscles: ETL with Magic and DuckDB with data from my powerlifting training
    Magic and Muscles: ETL with Magic and DuckDB with data from my powerlifting training
    You can acecces the full pipeline here Mage In my last post, i writed about a dashboard I builted using Python and Looker Studio, to visualize my powrlifting training data. In this post I will walk you through the step by step of a ETL (E
    Python-Tutorial 219 2024-07-17 12:39:01
  • A Simple Guide to Python Variables
    A Simple Guide to Python Variables
    Introduction to Variables A variable is like a container. Every variable has a value that has been assigned to it and whenever you use the variable the value that was assigned to it will actually be used. A variable's value can be changed dynam
    Python-Tutorial 879 2024-07-17 12:27:26
  • Editing and Updating Notes using PATCH Request Method
    Editing and Updating Notes using PATCH Request Method
    As a follow-up to creating new notes using forms and request methods, we will now explore how to edit and update existing notes in the database using the PATCH request method. When a user wants to edit a note, we need to provide a way for them to ac
    PHP-Tutorial 184 2024-07-17 12:25:51
  • Effortless HTTP Client Testing in Go
    Effortless HTTP Client Testing in Go
    Introduction As a software engineer, you are probably familiar with writing code to interact with external HTTP services. After all, it is one of the most common things we do! Whether it's fetching data, processing payments with a provider, or
    Golang 911 2024-07-17 12:24:28
  • PRINT function in python
    PRINT function in python
    13-07-2024 PRINT() function print() function is a function that allows us to output to the screen The print() function has three different uses; Single quotes (' ') Double quotes (" ") Three quotes (“”” “””)-----------for mu
    Python-Tutorial 836 2024-07-17 11:34:57
  • Segmentation and Background Removal
    Segmentation and Background Removal
    Why I did it: I was working on this project and developed a bunch of tools to get through heavy-duty data engineering components publishing cause some of them are ingenious, but mostly, so that they get swooped up by next Gemini model and get i
    Python-Tutorial 206 2024-07-17 11:12:09
  • How to Build Your Own Distributed KV Storage System Using the etcd Raft Library
    How to Build Your Own Distributed KV Storage System Using the etcd Raft Library
    Introduction raftexample is an example provided by etcd that demonstrates the use of the etcd raft consensus algorithm library. raftexample ultimately implements a distributed key-value storage service that provides a REST API. This article wi
    Golang 175 2024-07-17 10:55:18
  • Adding a User-Controlled Camera Feature To Our Python GUI Clock
    Adding a User-Controlled Camera Feature To Our Python GUI Clock
    In our previous tutorial, we built a customizable GUI clock using Python and Tkinter. Let's take it a step further by adding a camera feature that allows users to capture and save images on demand. This project will introduce you to working with came
    Python-Tutorial 342 2024-07-17 10:55:03
  • Filament PHP Blade UI Components Visually Explained
    Filament PHP Blade UI Components Visually Explained
    In addition to the awesome full-stack components that Filament PHP provides, some UI components are also available to be used independently on your Blade view files. I've been working on creating references to easily visualize these Blade UI compone
    PHP-Tutorial 399 2024-07-17 09:59:21
  • Semantic Router - Steer LLMs
    Semantic Router - Steer LLMs
    I wanted to share a project I've been working on called SemRoute, and I would love to get your feedback. SemRoute is a semantic router that uses vector embeddings to route queries based on their semantic meaning. It's designed to be flexible and easy
    Python-Tutorial 668 2024-07-17 09:41:49
  • PHP cheat sheet covering essential syntax and functions
    PHP cheat sheet covering essential syntax and functions
    Here's a comprehensive PHP cheat sheet covering essential syntax and functions: Basics
    PHP-Tutorial 176 2024-07-17 09:17:40
  • Python Loops 1
    Python Loops 1
    Hey everyone! I'm back with another new Python lesson for this week. This week we will study about loops. Loops are really important topic in any programming language. By understanding loops, you'll be able to perform tedious and long work in a matte
    Python-Tutorial 428 2024-07-17 08:54:00




HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效

HTML5 MP3音乐盒播放特效是一款基于html5+css3制作可爱的音乐盒表情,点击开关按钮mp3音乐播放器。





有机果蔬供应商网页模板 Bootstrap5




房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4


这是一款可爱的夏天元素矢量素材,包含了太阳、遮阳帽、椰子树、比基尼、飞机、西瓜、冰淇淋、雪糕、冷饮、游泳圈、人字拖、菠萝、海螺、贝壳、海星、螃蟹、柠檬、防晒霜、太阳镜等等,素材提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

四个红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材(AI+EPS+PNG)

这是一款红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材,共四个,提供了 AI 和 EPS 和免扣 PNG 等格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款由唱歌的小鸟和装满花朵的推车设计的春天 banner 矢量素材,提供了 AI 和 EPS 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款金色的毕业帽矢量素材,提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Reparaturdienste für Inneneinrichtungen

Die Website-Vorlage für Reinigungs- und Wartungsdienste für Heimdekoration ist ein Website-Vorlagen-Download, der sich für Werbewebsites eignet, die Heimdekorations-, Reinigungs-, Wartungs- und andere Dienstleistungsorganisationen anbieten. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Persönliche Lebenslauf-Leitfaden-Seitenvorlage in frischen Farben

Die Vorlage „Fresh Color Matching“ für die Lebenslauf-Leitfadenseite für persönliche Bewerbungen ist eine persönliche Webvorlage zum Herunterladen von Lebensläufen für die Jobsuche, die für einen frischen Farbabstimmungsstil geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Web-Vorlage für kreativen Job-Lebenslauf für Designer

Die Webvorlage „Designer Creative Job Resume“ ist eine herunterladbare Webvorlage für die Anzeige persönlicher Lebensläufe, die für verschiedene Designerpositionen geeignet ist. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.

Website-Vorlage eines modernen Ingenieurbauunternehmens

Die Website-Vorlage für moderne Ingenieur- und Bauunternehmen ist eine herunterladbare Website-Vorlage, die sich zur Förderung der Ingenieur- und Baudienstleistungsbranche eignet. Tipp: Diese Vorlage ruft die Google-Schriftartenbibliothek auf und die Seite wird möglicherweise langsam geöffnet.
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