Why do many companies use Empire CMS?

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Why do many companies use Empire CMS?

If you want to know more about Empire cms, you can click:Empire cms tutorial

The main advantages and characteristics of Empire cms:

1. Super system model expansion function: adapt to the development needs of websites at different stages

The excellence of EmpireCMS is that it not only provides website management functions, but also provides a system expansion framework. You can create new tables, customize fields directly in the background, and then form a new system model to achieve various suitable User's own system. Such as download system, music system, mall system, product library, classified information, etc... Different models have different input interfaces and management lists. At the same time, this function can allocate the amount of information to different information tables, support unlimited sub-tables and unlimited capacity, and deploy data for websites with large data volumes. EmpireCMS is also known as the "universal website building tool" due to the expansion characteristics of the system model. In versions 4.7 and above, this function has been sublimated again, which not only enhances the scalability of the back-end management system, but also fully expands the front-end interactive system, improving stability, scalability, and completeness in many aspects. Got a more perfect improvement!

2. Large-capacity data structure design: ultra-efficient and stable kernel architecture, allowing website development to be worry-free

●Supports unlimited sub-tables Capacity: Empire supports one column and one data table, and builds as many data storage tables as there are columns, and each individual data table also supports unlimited sub-tables, so the capacity is unlimited; it also supports content storage as text, so that a single data The table exceeds the capacity; published information and information to be published are stored in separate tables, which is more efficient; a new main table index table is added to the information, and the generation efficiency is faster when the amount of data is larger; information archiving is supported, and expired information is archived to Other data tables to reduce the burden on the main data table and make the system more stable and efficient.

 ●Website big data optimization plan function: The optimization plan function allows you to manage the amount of data only within the specified time range, so that the information display efficiency does not decrease as the database increases, allowing you to realize a larger portal Website;·Supports unlimited attachment tables and unlimited capacity: the attachments to which the information belongs support unlimited tables. Because the main attachment table is directly divided into tables, the capacity is theoretically unlimited. When the attachment table reaches a certain number, a new attachment table can be enabled to make the data Capacity allocation is more reasonable and stable;

●Support unlimited comment sub-table unlimited capacity: Support unlimited comment main table sub-table function, making the comment data capacity larger and more efficient, because the main comment table is directly divided table, so theoretically it has unlimited capacity. When the comment data reaches a certain amount, a new sub-table can be enabled to make the comment capacity allocation more reasonable, more efficient and more stable.

●The information list supports the combination of static and dynamic, which is more efficient: the information list supports setting the number of pages before generating static pages and the number of pages after using dynamic lists. It is very useful when the column list generates many pages and can effectively reduce the number of pages generated. The resources occupied by generating the list, and the effect of speeding up the generation. It is very useful when there is a lot of information in a single column.

 ●When the website uses dynamic pages, it also supports setting cache, so that the website using dynamic page mode can access faster and more efficiently.

3. System high security design makes website management more worry-free

●System verification uses random password authentication. A new random password will be generated every time you log in or log out, and there are no rules to be found. ;

 ●The administrator password adopts triple md5 encryption mode, which is super strong encryption to prevent password leakage and brute force cracking;

 ●The new authentication code function for login must satisfy both the password and the authentication code at the same time You must be correct to log in. This function can prevent illegal users from being able to log in even if they know the password;

●Backend authentication uses: five-layer security authentication of database, COOKIE, file, SESSION, and login file content verification, which is more solid.

 ●The number of logins is limited using COOKIE database double verification;·Backend login supports four login verifications of login account password, authentication code, account security question, and binding certificate, making it more secure.

 ●More powerful "Source HASH Verification": The background "Source HASH Verification" supports the setting of two security defenses: "Hedgehog Mode" and "King Kong Mode": "Hedgehog Mode" enables verification when changing database content operations , and "King Kong Mode" enables verification on all pages in the background, which is more comprehensive. It is officially recommended to enable "King Kong Mode". In addition, "source HASH verification" can not only prevent administrators from clicking on attack links sent by other people's QQ and causing security problems, but it is also equivalent to adding another layer of login verification on top of the original secure login verification, and even the HASH variable name is Randomly, the acquisition is more complex, making website management more worry-free.

 ●New "Anytime Authentication Code" verification in the background: The "Anytime Authentication Code" in the background supports setting the number of seconds to update the "new login verification information", and automatically generates new login information after an interval of how many seconds, making the old login information invalid. This protects the backend security when the administrator's computer is poisoned or the server is attacked by ARP, etc., making website management more worry-free.

