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zend framework 2 video tutorial
Chapter1 Download and configure
1-1 Download and use
Chapter2 Method explanation
2-1 Service Manager setService method
2-2 Service Manager setInvokableClass method
2-3 Service Manager setFactory method
2-4 Service Manager setAlias method
2-5 Service Manager addAbstractFactory method
2-6 Service Manager addInitializer method
Chapter3 MVC
3-1 MVC skeleton construction
3-2 Album module Module.php
3-3 Album module routing configuration
3-4 Album module database and model
3-5 Album module view
3-6 Album module form and add
3-7 Album module update and delete
3-8 Routing introduction and configuration reference
Chapter4 Routing introduction
4-1 Routing SimpleRouteStack
4-2 RouteTreeRouteStack
4-3 Route Literal type
4-4 Route Hostname Type
4-5 Route Method Type
4-6 Route Regex Type
4-7 Routing Scheme Type
4-8 Route Wildcard Type
4-9 Routing Segment Type
4-10 Routing Chain Type
4-11 Routing uses ModuleRouteListener to automatically splice namesapce for controller
4-12 Hydrator ArraySerializable
4-13 Hydrator Strategy,NamingStrategy,Filter
Chapter5 Practical explanation
5-1 User actual combat module structure construction
5-2 User actual module Module file and module config file configuration
5-3 User combat UserModuleOptions
5-4 User combat registers UserModuleOptions as a service
5-5 Inject UserModuleOptions into controller through ControllerManager
5-6 User actual combat creates UserModuleOptionsTrait to simplify the code
5-7 User practice uses AbstractFactory to automatically create controllers
5-8 User practice using PHPStorm and Xdebug for debugging
5-9 User actual combat Form module structure introduction
5-10 User actual combat registration and login Form construction
5-11 User actual combat EventManager
5-12 User actual combat SharedEventManager
5-13 User actual use of Controller Plugin Redirect
5-14 User actual combat Attach and trigger of EventManager in MVC
5-15 User practice uses ListenerAggregateInterface to attach multiple events
5-16 User actual combat modifies Form Hydrator to UserEntity
5-17 User actual combat extends UserEvent object
5-18 User's actual combat: 2 ways to prevent event bubbling behavior
5-19 User actual combat setting Form error message
5-20 User actual combat Customized Layout
5-21 Commonly used View Helper for Head in User Layout
5-22 User practice customizing View Helper
5-23 User actual use of Form View Helper
5-24 User practice creates Bootstrap3 View Helper
5-25 User actual combat creates Bootstrap3 FormElementErrors ViewHelper
5-26 User actual combat obtains Form object through FormElementManager
5-27 User actual combat Db module introduction
5-28 User actual combat Injects Adpater into TableGateway through ServiceManager feature
5-29 User practice simple use of TableGateway
5-30 User actual combat to obtain sql string and transaction processing
5-31 User actual combat TableGateway Feature prints all executed Sql
5-32 User practice saves user registration information to the database
5-33 User practical use of Paginator component for paging
5-34 User actual combat uses ViewHelper PaginationControl to display pagination style
5-35 User actual combat uses event-driven global settings Paginator
5-36 User practice uses Hydrator's Strategy to process display data
5-37 User actual combat removes InputFilter through InputFilterManager
5-38 User practice: Create filtering and verification for username
5-39 User actual combat overrides the default inputFilter of the Form form
5-40 Use the TableGateway feature GlobalAdapterFeature to complete the uniqueness verification of user names
5-41 User practice completes all verifications required for registration
5-42 User actual combat completes user login through Authentication
5-43 Introduction to User Practical Session Module
5-44 User actual combat saves user session in database
5-45 User actual combat registers AuthService into ServiceManager
5-46 User practice: Check user login status on certain pages
5-47 User practice: Check user login status on certain pages
5-48 User practice session remember me and log out
5-49 User actual combat returns to the source page after successful login
5-50 User actual combat login verification code
5-51 User actual combat Chinese verification code
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