PHP file handling

PHP has a variety of functions for creating, reading, uploading, and editing files.

Attention: Please handle files with caution!

You must be very careful when you manipulate files. If you do it incorrectly, you can cause very serious damage.

Common mistakes are:

1. Edit the wrong file

2. Fill the hard drive with junk data

3. Accidental deletion of file content

PHP readfile() function

readfile($file name)

Function: Pass in a file path and output a file

For example, there is a file named file.txt with the following content

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Use The PHP code for the readfile() function to read this file and write it to the output stream is as follows (if the read is successful, the readfile() function returns the number of bytes):

Number of bytes: English Occupies one byte, gbk encoded Chinese occupies 2 utf-8 Chinese occupies 3 byte, spaces and symbols occupy 1 byte

Program operation result:

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file_get_contentsOpen the file

above Just open the file and it will be output directly. Is there any operation method that can be assigned to a variable after opening the file?

PHP will certainly provide this method. This method is one of the ways PHP opens a file and returns the content. Let’s take a look at the function:

file_get_contents(string filename)

Function: Pass in a file or file path, open the file and return the contents of the file. The content of the file is a string.

For example, there is a file.txt file with the following content:

I use the file_get_contents open

Use file_get_contents to open

Program running result:

I use the file_get_contents open

fopen, fread, fclose operations read files

# #fopen($file name, mode)

fread($operation resource, read length)

fclose($Operation Resource)

Through the above function, we will explain the usual operation methods of resource types:

1. Open the resource

2. Use related functions to operate

3. Close the resource

fopenThe function of the fopen function is to open a file. There are two main parameters:

1. The path to open the file

2. The mode to open the file

The resource type requires other functions. operate this resource. All resources must be closed when they are opened.

freadFunction The function of the function is to read the open file resource. Read the file resource of the specified length, read part of it and move part backward. to the end of the file.

fcloseFunction The function of the fclose function is to close resources. Resources are opened and closed.

fopen mode (table below):

r Read only. Start at the beginning of the file. r+ Read/write. Start at the beginning of the file. Write only. Opens and clears the contents of the file; if the file does not exist, creates a new file.
Mode Description



read/write. Opens and clears the contents of the file; if the file does not exist, creates a new file.
Append. Opens and writes to the end of the file, or creates a new file if it does not exist. ## a+  t

##  a

Read/Append. Maintain file contents by writing to the end of the file.


Write only. Create new file. If the file already exists, returns FALSE and an error.


read/write. Create new file. If the file already exists, returns FALSE and an error.
Convert \n to \r\n
## under Windows

1. Open the file

file.txt The contents of the file are as follows

You're welcome

2. Read the file

3. Close the file

Program running result:

You're welcome

file_put_contents and fwrite write files

file_put_contents(string $file path, string $write data])

Function: Write to the specified file A string to create the file if it does not exist. Returns the length of written bytes


The program running result:

The writing is successful, let’s read and see the result: I am a soldier, from the common people

fwrite( resource $file resource variable, string $written string[, int length ])

Note: The alias function of fwrite is fputs

We tried the r mode above, and it was only used when reading. Next, we use fwrite to add Use w in fopen to write files in write mode


You can try creating a new test.txt file and write content into it. Then, you can try to delete test.txt. See what tips there are.

Program running result:

66 bytes were written

1. Regardless of whether there is a new file, the file will be opened and rewritten
2. The original file content will be Overwritten
3. If the file does not exist, it will be created

Compare the differences between the following modes:

# b Binary open mode


Program running result:

0 bytes are written Enter\n

We found that writing using only r was unsuccessful

Creating temporary files

The files we created before are permanent files.

Creating temporary files is also very useful in our daily project development. Several benefits of creating temporary files

1. Delete them after use

2. There is no need to maintain the deletion status of this file

For example: I need to delete A’s Transfer the file contents to B, and transfer the file contents of B to C.

Just like in real life, I can first use a temporary bottle to fill B's water, and then write A's data into B. Add the water from the temporary bottle to C.

Let’s learn this function:

resourcetmpfile( )

Function: Create a temporary file and return the resource type. The file is deleted when it is closed.


Program running result:

Write to temporary file Entered 27 bytes

Move, copy, delete files

Rename file

rename($old name,$new name);

This function returns a bool value and changes the old name to the new name.


The above example is to rename a text.txt file to text--1.txt. You might as well You can try

Copy the file

copy(Source File, target file)

Function: Copy the source file with the specified path to the location of the target file.


