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Vue2.0+Vue3.0 full set of video tutorials
Chapter1 Chapter One
1-1 Course Introduction
1-2 Introduction to Vue
1-3 Vue official website user guide
1-4 Build a Vue development environment
1-5 Hello small case
1-6 Analyze Hello case
1-7 Template syntax
1-8 data binding
1-9 Two ways of writing el and data
1-10 Understanding MVVM
Chapter2 Chapter two
2-1 Object.defineProperty
2-2 Understanding data brokers
2-3 Data proxies in Vue
2-4 event handling
2-5 event modifier
2-6 Keyboard events
2-7 event summary
2-8 Name case
2-9 Computed properties
2-10 Computed property_abbreviation
Chapter3 third chapter
3-1 Weather case
3-2 Monitor properties
3-3 deep surveillance
3-4 abbreviation for surveillance
3-5 watch vs computed
3-6 Bind class style
3-7 Bind style style
3-8 Conditional rendering
3-9 List rendering
3-10 Key function and principle
Chapter4 Chapter Four
4-1 list filter
4-2 List sorting
4-3 A problem when updating
4-4 The principle of Vue monitoring data_object
4-5 Vue.set() method
4-6 The principle of Vue monitoring data_array
4-7 Summarizing Vue monitoring data
4-8 Collect form data
4-9 filter
4-10 v-text directive
Chapter5 chapter Five
5-1 v-html directive
5-2 v-cloak directive
5-3 v-once directive
5-4 v-pre directive
5-5 Custom instruction_functional
5-6 Custom instruction_object type
5-7 Custom Instructions_Summary
5-8 Lead life cycle
5-9 Life cycle_mounting process
5-10 Life cycle_update process
Chapter6 Chapter Six
6-1 Life cycle_destruction process
6-2 Life cycle_Summary
6-3 understanding of components
6-4 non-single file component
6-5 Several points to note about components
6-6 Nesting of components
6-7 VueComponent constructor
6-8 Vue instances and component instances
6-9 an important built-in relationship
6-10 single file component
Chapter7 Chapter VII
7-1 Create Vue scaffolding
7-2 Analyze scaffolding structures
7-3 render function
7-4 Modify default configuration
7-5 ref attribute
7-6 props configuration
7-7 mixin inclusion
7-8 plug-in
7-9 scoped style
7-10 TodoList case_static
Chapter8 chapter eight
8-1 TodoList case_initialization list
8-2 TodoList case_add
8-3 TodoList case_check
8-4 TodoList case_delete
8-5 TodoList case_bottom statistics
8-6 TodoList case_bottom interaction
8-7 TodoList Case_Summary
8-8 Browser local storage
8-9 TodoList_local storage
8-10 Component custom event_binding
Chapter9 Chapter nine
9-1 Component custom event_unbinding
9-2 Component Custom Event_Summary
9-3 TodoList case_custom event
9-4 Global event bus 1
9-5 Global event bus 2
9-6 TodoList case_event bus
9-7 Message subscription and publishing_pubsub
9-8 TodoList case_pubsub
9-9 TodoList case_edit
9-10 $nextTick
Chapter10 chapter Ten
10-1 Animation effects
10-2 excessive effect
10-3 Excessive elements
10-4 Integrate third-party animations
10-5 Summary transition and animation
10-6 Configure proxy_Method 1
10-7 Configure proxy_Method 2
10-8 github case_static component
10-9 github case_list display
10-10 github case_perfect case
Chapter11 Chapter 11
11-1 vue-resource
11-2 Default slot
11-3 named slot
11-4 scope slot
11-5 Introduction to Vuex
11-6 Summing case_pure vue version
11-7 Vuex working principle diagram
11-8 Build Vuex environment
11-9 Summing case_vuex version
11-10 Use of vuex developer tools
Chapter12 Chapter 12
12-1 getters configuration items
12-2 mapState and mapGetters
12-3 mapActions and mapMutations
12-4 Sharing data between multiple components
12-5 vuex modular+namespace_1
12-6 vuex modularity+namespace_2
12-7 Introduction to routing
12-8 Basic usage of routing
12-9 Several points to note
12-10 Nested routing
Chapter13 Chapter 13
13-1 Route query parameters
13-2 named route
13-3 Route params parameters
13-4 Routing props configuration
13-5 replace attribute of router-link
13-6 Programmatic route navigation
13-7 cache routing component
13-8 Two new lifecycle hooks
13-9 Global prefix_routing guard
13-10 Global Post_Route Guard
Chapter14 Chapter 14
14-1 Exclusive route guard
14-2 Intra-component route guard
14-3 history mode and hash mode
14-4 Basic use of element-ui
14-5 element-ui is introduced on demand
14-6 Introduction to vue3
14-7 Create a project using vue-cli
14-8 Create a project using vite
14-9 Analyze engineering structures
14-10 Install developer tools
Chapter15 Chapter 15
15-1 First acquaintance with setup
15-2 ref function_process basic types
15-3 ref function_process object type
15-4 reactive function
15-5 Review the responsiveness principle of Vue2
15-6 Vue3 responsive principle_Proxy
15-7 Vue3 responsive principle_Reflect
15-8 reactive vs ref
15-9 Two points to note about setup
15-10 computed computed properties
Chapter16 Chapter 16
16-1 watch monitors the data defined by ref
16-2 watch monitors data defined by reactive
16-3 Problem with value during watch
16-4 watchEffect function
16-5 Vue3 life cycle
16-6 Custom hook
16-7 toRef and toRefs
16-8 shallowReactive与shallowRef
16-9 readonly与shallowReadonly
16-10 toRaw and markRaw
Chapter17 Chapter 17
17-1 customRef
17-2 provide and inject
17-3 Judgment of responsive data
17-4 Advantages of CompositionAPI
17-5 Fragment component
17-6 Teleport component
17-7 Suspense component
17-8 Other changes in Vue3
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