 ●Backend login questions and answers are double md5 encrypted, so even if the database is stolen, the answer content cannot be cracked. ·Login error log records enable users to check illegal login IPs immediately and block illegal IPs in a timely manner;

●Background login adds last login time and login IP records to facilitate users to check whether there are any abnormalities Login.

 ●COOKIE SESSION authentication code verification, adding another lock to identity authentication.

 ●COOKIE SESSION authentication code verification is bound to the IP. If the IP is incorrect, the authentication cannot be passed.

 ●COOKIE SESSION authentication code verification is bound to the browser information. If the browser information is incorrect, the authentication cannot be passed.

 ●Database authentication code verification adds a lock to identity authentication. ·Login verification COOKIE variable prefix setting.

 ●The backend directory is customized. If the other party knows the password, it cannot find the login backend.

 ●Added access source restrictions, which can limit non-site source addresses, and support only turning on front-end or background verification.

 ●The background administrator uses an independent verification key to make the verification content more independent and safer.

 ●Backend security verification adds predefined variable authentication. Because predefined variables are unchangeable, the verification is more reliable.

 ●Backend security verification information, added encryption verification, even if the file verification content is known, the characters before encryption cannot be known, and the verification information cannot be simulated, which is higher security. ·A second predefined variable is added in the background to securely verify the encrypted content of variable values. Because the predefined variables cannot be changed, the verification is more reliable.

 ●Backend security verification, new random variable names and double random verification of random variable values. Since the variable names are random, verification information cannot be simulated, which is higher security.

Website security firewall function:

●Supports blocking sensitive characters submitted by the front desk, and can add all possible attack content or characters to the blacklist (such as SQL "select"), the firewall will block content contained in the blacklist, and supports simultaneous blocking of multiple characters.

●The firewall can be set up to intercept illegal access to the outer layer of the background. If it is turned on, in addition to the background login page, strangers will not be able to directly access other program pages. A lock is added before the login verification, which is more secure.

●You can control which bound domain name can only be used to log in to the backend, and the login address is protected by double encryption (the first level is the renamed backend directory of the previous version).

●You can limit the time and day of the week to log in to the backend, which facilitates the setting of work units during working hours and makes website security maintenance easier to control.

 ●Users can set whether to enable the firewall and configure related parameters online.

Backend login supports binding certificate verification, which is more secure and secure:

●Backend login supports binding certificate verification: users must enter through the certificate page after setting the binding certificate You can only log in to the backend, but you cannot log in from other pages, which is safer and more secure. The generated binding certificate can be copied to one or more computers for login, and you can replace the new certificate at any time to make the old certificate invalid.

 ●Supports HTTPS transmission protocol, which is more secure.

 ●In addition to supporting custom backend directories, it also supports custom backend login files, which is more secure.

 ●Backend access supports the browser USER-AGENT verification function, higher security: only browsers containing specified information can access the backend (the backend can be specified to contain multiple verification contents at the same time, and the configuration content is stored in the configuration file , no database is stored), which means that you can specify a certain machine to access the backend, which provides higher security.

●The COOKIE security settings of versions 7.5 and above have been upgraded to a higher level: the background supports setting the HttpOnly attribute and setting the secure attribute.

 ●Version 7.5's "Source HASH Verification" function has been upgraded with stronger protection: variable prefixes support customization, new random interference variables, etc.

 ●In version 7.5 and above, a new strict mode verification is added for the source address, which is more rigorous and protects external submissions more strictly.

●Version 7.5 has a new pre-encryption verification function for the background authentication code, which is super safe: after it is turned on, the authentication code will be automatically encrypted on the client when logging in, and the encrypted content will expire after a few seconds, which can prevent problems caused by the broadband provider. Information leakage caused by security issues affects the backend. (Of course we trust the broadband provider, but in the current complex network environment, it is always good to have an extra line of defense.)

4. Support read and write separation for multiple MYSQL servers

Empire CMS7.0 supports read-write separation of multiple MYSQL servers, which can reduce database pressure and make the website more stable:

●Supports read-write separation of master and slave database servers . ·Supports the use of an independent MYSQL read and write server in the background, so that the background update data is not affected by the number of front-end visits, and the data update is more efficient.

 ●The slave server supports random selection from multiple MYSQL database servers, reducing the pressure caused by using the same slave server.

 ●Support for multiple database servers will make the website more scalable and more stable.

