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HTML+CSS Quick Start
Chapter1 Understand the big front-end and prepare for learning
1-1 vscode installation configuration-detailed explanation of commonly used plug-ins (subtitled version)
1-2 If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools webStorm installation
1-3 Program categories that front-end programmers can develop
1-4 How to distinguish between H5, WEB front-end, big front-end, and WEB full stack?
Chapter2 Commonly used tags and attributes in HTML
2-1 HTML Hypertext Markup Language - Where is the hyper?
2-2 HTML main structure and related tags
2-3 HTML hexadecimal color values and comments
2-4 Use of HTML entity characters
2-5 Analysis of common tags in the head tag
2-6 Text and text format tags in body
2-7 H5 newly upgraded text format tags
2-8 Semantic tags and list layout tags
2-9 Path and jump issues that need to be paid attention to in a tags
2-10 Examples to explain multimedia tags
2-11 Memory skills for front-end massive tags
2-12 Complete explanation of markdown syntax
2-13 Elaborate on the table tag
2-14 Comprehensive analysis of elements related to form forms - Part 1
2-15 Comprehensive analysis of elements related to form forms-Part 2
2-16 Use of inline tag iframe
Chapter3 Stop streaking and enter the world of CSS
3-1 Entering the world of css--several ways to reference css
3-2 css selector--basic selector analysis
3-3 css selector--hierarchical selector analysis
3-4 css selector--analysis of structural pseudo-class selector--Part 1
3-5 css selector--analysis of structural pseudo-class selector--Part 2
3-6 css status pseudo-class selector and selector priority
3-7 css-font font property
3-8 css-text text property
3-9 css--background background property
3-10 Class summary and chapter assignments
Chapter4 CSS style and layout control
4-1 CSS width and height dimensions properties
4-2 CSS navigation list properties
4-3 CSS positioning property--fixed
4-4 CSS positioning property--relative positioning relative
4-5 The relationship between relative positioning and absolute positioning--Part 1
4-6 The relationship between relative positioning and absolute positioning--Part 2
4-7 CSS layout properties control the hiding and display of elements
4-8 CSS controls div to float left and right
4-9 Standard box model combined with floats
4-10 How to solve the problem of overlapping div margins
4-11 The relationship between box size and inner and outer margins and borders
4-12 The box-sizing attribute solves the problem of box wrapping
4-13 Flexible box model--flexible box layout
4-14 Telescopic box realizes multi-level navigation linkage
Chapter5 Practical definition of layout framework file
5-1 In-depth analysis of flexible box model attribute settings-Part 1
5-2 In-depth analysis of flexible box model attribute settings-Part 2
5-3 Page layout analysis of corporate website
5-4 Define the underlying style file of the framework
5-5 Set the flexible layout public style of the frame
5-6 Set the frame's border public style
5-7 Set the margin public style of the frame
5-8 Set other public styles of the frame
5-9 Introducing public style rounded borders into the project
5-10 How to introduce iconfont font icon into the project
5-11 Practical combat--define the header public template file
5-12 Practical combat--define elegant search box style
5-13 Practical combat - setting the style, background and center alignment of font icons
5-14 Practical combat--Set the basic style of nav navigation bar
Chapter6 Actual animation and public head
6-1 Text shadow and background color radial gradient
6-2 CSS implements box conversion and transition effects
6-3 Practical combat--css animation effects and animation carousel-Part 1
6-4 Practical combat--css animation effects and animation carousel-Part 2
6-5 Practical combat - css3 implements navigation underline animation effect using pseudo classes
6-6 Practical combat--implementing secondary menu styles and animation effects
6-7 Practical combat--implementing sidebar fixed effect-Part 1
6-8 Practical combat--implementing sidebar fixed effect-Part 2
6-9 Practical combat--implementing the style layout of the bottom footer
6-10 Practical combat--realizing the effect of product navigation on the home page
6-11 Practical combat - the header layout of the product display area
6-12 Practical combat--Style layout of product cards-Part 1
6-13 Practical combat--Complete the animation effect of product cards
6-14 Practical combat--Style layout of product cards-Part 2
Chapter7 List page and details page of actual combat
7-1 Practical combat - Complete the style layout of breadcrumb navigation
7-2 Practical combat--complete the animation effect of product sorting-Part 1
7-3 Practical combat--Complete the animation effect of product sorting-Part 2
7-4 Practical combat--Complete the style layout of the product list page
7-5 Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area
7-6 Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area 02
7-7 Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area 03
7-8 Practical combat - style layout of product details 01
7-9 Practical combat - style layout of product details 02
7-10 Practical combat-Guess you like the style layout of the area
Chapter8 Practical shopping cart and order page
8-1 Mall shopping cart style layout 01
8-2 Mall shopping cart style layout 02
8-3 Mall shopping cart style layout 03
8-4 Order preview page--receipt information style layout
8-5 Order preview page--payment method style layout
8-6 Order preview page--Order content style layout 01
8-7 Order preview page--Order content style layout 02
8-8 Structural analysis of the mall personal center page
8-9 Order page and @media query-up
8-10 Order page and @media query - next
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