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React video tutorial from getting started to mastering
Chapter1 JavaScript basics
1-1 introduce
1-2 How to embed script code in web pages
1-3 Comment
1-4 Variables - give things a name
1-5 Type of data - Number, Literal, True and False
1-6 Processing of text strings
1-7 Array array
1-8 Process control-if..else..
1-9 Process control-switch..
1-10 Process control-while loop
1-11 Process control-for loop
1-12 function function
1-13 define a function
1-14 function expression
1-15 variable scope
1-16 Object
1-17 create an object
1-18 array in object
1-19 Update and delete attributes in objects
1-20 Add methods to objects
1-21 Loop through the properties in the output object
1-22 DOM operation document interface
1-23 Document tree
1-24 Get the element in the document getElementById
1-25 getElementsByTagName
1-26 querySelector 与 querySelectorAll
1-27 Access an element's properties
1-28 Create and insert new nodes into the document
1-29 insertBefore - inserts a node at the specified position
1-30 Event - handle what happened
1-31 How to handle events
1-32 Handle the event that occurs using the object's event handler
1-33 addEventListener - bind events to objects
1-34 dissemination of events
1-35 Change how events are propagated
1-36 Stop propagating event
Chapter2 ECMAScript new features
2-1 Course Introduction-ECMAScript New Features
2-2 block scope-let
2-3 constant-const
2-4 Destructuring array-Array Destructuring
2-5 Destructuring objects-Object Destructuring
2-6 Template Strings-Template Strings
2-7 Tagged template string-Tagged Templates
2-8 Determine whether a string contains other strings
2-9 Default Parameter Values
2-10 Spread operator-Spread
2-11 Rest operatorRest
2-12 Destructured Parameters - Destructured Parameters
2-13 The name of the function-name attribute
2-14 Arrow Function-Arrow Functions
2-15 object expression
2-16 Object attribute name
2-17 Compare two values for
2-18 Copy the value of an object to another object - Object.assign()
2-19 Set the object's prototype - Object.setPrototypeOf()
2-20 __proto__
2-21 super
2-22 Iterators - Iterators
2-23 Generators
2-24 Classes - classes
2-25 get and set
2-26 static method-staitc
2-27 Inherit-extends
2-28 Set
2-29 Map
2-30 Module
2-31 Rename exported and imported things
2-32 Export and import default
Chapter3 React basics
3-1 React course introduction
3-2 Install React
3-3 Define components
3-4 Display - ReactDOM.render
3-5 Composite components
3-6 Properties-props
3-7 get data from dad
3-8 Get data from server
3-9 state
3-10 Update the state of a component
3-11 Events - Use events that occur on components
3-12 Get the element displayed on the browser - refs
3-13 The son gives the data to his father
3-14 Update status redisplay component
Chapter4 React routing
4-1 React Router course introduction
4-2 Install React Router
4-3 Prepare React components
4-4 Define routes
4-5 Get the parameters in the address
4-6 Index - IndexRoute
4-7 Absolute path and redirection in routing
4-8 Enter and leave - onEnter, onLeave
4-9 Query symbol - query
4-10 Component life cycle and routing
Chapter5 React Native basics
5-1 Install React Native - OS X
5-2 Configure the Android development environment
5-3 Initialize project
5-4 Run apps on Android
5-5 Project development menu
5-6 Use ES6 in your project
5-7 First introduction to the React Native project
5-8 Create and apply styles
5-9 Common styles
5-10 text style
5-11 Layout - Preparation
5-12 Layout - Flexbox
5-13 View component - View
5-14 Text component - Text
5-15 Custom text display component
5-16 Image component – Image
5-17 background image
5-18 List View – ListView
5-19 Reorganize display of list - content
5-20 Rearrange the display of the list - style
5-21 loading …
Chapter6 Advanced React Native
6-1 Organize applied styles
6-2 Organize the components of your application
6-3 Animated loading indicator - ActivityIndicatorIOS
6-4 Touch Highlight - TouchableHighlight
6-5 Tab Bar - TabBarIOS - Preparation
6-6 Items in the tab bar
6-7 Toggle display of label items
6-8 Custom tab bar
6-9 Navigation - NavigatorIOS - Preparation
6-10 Using navigation and customizing navigation styles
6-11 Detailed page of content - preparation
6-12 Content details page - implementation
6-13 Content's detailed page - Content
6-14 Content details page - loading
6-15 Content details page - text style
6-16 Display the content in the movie introduction in segments
6-17 North American box office page
Chapter7 React NativeAdvanced
7-1 Search page - preparation
7-2 Bugfix: Boolean values in properties
7-3 Text box component - TextInput
7-4 Text box style
7-5 Properties on the text box
7-6 Properties on text boxes - iOS
7-7 events on textbox
7-8 search
7-9 Show search results
7-10 Show loading indicator while waiting for search results
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