我最近开始了我的足球分析之旅,并创建了一个示例 Python 程序,该程序引用 https://understat.com/ 来抓取单场比赛的射门数据。
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[2]: #import modules and packages import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import json import pandas as pd # In[3]: #scrape single game shots base_url = 'https://understat.com/match/' match = str(input("Enter your match ID: ")) url = base_url + match # In[16]: res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') span = soup.find('span') script = soup.find_all('script') script # In[18]: string = script[1].string string # In[26]: #strip symbols so we only have json data index_start = string.index("('") + 2 index_end = string.index("')") json_data = string[index_start:index_end] json_data = json_data.encode('utf8').decode('unicode_escape') data = json.loads(json_data) # In[35]: df_h = pd.DataFrame(data['h']) print("Home Team DataFrame:") print(df_h.head()) # In[37]: # Save the home team DataFrame to a CSV file df_h.to_csv('home_team_shots.csv', index=False) # In[ ]:
然后,程序从比赛中抓取射门数据,并将每个主队和客队的球队数据转换为单独的数据帧。然后将数据框导出为单独的 CSV 文件以供参考。