PHP infinite classification drop-down list classification (Part 2)

"; foreach ($rs as $key=>$val){ echo ""; } echo'' ?>


Beautify the obtained data to get the above picture style, which is infinite classification.

For the convenience of future calls, we encapsulate the recursive function.

"; foreach ($rs as $key=>$val){ $selectedstr=''; if ($val['id'] == $selected){ $selectedstr="selected"; } $str.="{$val['catename']}"; } return $str.=''; } echo displayCate(0,2); ?>

This completes our infinite category list style.

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"; foreach ($rs as $key=>$val){ $selectedstr=''; if ($val['id'] == $selected){ $selectedstr="selected"; } $str.="{$val['catename']}"; } return $str.=''; } echo displayCate(0,2); ?>
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