Article list display function
1, Prepare data
You need to prepare information about all article categories, all article details, and operate the database for query
Create a new index.php page, the code is as follows:
<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); //获取要查询的分类ID,0表示全部 $cid=isset($_GET['cid'])?intval($_GET['cid']):0; //获取查询列表条件 $where=''; if($cid) $where="where cid=$cid"; //初始化数据库操作类 require './init.php'; //载入分页类 require './page.class.php'; //获取当前页码号 $page=isset($_GET['page'])?intval($_GET['page']):1; //拼接查询条件 //获取总记录数 $sql="select count(*) as total from cms_article $where"; $results=$db->fetchRow($sql); $total=$results['total']; //实例化分页类 $Page=new Page($total,4,$page); //Page(总记录数,每页显示条数,当前页) $limit=$Page->getLimit(); //获取分页链接条件 $page_html=$Page->showPage(); //获取分页html链接 //var_dump($total);die(); //分页获取文章列表 $sql="select id,title,content,author,addtime,cid from cms_article $where order by addtime DESC limit $limit"; $articles=$db->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($articles as $k=>$v){ //mb_substr(内容,开始位置,截取长度,字符集) $articles[$k]['content']=mb_substr(trim(strip_tags($v['content'])),0,150,'utf-8').'......'; } $sql="select name from cms_category ORDER BY sort"; $categories=$db->fetchAll($sql); //var_dump($categories);die(); require './indexHtml.php';
The code instantiates the paging class and performs multiple query operations on the database.
The data obtained includes
pagination information:$page_html
All article classification information:$categories
Detailed information of articles sorted by time:$articles
The above information is alternately displayed on the front-end page using
2, front-end display page code:
New indexHtml.php page
The page is displayed as follows:
Traverse the title bar category data:
Traverse the latest article data:
Insert a few more pieces of data into the database and the paging effect page is shown as follows: