After an object has been used, it is deallocated from the memory using the Garbage Collector class. The objects are destroyed based on the fact that no reference to that object is present. The Garbage Collector class calls the ‘finalize’ function on the object that needs to be destroyed.
What is island of isolation?
When two objects ‘a’, and ‘b’ reference each other, and they are not referenced by any other object, it is known as island of isolation.
It is a group of objects which reference each other but they are not referenced but other objects of other applications at all.
Note− A single unreferenced object is also an island of isolation.
Let us see an example −
Live Demo
public class Demo{ Demo i; public static void main(String[] args){ Demo my_ob_1 = new Demo(); System.out.println("Demo object one has been created"); Demo my_ob_2 = new Demo(); System.out.println("Demo object two has been created"); my_ob_1.i = my_ob_2; my_ob_2.i = my_ob_1; my_ob_1 = null; my_ob_2 = null; System.gc(); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable{ System.out.println("The finalize method has been called on the object"); } }
Demo object one has been created Demo object two has been created The finalize method has been called on the object The finalize method has been called on the object