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Issue 14_Front-end development
Chapter1 1208-Front-end development environment and htm basics
1-1 Build an efficient front-end development environment 1
1-2 Build an efficient front-end development environment 2
1-3 Text link anchors and images
1-4 Text link anchor and image 1
Chapter2 1209-Lists, tables, forms and frames
2-1 Details of lists and tables
2-2 Detailed list and table 1
2-3 Describe forms and common controls in detail
2-4 Describe forms and common controls in detail
Chapter3 1210-Introduction to Inline Architectural Elements and CSS
3-1 Principles and Applications of Inline Frame Elements
3-2 Principles and Applications of Inline Frame Elements 1
3-3 css terminology and priority
3-4 css terminology and priority 1
Chapter4 1215-css introduction method and selector
4-1 CSS introduction method and modular programming
4-2 Common selectors and application analysis
4-3 Commonly used selectors and application analysis 1
Chapter5 1216-Elaborate on selector priority and attribute abbreviation
5-1 Elaborating on selector priority
5-2 Elaborating on selector priority 1
5-3 Introduction using compound attributes and abbreviations
5-4 Introduction to compound attributes and abbreviations 1
Chapter6 1217-Elaborate on em/rem/vh/vw and responsive layout
6-1 Detailed examples of em/rem and responsive layout
6-2 Detailed example of em/rem and responsive layout 1
6-3 vh/vw/css variables
Chapter7 1218-Box model and alignment
7-1 Detailed explanation of box model types
7-2 Detailed explanation of box model types 1
7-3 Introduction to commonly used element alignments
7-4 Introduction to commonly used element alignments 1
Chapter8 1221-Floating positioning and flex preliminary
8-1 Application and practice of floating and positioning
8-2 Application and practice of floating and positioning 1
8-3 Preliminary introduction to flex (intensive lecture the next day)
Chapter9 1222-Detailed explanation of common attributes of flex elements
9-1 Flex usage scenarios and terminology introduction
9-2 Flex usage scenarios and terminology introduction 1
9-3 Detailed explanation of common properties of containers and projects
9-4 Detailed explanation of common properties of containers and projects 1
Chapter10 1223- Practical combat: APP homepage layout
10-1 The overall layout and navigation area of’s mobile homepage
10-2 The overall layout and navigation area of’s mobile homepage 1
10-3 The style of the footer of flash sale area and recommendation area
Chapter11 1224- Basic knowledge of Grid layout
11-1 grid common properties 1
11-2 grid common attributes 2
11-3 Grid common attributes 3
Chapter12 1225-grid actual combat
12-1 Project Alignment and Practice
12-2 Project Alignment and Practice
12-3 homepage quick layout real media query principle
12-4 homepage quick layout real media query principle 1
Chapter13 0104-JS variables and function basics
13-1 JS variable and function basics 1
13-2 JS variable and function basics 2
13-3 JS variable and function basics 3
Chapter14 0105-JS Object and Process Control
14-1 Template literals and destructuring assignment
14-2 Template literals and destructuring assignment 1
14-3 Accessor properties and branch control
14-4 Accessor properties and branch control 1
Chapter15 0106-Prototype/Class and DOM Operations
15-1 Loops, iterations, prototypes, classes and continuation
15-2 Loops, iterations, prototypes, classes and continuation 1
15-3 Common operations of dom
Chapter16 0107-Events and common functions
16-1 Event mechanism and common events of forms
16-2 Event mechanism and common events in forms 1
16-3 Message board and string common functions
Chapter17 0108-Array/JSON/AJAX/cross-domain
17-1 Detailed description of arrays and JSON
17-2 Detailed description of arrays and JSON1
17-3 Ajax requests and cross-domain skills
17-4 Ajax requests and cross-domain skills 1
Chapter18 0111 - Classic practical case of native JS
18-1 Select card, skin change and image lazy loading
18-2 Select card, skin change and lazy loading of pictures 1
18-3 Select card, skin change and lazy loading of pictures 2
18-4 Principle and implementation of carousel chart
Chapter19 0112-jQuery Programming Basics 1
19-1 Detailed explanation of factory function $() and common terms
19-2 Detailed explanation of factory function $() and common terms 1
19-3 Introduction to commonly used getter/setter methods
19-4 Introduction to commonly used getter/setter methods 1
Chapter20 0113-jQuery common DOM operations and Ajax
20-1 jQuery commonly used DOM operations and practical combat
20-2 jQuery commonly used DOM operations and practical combat 1
20-3 Ajax and jsonp cross-domain implementation in jQuery
Chapter21 0114-Shopping cart practice and ES6 modular technology
21-1 Practical case: Shopping cart full selection and automatic calculation
21-2 Practical case: Shopping cart full selection and automatic calculation 1
21-3 Common module operations in ES6
Chapter22 0115-Vue basics and common instructions introduction
22-1 vue common instructions 1
22-2 vue common instructions 2
22-3 vue common instructions 3
Chapter23 0118-Vue common instructions introduction
23-1 key, conditional rendering and keyboard modifiers, etc.
23-2 key, conditional rendering and keyboard modifiers, etc. 1
23-3 Lifecycle, computed properties and detector properties
Chapter24 0119-Knowledge of components
24-1 Component types and data transfer methods
24-2 Component types and data transfer methods 1
24-3 Two-way data binding between child component and parent binding
24-4 Two-way data binding between child component and parent binding 1
Chapter25 0120-vue routing principle and implementation
25-1 Hash-based routing principle and implementation
25-2 Hash-based routing principle and implementation 1
25-3 Historical object implementation front-end routing principle and course summary 1
25-4 Historical object implementation front-end routing principle and course summary
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1208 source code
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1209 source code
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1210 source code
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1215 source code
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1216 source code
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1217 source code
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1218 source code
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1221 source code
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1222 source code
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1223 source code
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
1224 source code
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
1225 source code
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0104 source code (14 issues)
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0105 source code (14 issues)
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0106 source code (14 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
0107 source code (14 issues)
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0108 source code (14 issues)
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0111 source code (14 issues)
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0112 source code (14 issues)
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0113 source code (14 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
0114 source code (14 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
0115 source code (14 issues)
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0118 source code (14 issues)
Belongs to chapter:Issue 14_Front-end development
0119 source code (14 issues)
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0120 source code (14 issues)
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