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Issue 23_PHP Programming
Chapter1 0406-Understand PHP and its operating principles
1-1 Install PHP integrated environment and create a local site
1-2 Execute php scripts and understand PHP
1-3 URL interpretation and PHP operating principle
1-4 Simplified structure of project web1
Chapter2 0407-Elaborate on PHP variable types and application scenarios
2-1 PHP scalar type variable
2-2 PHP array types and traversal-1
2-3 PHP array types and traversal-2
2-4 Object, resource, null type - 1
2-5 Object, resource, null type - 2
Chapter3 0410-Website dynamics, constants and form processing
3-1 Dynamic processing of project pages
3-2 PHP constant knowledge
3-3 PHP variable scope
3-4 Project path constant definition
3-5 fetch API asynchronous data submission 01
Chapter4 0411-Session control and user tracking in practice
4-1 fetch API data submission and backend processing
4-2 Client cookies and application scenarios
4-3 Implementation of session tracking session
4-4 Implement user filtering and session tracking-1
4-5 Implement user filtering and session tracking-2
Chapter5 0412-Encapsulate user login, logout and registration, delimiters heredoc, nowdoc
5-1 Implement user logout
5-2 Native validation method for encapsulating form fields-1
5-3 Native validation method for encapsulating form fields-2
5-4 Request dispatcher, delimiter heredoc, nowdoc-1
5-5 Request dispatcher, delimiter heredoc, nowdoc-2
Chapter6 0413-Function parameters, return values, anonymous functions, callback functions, recursive functions
6-1 Encapsulating user request dispatcher-1
6-2 Encapsulating user request dispatcher-2
6-3 Function variable parameters, named parameters, reference parameters -1
6-4 Function variable parameters, named parameters, reference parameters-2
6-5 Anonymous functions, callback functions, recursive functions-1
6-6 Anonymous functions, callback functions, recursive functions-2
Chapter7 0414-Recursive function practice: Infinitus classification and directory deletion, string function, url function
7-1 Recursive function deletes the specified directory -1
7-2 Recursive function deletes the specified directory 2
7-3 Realizing Infinitus Classification-1
7-4 Realizing Infinitus Classification-2
7-5 Commonly used string processing functions
7-6 url series functions
Chapter8 0417-OOP classes and objects
8-1 composer installs tp6.0 framework
8-2 Classes and objects, constructors, OOP encapsulation
8-3 Register an autoloader for a class
8-4 Class inheritance and extension
8-5 PHP reloading practice
Chapter9 0418-Static members of classes, interfaces, late static binding, namespaces
9-1 Static members of classes, class references self::
9-2 Interface (polymorphism), abstract class, trait-1
9-3 Interface (polymorphism), abstract class, trait-2
9-4 Late static binding static::
9-5 Elaborate on namespace, automatic loading of classes, use reference
Chapter10 0419-mysql DDL,DML,DCL与PDO
10-1 Understanding mysql and DDL, DCL practical operation-1
10-2 Understanding mysql and DDL, DCL practical operation-2
10-3 DML operation, data table field type timestamp and datetime
10-4 Add, delete, query and modify statements for mysql data table
10-5 Meet PDO
Chapter11 0420-mysql data type and PDO preprocessing
11-1 mysql data type analysis-1
11-2 mysql data type analysis-2
11-3 PDO database connection configuration
11-4 SQL injection process
11-5 PDO preprocessing and user login verification-1
11-6 PDO preprocessing and user login verification-2
Chapter12 0421-Single case mode, encapsulated query constructor (chained query)
12-1 PDO practice: login verification process
12-2 Singleton mode to connect to the database and event delegation
12-3 1:1 imitation of Thinkphp chain query-1
12-4 1:1 imitation of Thinkphp chain query-2
12-5 1:1 imitation of Thinkphp chain query-3
Chapter13 0423-Chain update and delete query, redis static paging
13-1 Encapsulate where subquery, update, delete functions-1
13-2 Encapsulate where subquery, update, delete functions-2
13-3 Pagination principles and practice
13-4 Use layui-laypage to implement paging function
13-5 Redis data cache does static paging-1
13-6 Redis data cache does static paging-2
Chapter14 0424-composer automatic loading, mvc architecture pattern idea
14-1 Improve redis static paging
14-2 MVC architecture ideas and business processes
14-3 Detailed explanation of composer automatic loading
14-4 composer installs verification code package
14-5 Install and test third-party models and view base classes
Chapter15 0425-thinkphp framework startup process and routing mapping
15-1 TP framework startup process and routing mapping-1
15-2 TP framework startup process and routing mapping-2
15-3 TP framework startup process and routing mapping-3
15-4 Routing mapping solution and MVC business process analysis-1
15-5 Routing mapping solution and MVC business process analysis-2
Chapter16 0426-tp view-controller-model relationship, file upload
16-1 tp view-controller-model process analysis-1
16-2 tp view-controller-model process analysis-2
16-3 Content-type common values
16-4 PHP single and multiple file upload
Chapter17 0427-LAYUI+TP6 image upload, curl extension
17-1 Practical combat: layui+tp6 processing image upload
17-2 Practical combat: adding new singers
17-3 Refresh and verify verification code
17-4 Use of Baidu plug-in webuploader
17-5 Curl server requests interface data
Chapter18 0504-wordpress theme installation and use
18-1 WordPress configuration, article publishing, Infinitus classification-1
18-2 WordPress configuration, article publishing, Infinitus classification-2
18-3 Theme and plug-in installation, fixed url link setting-1
18-4 Theme and plug-in installation, fixed url link setting-2
18-5 Customized theme, site logo and icon settings, navigation settings
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0421 source code
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