XHTML is HTML written in XML format.

What is XHTML?

XHTML refers to Extensible Hypertext Markup Language

XHTML is almost the same as HTML 4.01

XHTML is more strict A purer version of HTML

XHTML is HTML defined in the form of XML applications

XHTML is a W3C recommendation standard released in January 2001

XHTML is available in all major browsers Support

Why use XHTML?

Many pages on the Internet contain "bad" HTML.

If viewed in a browser, the following HTML code runs perfectly fine (even though it does not follow HTML rules):

This is an irregular HTML

Irregular HTML

This is a paragraph

XML is a markup language that must be correctly marked up and well-formed.

If you want to learn XML, read our XML tutorial.

There are a number of different browser technologies in today’s tech world. Some of them run on computers, while others may run on mobile phones or other small devices. Small devices often lack the resources and capabilities to interpret "bad" markup languages.

So - XHTML was developed by combining the best of XML and HTML. XHTML is HTML redesigned as XML.

The most important difference compared to HTML:

Document structure

XHTML DOCTYPE is mandatory

XML namespace attribute in are mandatory

, , and <body> are also mandatory</p> <p>Element syntax</p> <p>XHTML elements are required Correct nesting</p> <p>XHTML elements must always be closed</p> <p>XHTML elements must be lowercase</p> <p>XHTML documents must have a root element</p> <p>Attribute syntax</p> <p>XHTML attributes must be in lower case</p> <p>XHTML attribute values must be surrounded by quotes</p> <p>XHTML attribute minimization is also prohibited</p> <p><!DOCTYPE ....> is mandatory Sexual</p> <p>XHTML documents must carry an XHTML document type declaration (XHTML DOCTYPE declaration).</p> <p>You can find the complete XHTML document type in the Tag Reference Manual of the Rookie Tutorial. The</p> <p><html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> elements must also be present, and the xml namespace must be specified for the document using the xmlns attribute in <html>.</p> <p><strong>XHTML elements must be nested reasonably</strong></p> <p>In HTML, some elements do not need to be nested within each other, like this:</p> <p><b><i>Bold and italic text</b></i></p> <p>In XHTML, all elements must be properly nested within each other, like this:</p> <p><b><i>Bold and italic text</i></b></p> <p><strong>XHTML elements must have a closing tag</strong></p> <p>Incorrect example:</p> <p><p>This is a paragraph<p>This is another paragraph</p> <p>Correct example:</p> <p><p>This is A paragraph</p><p>This is another paragraph</p></p> <p><strong>Empty elements must contain closing tags</strong></p> <p>Error example:</p> <p>Branch:<br>Horizontal line: <hr>Image: <img src="happy.gif" alt="Happy face"></p> <p>Correct example:</p> <p>Branch:<br />Horizontal line: <hr />Image: <img src="happy.gif" alt="Happy face" /></p> <p><strong>XHTML element required is lowercase</strong></p> <p>Incorrect example:</p> <p><BODY><P>This is a paragraph</P></BODY></p> <p>Correct example :</p> <p><body><p>This is a paragraph</p></body></p> <p><strong>Attribute names must be lowercase</strong></p> <p>Incorrect example:</p> <p><table WIDTH="100%"></p> <p>Correct example:</p> <p><table width="100%"></p> <p><strong>Attribute values must have quotation marks</strong></p> <p>Incorrect example:</p> <p><table width=100%></p> <p>Correct example:</p> <p><table width="100%"></p> <p>Attribute abbreviation not allowed</p> <p>Error example:</p> <p><input checked><input readonly> <input disabled><option selected></p> <p>Correct example:</p> <p><input checked="checked"><input readonly="readonly"><input disabled= "disabled"><option selected="selected"></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>How to convert HTML to XHTML</strong></p> <p>Add a XHTML <!DOCTYPE> Go to your web page</p> <p>Add the xmlns attribute to the html element of each page.</p> <p>Change all elements to lowercase</p> <p>Close all empty elements</p> <p>Change all attribute names to lowercase</p> <p>Add quotation marks to all attribute values</p> <p><br></p> </div> </div> <a class="course-btn course_code_header_next" href="//">Continuing Learning</a> </div> <div class="layui-col-md6 editor-box"> <div id="code_spread_shrink"> <div id="code_spread_shrink_show" unselectable="on"> <span>||</span> </div> </div> <div class="editor-tab js-editor-tab"> <div class="editor-left icon-left editor-op"></div> <div class="editor-view"> <ul class="clearfix" id="J_TabType" style="width: 120px; margin-left: 0px;"> <li class="ui-tabs-active"><a href="javascript:;">new file</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="editor-right icon-right editor-op"></div> </div> <div id="editor-tabs-html" data-filename="index.html" data-lang="php" style="font-size: 16px;height:600px"> <html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <body> hello xhtml </body> </html> </div> <div class="editor-btn"> <div class="editor-btn-inner"> <a href="javascript:;" class="code-btn-submit" id="J_Commit" title="submit">submit</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="code-btn-reset " id="J_EditorReset" title="Reset Code">Reset Code</a> <div class="aotorun" style="display: block;"> <input type="checkbox" id="aotoruncheck" title="If selected, modifying the code will automatically take effect. 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