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Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Introduction to react
1-2 helloreact case
1-3 Two ways to create virtual DOM
1-4 Virtual DOM and real DOM
1-5 jsx syntax rules
1-6 jsx small exercises
1-7 Components and modules
1-8 Installation of developer tools
1-9 Functional components
1-10 Review related knowledge
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 class component
2-2 understanding of state
2-3 Initialize state
2-4 Event binding in react
2-5 this in the method in the class
2-6 Solve the problem of this pointing in the class
2-7 Use of setState
2-8 abbreviation for state
2-9 summarize state
2-10 Basic usage of props
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Pass props in batches
3-2 Limit props
3-3 abbreviation for props
3-4 Constructors and props in class components
3-5 Functional components use props
3-6 Summary props
3-7 ref in string form
3-8 ref in callback form
3-9 Problem with the number of calls in callback ref
3-10 Use of createRef
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 summaryref
4-2 Event handling in react
4-3 uncontrolled components
4-4 controlled components
4-5 Function currying of higher-order functions
4-6 Writing without currying
4-7 Lead life cycle
4-8 Life cycle (old) component mounting process
4-9 Life cycle (old) setState process
4-10 Lifecycle (old) forceUpdate process
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 Life cycle (old) parent component render process
5-2 Summary life cycle (old)
5-3 Compare old and new life cycles
5-4 getDerivedStateFromProps
5-5 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
5-6 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate example
5-7 Summary life cycle (new)
5-8 DOM diffing algorithm
5-9 Initialize react scaffolding
5-10 Scaffolding file introduction public
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Scaffolding file introduction src
6-2 A simple Hello component
6-3 Modularity of style
6-4 Installation of react plug-in in vscode
6-5 Component coding process
6-6 TodoList case static component
6-7 TodoList case dynamic initialization list
6-8 TodoList case adds todo
6-9 TodoList case mouse move into effect
6-10 TodoList case adds a todo
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 TodoList case limits props
7-2 TodoList case deletes a todo
7-3 TodoList case implements bottom function
7-4 TodoList case summary TodoList case
7-5 Scaffolding configuration agent method 1
7-6 Scaffolding configuration agent method 2
7-7 github search case static components
7-8 github search case axios send request
7-9 Github search case display data
7-10 github search case completion case
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 Message subscription and publishing technology pubsub
8-2 fetch sends request
8-3 Summary of github search cases
8-4 Understanding of SPA applications
8-5 Understanding of routing
8-6 Front-end routing principle
8-7 Basic usage of routing
8-8 Routing components and general components
8-9 Use of NavLink
8-10 Encapsulating NavLink components
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 Use of Switch
9-2 Solve the problem of style loss
9-3 Fuzzy matching and strict matching of routes
9-4 Use of Redirect
9-5 Nested routing
9-6 Pass params parameters to routing components
9-7 Pass search parameters to routing components
9-8 Pass the state parameter to the routing component
9-9 Summary routing parameters
9-10 push and reply
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 Programmatic route navigation
10-2 Use of withRouter
10-3 BrowserRouter and HashRouter
10-4 Basic use of antd
10-5 On-demand introduction of antd style
10-6 antd custom theme
10-7 Introduction to redux
10-8 redux workflow
10-9 Pure react version of summation case
10-10 Sum case redux lite version
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 Sum case redux full version
11-2 Asynchronous action version of summation case
11-3 Understanding of react-redux
11-4 Connect container components and UI components
11-5 Basic usage of react-redux
11-6 Optimization 1 abbreviation mapDispatch
11-7 Optimize the use of 2Provider component
11-8 Optimization 3 Integrate UI components and container components
11-9 Data sharing and writing Person components
11-10 Data sharing and writing the reducer of the Person component
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 Data sharing completes data sharing
12-2 pure function
12-3 redux developer tools
12-4 final version
12-5 Project package and run
12-6 Extend 1setState
12-7 Extension 2lazyLoad
12-8 Extend 3stateHook
12-9 Extend 4EffectHook
12-10 Extend 5RefHook
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Extend 6Fragment
13-2 Extend 7Context
13-3 Extend 8PureComponent
13-4 Extend 9renderProps
13-5 Extend 10ErrorBoundary
13-6 Summary of communication methods between components
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