5. Embrace mobile Internet and make it easier to implement mobile Internet on the website

●Support mobile solution one: multi-terminal access function can be provided to each The access terminal uses a separate template group to achieve different display interfaces for different access terminals. For example: a separate set of templates for PC access terminals, a separate set of templates for mobile phone access terminals, a set of templates for tablet access terminals, etc. Supports refreshing and generating HTML static pages for each sub-terminal on the main terminal; supports switching sub-terminals for management at any time; supports multi-terminal scheduled synchronization, dual-terminal real-time synchronization of static pages and other functions.

●Support mobile solution 2: Use the WAP function module. The WAP function can use either the traditional WML format or the HTML format. Users can make templates in the corresponding format according to their actual conditions to make them more suitable for smartphones. access. ·Support mobile solution three: Make adaptive web page templates. EmpireCMS templates support customization. For web pages with low complexity, web adaptive solutions can also be used. The implementation is mainly determined by the template made by the user. JS and CSS are used in the template to implement various functions. Access terminal display effect.

6. Powerful information collection function

This system has its own corresponding model whether it is a built-in system model or a user-defined model. collection. The support of automated content collection greatly reduces the workload of content maintenance, and allows the website management system to be seamlessly integrated with other information systems of the enterprise, improving information utilization.

●Easy to use: No need to know any programs, just add corresponding tags to the corresponding collected content.

 ●Multiple filtering: the same link can be set to not be repeatedly collected; set collection keywords (excluding no collection); content character replacement; advertising filtering; full page code filtering; filtering similar information; filtering information with the same title; Set the number of collection records.

 ●The collection area is more accurate: the overall page area is regular + the information link area is regular.

 ●Supports multiple page encoding conversions: supports GB2312, BIG5, UTF8, and UNICODE encoding conversions.

 ●Higher efficiency: adopts grouped collection and warehousing; supports multi-thread (node) collection.

●Convenience: The collection can be optionally put into the database immediately (especially for on-hook collection, very convenient); after filling in the collection rules, the collection results can be previewed and the correctness of the collection rules can be verified; nodes can be copied and cleared; Select "Selective" and "All" to store in the database; manage the collected temporary data.

 ●Remotely save files: Support remote saving of pictures/FLASH/attachments, and add watermarks to pictures. 

 ●Collection rules export and import functions.

 ●Supports no collection if the verification field content is empty: supports custom field settings, and supports simultaneous verification of multiple fields.

 ●Support collection time and warehousing time interval settings: This can prevent excessive collection from being blocked. 

 ●Other features: Supports multi-list collection and content paging collection.

7. Complete membership system

●Flexible member group function: The permission levels of members can be divided through the member group function, which can be set Member level, number of favorites, maximum number of downloads per day, number of short messages, etc.; add, edit and delete directly in the background.

 ●Member field customization and field search, different member groups can have different member information forms and different member list styles. For example: it can be divided into individual registration and company registration.

 ●Member space function: Support different members to choose different member space templates. (The template background is directly added and managed).

 ●Perfect membership charging mechanism: Members can be charged according to "membership validity period (year/quarter/month)", "points" and other forms. ·Online payment and recharge system: supports various recharge methods such as "point card recharge", "online banking payment recharge", "purchase recharge type", etc. It can recharge "validity period", "membership level" and "points", and the operation is fully automatic No manual intervention is required.

 ●Member consumption mechanism: Members can view information, download materials, publish information and purchase goods in various systems of the website through permission levels, validity periods, and points for consumption. Publishing information supports adding points or deducting points, and supports level restrictions.

 ●In-site information function: Members can have their own "inbox" and "outbox", and can send information to each member and communicate with each other.

 ●Front-end information submission and management: All members can publish and manage system model data that is open to submission in the back-end. In the background, you can set the publishing membership level, deduct or increase points, whether information can be managed, whether publishing requires review, daily publishing limit, etc. And support feedback of information processing results to members.

 ●Favorites function: Members can collect and classify all information on the website.

 ●View consumption records: Members can view their recharge point cards and download deducted point records.

 ●Shopping cart and order inquiry·Account email activation and password retrieval

 ●Access rights to column pages and information content pages support restricting access to multiple member groups.

 ●Supports limiting IP range for submitting and viewing information.

 ●You can set a certain period of time to not allow submissions, membership registration, comments, and messages to be posted. Set the total number of submissions allowed to be published by the same IP within a certain period of time.

 ●A new external login interface platform is added to make it easier for members to integrate with external social networking sites. The backend can set parameters and close the interface, and frontend members can bind and unbind the login interface by themselves.

