Li Yanhui HTML5 video tutorial
Studying the video tutorial "Li Yanhui HTML5 Video Tutorial" will introduce you to HTML5 in detail. HTML5 is the fifth major revision of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is the latest version; it adds some new tags than the original standard. Achieve more functions, be more standardized, and be more suitable for mobile Internet.
html video
103537 person learning
40 class hour
12 hours 19 minutes 07 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 46 coursesStudent37860 Lecturer rating5.8
业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。 More>>
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"Li Yanhui HTML5 Video Tutorial" will introduce to you in detail the new elements, new features, usage specifications and differences from HTML4 in HTML5. Each lesson is equipped with detailed examples. I hope everyone can easily master the relevant knowledge of HTML5.
Li Yanhui HTML5 video tutorial
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12 hours 19 minutes 07 seconds Watch videos anytime
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