What is Piktochart?
Piktochart is an infographic maker that allows you to create professional-looking infographics, flyers, posters, reports, newsletters, and charts. No design experience is needed.
How to use Piktochart?
With Piktochart, you can quickly create visually appealing designs without any design training. Simply use the drag and drop editor to create infographics, brochures, presentations, and more. Download your visual content in various formats and share them with colleagues or use them in offline presentations.
Piktochart's Core Features
AI-powered infographic maker
Drag and drop editor
Graph maker
Video editor
Wide range of templates
Integration into current workflow
Data visualization
Professional-looking designs
Piktochart's Use Cases
Business infographics
Business proposals
Education templates
Health posters
HR templates
Sales presentations
Piktochart Company
Piktochart Company name: Piktochart.com, Piktochart Sdn. Bhd. .
More about Piktochart, Please visit the about us page(https://piktochart.com/our-values/).
Piktochart Login
Piktochart Login Link: https://create.piktochart.com/users/sign_in/
Piktochart Sign up
Piktochart Sign up Link: https://create.piktochart.com/users/sign_up/
Piktochart Pricing
Piktochart Pricing Link: https://piktochart.com/pricing/
Piktochart Facebook
Piktochart Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/Piktochart
Piktochart Youtube
Piktochart Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Piktochartvideo
Piktochart Linkedin
Piktochart Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/piktochart
Piktochart Twitter
Piktochart Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/Piktochart
Piktochart Instagram
Piktochart Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/Piktochart/