Delete file

unlink(File with specified path)


The above example is to delete a file named test.txt

Functions commonly used in files

filesizeDetect file size


Program running result:

file.txt file size is: 14 bytes

Other functions for operating files, reading files

r Can only be read and cannot be written using fwrite r+ Can be read and written  w Can only write function  w+ ##The above example is to name a file file.txt file, copy a file named copy-file.txt with the same content.

Mode ## Description
Can both read and write

Function name Function
file Read the entire file into an array
fgets Read a line from the file pointer, read Finally returns false
 fgetc Reads a character from the file pointer, and returns false
after reading it at the end ftruncate Truncate file to given length

#We use an example to use all the above functions.

We write a batch of files in the text.txt file:


##fgetc reads one

"; //我要全部读取可以,读取一次将结果赋值一次给$string while($string = fgetc($fp)){ echo $string; } ?>

each time the program runs:

abcdeefghijklk opqrst uvwxyz 12345678

##fgets opens one line at a time:

"; echo fgets($fp)."
"; echo fgets($fp)."
"; echo fgets($fp); ?>
Program running results :



##File interception function

Run the program, you can open the text.txt file and see if there are 20 bytes

Time function of file


"; echo "$filename"."文件的创建时间是: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime($filename))."
"; echo "$filename"."文件的修改时间是: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($filename)); } ?>

Program running result:

Last access to text.txt file The time is: 2016-09-13 17:44:40
The creation time of the text.txt file is: 2016-09-13 17:32:16
The modification time of the text.txt file is: 2016-09 -13 17:44:55

Directory processing function

Before we processed all files, then the directory How to deal with folders?

Let’s learn the functions related to the processing of directories or folders.

The basic idea of processing folders is as follows:

1. Read a certain When specifying the path, determine whether it is a folder

2. If it is a folder, open the specified folder and return the resource variable of the file directory

3. Use readdir to read the files in the directory once. The directory pointer is shifted backward once

4. Use readdir to read to the end. If there is no readable file, return false

5. Close the file directory

Let’s learn about it More commonly used functions:

## Function File creation time filemtime File modification time fileatime File last access time
Function description ## filectime
## is_dir Determine whether it is a folder  closedir Close folder operation resources
Function name Function
opendir Open the folder and return to the operation resource
readdir Read folder resources
Filetype displays whether it is a folder or a file. The file displays file and the folder displays dir


'; echo readdir($dh).'
'; echo readdir($dh).'
'; echo readdir($dh).'
'; echo readdir($dh).'
'; echo readdir($dh).'
'; //读取到最后返回false //关闭文件夹资源 closedir($dh); } } ?>

You can run the program to see if it is you Directory of computer D drive

Determine the type of file

"; } closedir($dh); } } ?>

Run Take a look at the program

File path function

We often encounter the situation of processing file paths.

For example:

1. The file suffix needs to be taken out

2. The path needs to be taken out from the name and not the directory

3. You only need to take out the directory path in the path name

4. Or parse each part of the URL to obtain independent values

5. Or even form a URL by yourself Come out

You need to use path processing class functions in many places.

We have marked the commonly used path processing functions for everyone. You can just process this path processing function:

Function name Function
pathinfo Return file Each component of
basename return file name
dirname file directory part
parse_url The URL is broken down into its parts
http_build_query Generate the query string in the url
http_build_url Generate a url


pathinfo(string $path)
Function: Pass in the file path and return each Component


"; echo '文件全名:'.$path_parts['basename']."
"; echo '文件扩展名:'.$path_parts['extension']."
"; echo '不包含扩展的文件名:'.$path_parts['filename']."
"; ?>

Program running result:

File directory name: D:/www
Full file name: a.html
File extension: html
File name without extension: a


basename( string $path[, string $suffix])
Function: Pass in the path and return the file name
The first parameter is passed in the path.
The second parameter specifies that my file name will stop when it reaches the specified character.


"; echo "2: ".basename("d:/www/include")."
"; echo "3: ".basename("d:/www/text.txt")."
"; ?>

Program running result:

1: a.html
2: include
3: text.txt


##dirname(string $path )Function: Return the file directory part of the file path


Run your program



(string $path)Function: Split the URL into various parts


Program running result:

array (8) {

string(4) "http"
string(8) "hostname"
[ "port"]=>
string(8) "username"
string (8) "password"
string(5) "/path"
string(9) "arg=value "
string(6) "anchor"



(mixed $Data to be processed)

Function: Generate query string in url


'liwenkai', 'area'=>'hubei', 'pwd'=>'123' ]; //生成query内容 echo http_build_query($data); ?>

Program running result:

username= liwenkai&area=hubei&pwd=123

#PHP Filesystem Reference Manual

For a complete reference manual of PHP filesystem functions, please visit our PHP Filesystem Reference Manual.

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