CSS basic tutorial size, font and text properties
CSS size attribute
width: element width, be sure to add px units.
height: Element height.
##CSS Font Properties
- font-size: text size. For example: font-size:14px;
- font-family: font. For example: font-family:Microsoft Yahei;
- font-style: italic, value: italic. For example: font-style:italic;
- font-weight: bold, value: bold. For example: font-weight:bold;
##CSS text property
color: text color
- text-decoration: text decoration line, values: none, underline, overline, line-through (Strikethrough)
- text-align: text horizontal alignment, values: left, center, right
- line-height: line High, you can use a fixed value or a percentage. For example: line-height:24px; line-height:150%;
- text-indent: The first line is indented. For example: text-indent:28px;
- letter-spacing: word spacing.
- The examples are as follows
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