PHP development corporate website tutorial to add products
Let’s take a look at the code for adding a page:
It’s nothing to add this piece, it’s mainly the html code. Pay attention to uploading files. We need to write enctype="multipart/form-data"# in the form. ##This is a code that is necessary to upload files
$maxsize) { exit("上传文件过大!"); } if (!in_array($ext, $allowExt)) { exit("非法文件类型"); } if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { exit("上传方式有误,请使用post方式"); } //判断是否为真实图片(防止伪装成图片的病毒一类的 if (!getimagesize($tmp_name)) {//getimagesize真实返回数组,否则返回false exit("不是真正的图片类型"); } //move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "uploads/".$filename); if (@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $destination)) {//@错误抑制符,不让用户看到警告 echo "文件".$filename."上传成功!"; }else{ echo "文件".$filename."上传失败!"; } }else{ switch ($error){ case 1:echo "超过了上传文件的最大值,请上传2M以下文件";break; case 2:echo "上传文件过多,请一次上传20个及以下文件!";break; case 3:echo "文件并未完全上传,请再次尝试!";break; case 4:echo "未选择上传文件!";break; case 7:echo "没有临时文件夹";break; } } $title = $_POST['title']; $imagename = $uniName; $price = $_POST['price']; $goodtime = time(); $sql = "insert into `product`(title,imgname,price,goodtime) values('$title','$imagename','$price','$goodtime')"; $res = mysql_query($sql); if($res){ echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } ?>Here is the uploaded file After processing, and then adding it, if the uploaded file is not a legal file, an error message
will be prompted.