欢迎回到Java 关键字基础系列!这篇文章主要是关于静态变量——Java 中的一个强大功能,允许您在同一类的多个对象之间共享数据。
package keywords.static_keyword; public class StaticVariables { // Static variable: Shared across all instances of the class // Automatically initialized to default value on class loading static int idCounter; // int default value -> 0 // Static final variables // Must be initialized at declaration or in a static block static final String COMPANY_NAME = "TechCorp"; static final String OFFICE_CODE; // Instance variables: Unique to each object int employeeId; String employeeName; // Static final variable Initialized in a static block static { // Default region: US String region = System.getProperty("user.region", "US"); switch (region) { case "EU": regionalOfficeCode = "EU-01"; break; case "APAC": regionalOfficeCode = "AP-11"; break; default: regionalOfficeCode = "US-00"; } System.out.println("Static Block Invoked: Office Code set to " + regionalOfficeCode); } // Constructor: Assigns a unique ID to each object public StaticVariables(String name) { this.employeeName = name; this.employeeId = ++idCounter; // Incrementing the shared counter } // Instance method // Displays instance details along with shared data(static variables) void displayEmployeeDetails() { System.out.println("Employee ID: " + employeeId + ", Name: " + employeeName + ", Company: " + COMPANY_NAME + ", Office Code: " + OFFICE_CODE); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating instances to observe static variable behavior StaticVariables emp1 = new StaticVariables("Alice"); StaticVariables emp2 = new StaticVariables("Bob"); emp1.displayEmployeeDetails(); emp2.displayEmployeeDetails(); // Accessing the static variable directly using the class name System.out.println("Total Employees: " + StaticVariables.idCounter); } }
Static Block Invoked: Office Code set to US-00 Employee ID: 1, Name: Alice, Company: TechCorp, Office Code: US-00 Employee ID: 2, Name: Bob, Company: TechCorp, Office Code: US-00 Total Employees: 2
package keywords.static_keyword; public class StaticVariables { // Static variable: Shared across all instances of the class // Automatically initialized to default value on class loading static int idCounter; // int default value -> 0 // Static final variables // Must be initialized at declaration or in a static block static final String COMPANY_NAME = "TechCorp"; static final String OFFICE_CODE; // Instance variables: Unique to each object int employeeId; String employeeName; // Static final variable Initialized in a static block static { // Default region: US String region = System.getProperty("user.region", "US"); switch (region) { case "EU": regionalOfficeCode = "EU-01"; break; case "APAC": regionalOfficeCode = "AP-11"; break; default: regionalOfficeCode = "US-00"; } System.out.println("Static Block Invoked: Office Code set to " + regionalOfficeCode); } // Constructor: Assigns a unique ID to each object public StaticVariables(String name) { this.employeeName = name; this.employeeId = ++idCounter; // Incrementing the shared counter } // Instance method // Displays instance details along with shared data(static variables) void displayEmployeeDetails() { System.out.println("Employee ID: " + employeeId + ", Name: " + employeeName + ", Company: " + COMPANY_NAME + ", Office Code: " + OFFICE_CODE); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating instances to observe static variable behavior StaticVariables emp1 = new StaticVariables("Alice"); StaticVariables emp2 = new StaticVariables("Bob"); emp1.displayEmployeeDetails(); emp2.displayEmployeeDetails(); // Accessing the static variable directly using the class name System.out.println("Total Employees: " + StaticVariables.idCounter); } }
Java 基础
Java 内存基础
以上是Static 关键字:解码 Java 中的静态变量的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!