This article mainly introduces Excel import and export in C#.
1. Introduction
1.1 Third-party class library: NPOI
Description: NPOI is the .NET version of the POI project, which can be used Reading and writing operations of Excel and Word.
Advantages: No need to install Office environment.
Download address:
1.2 Introduction to Excel structure
Workbook: Each Excel file can be understood as one work log.
Worksheet (Sheet): A workbook (Workbook) can contain multiple worksheets.
Row: A worksheet (Sheet) can contain multiple rows.
2. Excel import
2.1 Operation process
2.2 NPOI operation code
/// 从Excel2003取数据并记录到List集合里 /// <param name="cellHeard">单元头的Key和Value:{ { "UserName", "姓名" }, { "Age", "年龄" } };</param> /// <param name="filePath">保存文件绝对路径</param> /// <param name="errorMsg">错误信息</param> /// <returns>转换好的List对象集合</returns> private static List<T> Excel2003ToEntityList<T>(Dictionary<string, string> cellHeard, string filePath, out StringBuilder errorMsg) where T : new() { errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); // 错误信息,Excel转换到实体对象时,会有格式的错误信息 List<T> enlist = new List<T>(); // 转换后的集合 List<string> keys = cellHeard.Keys.ToList(); // 要赋值的实体对象属性名称 try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0); // 获取此文件第一个Sheet页 for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) // 从1开始,第0行为单元头 { // 1.判断当前行是否空行,若空行就不在进行读取下一行操作,结束Excel读取操作 if (sheet.GetRow(i) == null) { break; } T en = new T(); string errStr = ""; // 当前行转换时,是否有错误信息,格式为:第1行数据转换异常:XXX列; for (int j = 0; j < keys.Count; j++) { // 2.若属性头的名称包含'.',就表示是子类里的属性,那么就要遍历子类,eg:UserEn.TrueName if (keys[j].IndexOf(".") >= 0) { // 2.1解析子类属性 string[] properotyArray = keys[j].Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string subClassName = properotyArray[0]; // '.'前面的为子类的名称 string subClassProperotyName = properotyArray[1]; // '.'后面的为子类的属性名称 System.Reflection.PropertyInfo subClassInfo = en.GetType().GetProperty(subClassName); // 获取子类的类型 if (subClassInfo != null) { // 2.1.1 获取子类的实例 var subClassEn = en.GetType().GetProperty(subClassName).GetValue(en, null); // 2.1.2 根据属性名称获取子类里的属性信息 System.Reflection.PropertyInfo properotyInfo = subClassInfo.PropertyType.GetProperty(subClassProperotyName); if (properotyInfo != null) { try { // Excel单元格的值转换为对象属性的值,若类型不对,记录出错信息 properotyInfo.SetValue(subClassEn, GetExcelCellToProperty(properotyInfo.PropertyType, sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(j)), null); } catch (Exception e) { if (errStr.Length == 0) { errStr = "第" + i + "行数据转换异常:"; } errStr += cellHeard[keys[j]] + "列;"; } } } } else { // 3.给指定的属性赋值 System.Reflection.PropertyInfo properotyInfo = en.GetType().GetProperty(keys[j]); if (properotyInfo != null) { try { // Excel单元格的值转换为对象属性的值,若类型不对,记录出错信息 properotyInfo.SetValue(en, GetExcelCellToProperty(properotyInfo.PropertyType, sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(j)), null); } catch (Exception e) { if (errStr.Length == 0) { errStr = "第" + i + "行数据转换异常:"; } errStr += cellHeard[keys[j]] + "列;"; } } } } // 若有错误信息,就添加到错误信息里 if (errStr.Length > 0) { errorMsg.AppendLine(errStr); } enlist.Add(en); } } return enlist; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void ImportExcel(HttpContext context) { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); // 错误信息 try { #region 1.获取Excel文件并转换为一个List集合 // 1.1存放Excel文件到本地服务器 HttpPostedFile filePost = context.Request.Files["filed"]; // 获取上传的文件 string filePath = ExcelHelper.SaveExcelFile(filePost); // 保存文件并获取文件路径 // 单元格抬头 // key:实体对象属性名称,可通过反射获取值 // value:属性对应的中文注解 Dictionary<string, string> cellheader = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Name", "姓名" }, { "Age", "年龄" }, { "GenderName", "性别" }, { "TranscriptsEn.ChineseScores", "语文成绩" }, { "TranscriptsEn.MathScores", "数学成绩" }, }; // 1.2解析文件,存放到一个List集合里 List<UserEntity> enlist = ExcelHelper.ExcelToEntityList<UserEntity>(cellheader, filePath, out errorMsg); #endregion #region 2.对List集合进行有效性校验 #region 2.1检测必填项是否必填 for (int i = 0; i < enlist.Count; i++) { UserEntity en = enlist[i]; string errorMsgStr = "第" + (i + 1) + "行数据检测异常:"; bool isHaveNoInputValue = false; // 是否含有未输入项 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(en.Name)) { errorMsgStr += "姓名列不能为空;"; isHaveNoInputValue = true; } if (isHaveNoInputValue) // 若必填项有值未填 { en.IsExcelVaildateOK = false; errorMsg.AppendLine(errorMsgStr); } } #endregion #region 2.2检测Excel中是否有重复对象 for (int i = 0; i < enlist.Count; i++) { UserEntity enA = enlist[i]; if (enA.IsExcelVaildateOK == false) // 上面验证不通过,不进行此步验证 { continue; } for (int j = i + 1; j < enlist.Count; j++) { UserEntity enB = enlist[j]; // 判断必填列是否全部重复 if (enA.Name == enB.Name) { enA.IsExcelVaildateOK = false; enB.IsExcelVaildateOK = false; errorMsg.AppendLine("第" + (i + 1) + "行与第" + (j + 1) + "行的必填列重复了"); } } } #endregion // TODO:其他检测 #endregion // 3.TODO:对List集合持久化存储操作。如:存储到数据库 // 4.返回操作结果 bool isSuccess = false; if (errorMsg.Length == 0) { isSuccess = true; // 若错误信息成都为空,表示无错误信息 } var rs = new { success = isSuccess, msg = errorMsg.ToString(), data = enlist }; System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(js.Serialize(rs)); // 返回Json格式的内容 } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
以上就是C#编程之Excel导入、导出(源码下载) (上)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(!