Complete form example
After the user clicks the submit button, to ensure that the field values are entered correctly, we insert a PHP script into the HTML input element. Each field is named: name, email, and website. In the textarea field in the note, we place the script between the tags.
The PHP script output values are: $name, $email, $website, and $comment variables.
Then, we also need to check the selected radio button. For this, we must set the checked attribute (not the value attribute of the radio button):
PHP - Complete form example
The following is the complete PHP form verification example code:
您输入的内容是:"; echo $name; echo "PHP 表单验证实例
* 必需字段。
"; echo $email; echo "
"; echo $website; echo "
"; echo $comment; echo "
"; echo $gender; ?>
Principle: Embed PHP script in the input tag.
If type="text", then embed value=""
If type="radio", then embed