憎恶的贾曼拉(Jamanra)是《流亡道路》第2行的强大的最后一位老板。这次相遇与以前的任何Jamanra战斗都有很大不同。 本指南详细介绍了他的攻击和胜利策略。
战斗以两个不同的阶段展开,每个阶段都具有独特的攻击模式。 阶段1:Jamanra主要利用闪电矛攻击。 关键攻击包括:
优先考虑与Jamanra的长矛的距离。 自由使用药水;在第2阶段开始时,所有费用都补充了。阶段1结论Jamanra的健康状况约为65%,触发了向第2阶段的过渡。
第2阶段的节奏快。尽管单个弹丸是可以管理的,但专注于躲避贾曼拉的剑攻击。 强烈建议使用高闪电。 黄玉的魅力和避雷针是有效的选择。 当Asala斩首Jamanra时,战斗结束了。
Attack | Description | Notes |
Tornado | Jamanra summons one to three moving tornadoes. | Avoid the tornadoes as they move across the arena. |
Lightning Sword | Jamanra slams a lightning-infused sword. | Jamanra tracks movement; dodge at the last moment. |
Spear Sweep | Jamanra sweeps a spear in a wide arc. | Get behind or away from Jamanra when the spear appears. |
Spear Throw | An improved exploding lightning spear. | Dodge at the last second to avoid the explosion. |
Lightning Rocks | Stationary rocks chain lightning. | Avoid walking through the chain lightning. |
Spear Barrage | Rapidly fired spears. | Dodge and run when the first spear is fired. |
Lightning Surge | Small rocks periodically struck by lightning. | Stay away from the rocks when lightning strikes. |
Lightning Orbs | Moving orbs of lightning. | Observe the trajectory and move to a safe gap. |
Spear Gate | Portals launch projectiles. | Multiple gates can appear, limiting movement. Try to move behind a portal if possible. |