实例控制流是 Java 编程语言的一个基本概念,初学者和有经验的人都必须了解。在Java中,实例控制流是类内部成员的一步步执行过程。类内部存在的成员包括实例变量、实例方法和实例块。
每当我们执行 Java 程序时,JVM 首先查找 main() 方法,然后将类加载到内存中。更进一步,类被初始化,并且它的静态块(如果有)被执行。执行完静态块后,实例控制流程开始。在本文中,我们将解释什么是实例控制流。
接下来,实例块将按照它们在类中出现的顺序由 JVM 执行。这些块是用于初始化实例变量的匿名块。
public class Example1 { int x = 10; // instance variable // instance block { System.out.println("Inside an instance block"); } // instance method void showVariable() { System.out.println("Value of x: " + x); } // constructor Example1() { System.out.println("Inside the Constructor"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Inside the Main method"); Example1 exp = new Example1(); // creating object exp.showVariable(); // calling instance method } }
Inside the Main method Inside an instance block Inside the Constructor Value of x: 10
// creating a parent class class ExmpClass1 { int x = 10; // instance variable of parent // first instance block { System.out.println("Inside parent first instance block"); } // constructor of parent class ExmpClass1() { System.out.println("Inside parent constructor"); System.out.println("Value of x: " + this.x); } // Second instance block { System.out.println("Inside parent second instance block"); } } // creating a child class class ExmpClass2 extends ExmpClass1 { int y = 20; // instance variable of child // instance block of child { System.out.println("Inside instance block of child"); } // creating constructor of child class ExmpClass2() { System.out.println("Inside child constructor"); System.out.println("Value of y: " + this.y); } } public class Example2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // creating object of child class ExmpClass2 cls = new ExmpClass2(); System.out.println("Inside the Main method"); } }
Inside parent first instance block Inside parent second instance block Inside parent constructor Value of x: 10 Inside instance block of child Inside child constructor Value of y: 20 Inside the Main method
通过这篇文章,我们了解了Java中实例控制流的整个流程。这个过程总共有六个步骤。基本上,实例控制流告诉我们 Java 虚拟机如何执行类的成员。