有一天,我想知道如何让 WordPress 插件选项由 JSON 文件控制,以便将来可以更轻松地添加其他设置,而无需调整代码本身。
本文提供了一个极其简单的 WordPress 插件示例,该插件的单个设置页面由 2 个部分和 3 个字段/选项组成。
该插件最初由 3 个文件组成。
adventures.php 带有基本插件注册:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Adventures Plugin URI: https://mortenhartvig.dk Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pharetra nisi eu varius pellentesque. Aenean posuere, velit mollis sodales convallis, ipsum lectus feugiat nunc, ac auctor sapien enim eu metus. Version: 1 Requires at least: 6.1 Requires PHP: 8.3 Author: Morten Hartvig Author URI: https://mortenhartvig.dk License: Do whatever you want */ define('ADV__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); define('ADV__PLUGIN_VIEW', ADV__PLUGIN_DIR . 'views'); define('ADV__PLUGIN_SLUG', 'adv'); require_once ADV__PLUGIN_DIR . 'class.adventures.php'; (new Adventures());
class.adventures.php 带有一个空类:
<?php class Adventures { public function __construct() { } }
adventures.json 包含插件设置的 JSON 结构:
{ "settings": { "pages": [ { "title": "Adventures", "capability": "manage_options", "slug": "adv" } ], "sections": [ { "id": "portal_base", "title": "Base configuration", "description": "Lorem 1, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque nulla in officiis. Laborum quisquam illo eaque, deserunt facere mollitia sint doloremque maiores, obcaecati reiciendis voluptate itaque iure fugiat quia architecto!", "view": "section" }, { "id": "portal_appearance", "title": "Appearance", "description": "Lorem 2, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque nulla in officiis. Laborum quisquam illo eaque, deserunt facere mollitia sint doloremque maiores, obcaecati reiciendis voluptate itaque iure fugiat quia architecto!", "view": "section" } ], "fields": [ { "id": "adv_portal_key", "title": "Portal Key", "section": "portal_base", "type": "text", "placeholder": "Enter your portal key", "view": "field.text" }, { "id": "adv_api_host", "title": "Host API", "section": "portal_base", "type": "text", "placeholder": "Enter API host", "default": "https://api.mortenhartvig.dk", "view": "field.text" }, { "id": "adv_portal_theme", "title": "Theme", "section": "portal_appearance", "type": "select", "options": { "rounded.v1": "Round (V1)", "squared.v1": "Square (V1)", "standard": "Standard" }, "default": "standard", "view": "field.select" } ] } }
为您的设置创建一个属性并调用 set_settings():
private $settings; public function __construct() { $this->set_settings(); }
创建 set_settings() 和 get_json_data():
private function set_settings() { $data = $this->get_json_data(); $this->settings = $data['settings']; } private function get_json_data() { $file = ADV__PLUGIN_DIR . 'adventures.json'; if (!file_exists($file)) { die('adventures.json not found'); } return json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); }
如果您将骰子(print_r($this->settings)) 添加到您的 __construct,您可以确认您确实已加载设置。
从构造函数中调用 init_hooks():
public function __construct() { $this->set_settings(); $this->init_hooks(); }
private function init_hooks() { add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_settings_pages']); }
public function register_settings_pages() { foreach ($this->settings['pages'] as $page) { add_options_page($page['title'], $page['title'], $page['capability'], $page['slug'], [$this, 'settings_page_callback']); } } public function settings_page_callback() { $this->render('settings.php'); }
private function render($filename, $args) { if (is_array($args)) { $value = get_option($args['id']); if (empty($value) && isset($args['default'])) { $value = $args['default']; } $args = array_merge($args, ['value' => $value]); } $file = ADV__PLUGIN_VIEW . $filename; if (!str_ends_with($file,'.php')) { $file .= '.php'; } if(!file_exists($file)) { die('File not found ' . $filename); } require $file; }
<div> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/173390329693560.jpg" class="lazy" alt="Creating WordPress plugin options based on a JSON structure" /></p> <h3> Sections </h3> <p>Add another action in init_hooks:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">private function init_hooks() { add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_settings_pages']); add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'register_settings_sections']); }
public function register_settings_sections() { foreach ($this->settings['sections'] as $section) { add_settings_section($section['id'], $section['title'], [$this, 'settings_section_callback'], ADV__PLUGIN_SLUG, $section); } } public function settings_section_callback($args) { $this->render($args['view'], $args); }
<p> <?php echo $args['description']; ?> </p>
在 init_hooks 中添加第三个操作:
private function init_hooks() { add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_settings_pages']); add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'register_settings_sections']); add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'register_settings_fields']); }
public function register_settings_fields() { foreach ($this->settings['fields'] as $field) { add_settings_field($field['id'], $field['title'], [$this, 'settings_field_callback'], ADV__PLUGIN_SLUG, $field['section'], $field); register_setting(ADV__PLUGIN_SLUG, $field['id']); } } public function settings_field_callback($args) { $this->render($args['view'], $args); }
<?php $html_options = ''; foreach ($args['options'] as $key => $val) { $html_options .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s >%s</option>', $key, selected($args['value'], $key, false), $val); } printf('<select name="%s"> <p>Create views/field.text.php:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><?php printf('<input name="%s"> <h3> Saving </h3> <p>To view and save your options add a form to settings.php:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><div> <p>Change an option and attempt to <em>Save</em>. The save should be successful.</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/173390329893991.jpg" class="lazy" alt="Creating WordPress plugin options based on a JSON structure"></p> <p>Your settings are now saved and can be accessed throughout the site via:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><?php echo get_option('adv_portal_theme'); // squared.v1
将以下 JSON 添加到 Adventures.json:
{ "id": "adv_api_token", "title": "Host API Token", "section": "portal_base", "type": "text", "placeholder": "Enter API host token", "default": "", "view": "field.text" }
以上是基于 JSON 结构创建 WordPress 插件选项的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!