 ●Versions 7.5 and above have upgraded access rights and added a new concept of "access group": controlling member access rights is more detailed, more flexible, more practical, and more convenient for the commercialization of website content.

 ●Versions 7.5 and above have added internal member groups to facilitate internal classification of members and make customer management more convenient. For example: classify potential customers into an internal group for viewing and management. ·

 ●Versions 7.5 and above have added member management group and member administrator settings.

 ●Supports setting up certain member groups to have member space. ·Reserve the real-name authentication system interface, and the docking is very convenient: you can set the following to require real-name before operation: submission, comment, message board, member space, member space submission, feedback.

8. Universal Member Integration Interface

Through the "Universal Member Integration Interface", mysql systems developed in any language can be integrated; the configuration is simple, Supports the integration of membership groups and points.

9. Visual template production is completely tagged

●The production threshold is low: you only need to know web page editing software (such as Dreamweaver, Frontpage) You can create a variety of excellent templates without knowing any programming code or even HTML.

 ●Tag automatic generation function: Supports the automatic generation of all built-in tags, effectively preventing miswriting of tag parameters and improving the efficiency of template making, which is very convenient and efficient.

●Built-in very flexible universal call tags, smart tags, and index smart tags: it can achieve a variety of effects, do whatever you want, and is suitable for all models.

 ●Each column can have its own style: all columns or topic pages can have their own page templates, list templates, content templates, JS templates and search templates.

 ●Multiple website styles coexist: Users can import, export and manage website styles. To determine which style the website uses, just click to set it as the default website style.

 ●Customized template variables: You can put some shared modules into public variables. You only need to add the variable label when calling. After modifying the value of the variable, you can modify all content that displays this variable label.

 ●Batch template operations: You can batch replace template content, batch import column templates, batch replace list templates, and batch replace content templates.

●Built-in complete and comprehensive template calling tags: Numerous built-in tags are enough to meet the needs of various website template production.

●Template tags support multiple operation types: Built-in tags support call operation types: "Latest/Hot/Recommended/Comment Ranking/Headline Information/" can be called by "All Information/Columns/Topics/Data Tables" Download Ranking" information, and supports calling information according to SQL statements; supports calling multiple columns/topics: the IDs of multiple calling columns/topics can be separated by ",".

 ●Custom labels: The system not only provides built-in template label calls, but also provides label expansion functions. With this function, users can write their own functions and then add tags in the background to get template parsing. Generally used to display data outside the system, such as forum data, real-time display data in environmental monitoring stations, etc.

●Supports multiple EmpireCMS systems to use the same data, and can set the default template group. Templates support PHP and SQL syntax calls, which can achieve a variety of complex functional effects.

 ●The template supports automatic backup, and the backup can be restored at any time. Modifying the template has no worries and is more user-friendly.

 ●Dynamic page templates support direct modification in the background.

 ●All versions of the template are common.

10. Powerful fragment call information function

Fragments are one of the essential functions of the portal website. Empire CMS fragment call has the following advantages:

First: fragment call information is highly efficient under large amounts of data, and fragment call is as efficient as calling without tags in the template.

Second: Fragments support calls to Empire CMS multi-table information collection.

Third: Fragments support calling irregular content.

Fourth: Fragments support calling external data. For example: Empire CMS Forum SNS Mall... put all the recommended information together and call it.

Fifth: Fragments also enable single information to be published to multiple columns/pages for calls: it supports pushing one piece of information to multiple fragments for calls. The Empire CMS fragment function has the following characteristics:   


##    (1) Fragment classification management: You can search for fragments by category, which is especially useful when there are a large number of fragments;    

    (2) , Fragment management: Fragments can set the label template used, whether to open it, etc.

                                    focuseddie.g.com.cn//// Fragments, code fragments;

 (5), Fragment update permissions can be assigned according to user groups, departments, and accounts, and support cross-privilege push settings;

 (6), Built-in fragment call tags" [spinfo] Fragment variable name, number of items displayed, number of title interceptions [/spinfo]", information can be called by fragment;

    (7) Information from any table or column can be pushed to dynamic information fragments;

    (8). Support setting the maximum amount of information stored in a single fragment, reducing redundant data and making calling efficiency higher.

(9) Fragments support both tag calling and fragment html page calling, making the calls more diverse.

   (10). Supports the function of batch importing information into fragments. You can add the queried information to fragments in batches, which is more convenient.

                                                          ulate in in in [Smart Tags] [Smart Label] function for calling fragment information, which is super convenient for calling information.

The above is the detailed content of Why do many companies use Empire CMS?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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