桥接模式(Bridge Pattern):将抽象部分与它的实现部分分离,使它们都可以独立地变化。
1. 首先定义抽象类,抽象和描述对象的特征。
package test.design.bridge; public abstract class CellPhone { private String cellPhoneName; public CellPhoneSystem cellPhoneSystem; public CellPhoneCPU cellPhoneCPU; public void works(){ System.out.println("---------------------"); System.out.println("This cellphone is:"+this.getCellPhoneName()+",welcome to use. "); System.out.println("This cellphone detail infomation:"); System.out.println("系统类型:"+this.getCellPhoneSystem().getSystemName()); System.out.println("cpu型号:"+this.getCellPhoneCPU().getCpuName()); System.out.println("---------------------"); } public String getCellPhoneName() { return cellPhoneName; } public void setCellPhoneName(String cellPhoneName) { this.cellPhoneName = cellPhoneName; } public CellPhoneSystem getCellPhoneSystem() { return cellPhoneSystem; } public void setCellPhoneSystem(CellPhoneSystem cellPhoneSystem) { this.cellPhoneSystem = cellPhoneSystem; } public CellPhoneCPU getCellPhoneCPU() { return cellPhoneCPU; } public void setCellPhoneCPU(CellPhoneCPU cellPhoneCPU) { this.cellPhoneCPU = cellPhoneCPU; } }
2. 属性维度的抽象。(可以使用接口定义,关键看你的具体功能)
package test.design.bridge; /** * 属性cpu被抽象成一个维度,为了以后扩展 * @author lushuaiyin * */ public abstract class CellPhoneCPU { public CellPhone cellPhone; public String cpuName; public void cpuWorks(){ System.out.println("I am cpu. My pattern is:"+this.getCpuName()); System.out.println("I am working for this cellphone:"+this.getCellPhone().getCellPhoneName()); } public CellPhone getCellPhone() { return cellPhone; } public void setCellPhone(CellPhone cellPhone) { this.cellPhone = cellPhone; this.getCellPhone().setCellPhoneCPU(this);// 装配(桥接,或者可以认为对象类与其属性类的传递) } public String getCpuName() { return cpuName; } public void setCpuName(String cpuName) { this.cpuName = cpuName; } }
package test.design.bridge; /** * 属性操作系统被抽象成一个维度,为了以后扩展 * @author lushuaiyin * */ public abstract class CellPhoneSystem { public CellPhone cellPhone; public String SystemName; public void systemWorks(){ System.out.println("I am "+this.getSystemName()+" system."); System.out.println("I am working for this cellphone:"+this.getCellPhone().getCellPhoneName()); } public CellPhone getCellPhone() { return cellPhone; } public void setCellPhone(CellPhone cellPhone) { this.cellPhone = cellPhone; this.getCellPhone().setCellPhoneSystem(this);// 装配(桥接,或者可以认为对象类与其属性类的传递) } public String getSystemName() { return SystemName; } public void setSystemName(String systemName) { SystemName = systemName; } }
3. 具体的维度属性对象。
package test.design.bridge; public class AndroidSystem extends CellPhoneSystem{ }
package test.design.bridge; public class IOSSystem extends CellPhoneSystem{ }
package test.design.bridge; /** * 双核cpu * @author Administrator * */ public class TwoCore extends CellPhoneCPU{ }
package test.design.bridge; /** * 四核cpu * @author Administrator * */ public class FourCore extends CellPhoneCPU{ }
4. 测试代码。
package test.design.bridge; public class Phone1 extends CellPhone{ //具体对象的属性与逻辑 }
package test.design.bridge; public class TestMain { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { //任何一种具体的对象都是复杂多种属性的集合,在此可以看出桥接模式在构建对象时的灵活性 //产生一个具体对象1 CellPhone p1=new Phone1(); p1.setCellPhoneName(" IPhone 6 "); CellPhoneSystem system1=new IOSSystem();//操作系统属性维度 system1.setSystemName("ios7"); system1.setCellPhone(p1);//装配 system1.systemWorks();//工作 /*装配说的简单点就是传值。因为我们把一个对象的属性按维度分开来了, 那么桥接的时候就必须相互传递对象。即对象类可以调用子属相类对象, 子属性类对象也可以调用该对象类. 关于这样的传值方式有多种,你可以在构造函数中传递,也可以在 调用具体逻辑方法时传递。这里我直接用set方法传递,只是为了更清楚. 如果某个属性维度是必须出现的,那就可以在抽象类的构造函数中传入*/ CellPhoneCPU cpu1=new TwoCore();//cpu属性维度 cpu1.setCpuName("A6"); cpu1.setCellPhone(p1); cpu1.cpuWorks(); p1.works();//最终整体对象功能 /* 桥接模式就是为了应对属性的扩展,在此说的属性必须是在维度确定的情况下。 比如,这里我们在定义手机对象时,确定两个属性维度:操作系统和cpu型号。 以后再这两个属性中,需要扩展时,就可以使用该模式。比如,一种新的cpu 型号出现了,那么我不用重新设计现在的代码,只要增添一个cpu类即可。 如果出现了新的维度属性,比如手机对象必须考虑屏幕大小。那桥接模式 在此就需要从根本上修改代码来了。 */ System.out.println("-----------分割---------------------------"); //在cpu维度上扩展。比如出现新型cpu:8核三星Exynos 5 Octa芯片". //三星手机推出了GALAXY Note Ⅲ就是使用这种新型cpu. 写一个新类EightCore扩展cpu维度. //同时定义这个手机对象GALAXY Note Ⅲ为PhoneGalaxyNote3 CellPhone note3=new PhoneGalaxyNote3(); note3.setCellPhoneName("GALAXY Note Ⅲ"); CellPhoneSystem system2=new AndroidSystem(); system2.setSystemName("android4"); system2.setCellPhone(note3);//装配 system2.systemWorks();//工作 CellPhoneCPU cpu2=new EightCore();//最新8核cpu cpu2.setCpuName("三星Exynos 5 Octa芯片"); cpu2.setCellPhone(note3); cpu2.cpuWorks(); note3.works();//三星GALAXY Note Ⅲ新体验 } }
package test.design.bridge; public class EightCore extends CellPhoneCPU { }
package test.design.bridge; public class PhoneGalaxyNote3 extends CellPhone{ //具体对象的属性与逻辑 }
I am ios7 system. I am working for this cellphone: IPhone 6 I am cpu. My pattern is:A6 I am working for this cellphone: IPhone 6 --------------------- This cellphone is: IPhone 6 ,welcome to use. This cellphone detail infomation: 系统类型:ios7 cpu型号:A6 --------------------- -----------分割--------------------------- I am android4 system. I am working for this cellphone:GALAXY Note Ⅲ I am cpu. My pattern is:三星Exynos 5 Octa芯片 I am working for this cellphone:GALAXY Note Ⅲ --------------------- This cellphone is:GALAXY Note Ⅲ,welcome to use. This cellphone detail infomation: 系统类型:android4 cpu型号:三星Exynos 5 Octa芯片 ---------------------