最佳星际战士 2 级:等级列表

发布: 2024-09-11 15:32:25
499 人浏览过

Not all Space Marines are created equal, and knowing Warhammer 40,000 lore, they know it. Putting a Space Marine tier list together is something they would greatly enjoy, being men of rank and valor. Here are the best ones to play in both PvP and Operations.

Space Marines tier list

Deciding which Space Marine to use to farm for XP and Armoury Data is a difficult decision. To fully unlock and master a single unit class in Space Marine 2 takes a lot of time and effort. So, take a look at this tier list and decide which one you want to invest the hours into.

Space Marine 2 PvP tier list

With the right build, here is where I think each Space Marine ranks on the tier list.

Best Space Marine 2 class: Tier list

B Tier

Vanguard isn’t a class I would rush to in PvE due to the low damage output, but when playing PvP, I have found it to be a Space Marine worth its armor. What really sets it apart is the ability to play at range with the Bolt Carbine and up close with the chain sword. The wide range is all wrapped up neatly with a grimdark bow using the Grapnel Hook to dive in and out of the fray, whipping away when health gets low or diving into foes when it’s time to get gory.

C Tier

Bulwark and Tactical sit in the C tier, not because they’re bad, but because they’re support. Both come higher in a PvE Space Marine 2 tier list, but not PvP. They are almost essential for a team to have, but to lay as a main, they just don’t cut it. If you’re the kind of player who likes to run support, these may be the right classes for you.

D Tier

Do you know who likes snipers in PvP games? Nobody. Even snipers don’t like themselves. They’re never there when you need them, and when they are there, they’re on the other team, one tipping you with a quickscope.

If you’re one of these kinds of players, know that I think you’re a F Tier person. Heavy, on the other hand, is a slow, loveable, heavily armored dummy, and we love him for his Iron Halo. However, he is a supporting character through and through, very helpful as a teammate, but a hard push to master in Space Marine PvP multiplayer, hence the low status on the tier list.

Space Marine 2 PvE Operations tier list

Operations is a whole new kettle of grimdark fish, requiring a whole new set of skills and a completely different build.

Best Space Marine 2 class: Tier list

B Tier

Assault is an all-around great Space Marine, coming in high on both PvP and PvE tier lists. The ability to get high above the enemy before slamming back down with pinpoint precision is the very definition of death from above. This can be used to great effect in Operations, immediately reaching the places that are needed.

Vanguard is great in the same respect. They are a Space Marine class with versatility and the ability to get around a battlefield in seconds using the Grapnel Hook to jump from foe to foe. Used properly, this Space Marine can be one of the best, but it’ll take some learning.

C Tier

Snipers are great for picking off enemies from afar, but I wouldn’t want to be playing one alone. They are a support class, really, unable to properly manage a horde of enemies alone. In a team, they can be a huge benefit, but the low ammo reserves and slow firing rate make them a danger to themselves.

D Tier

Tactical is a great guy, I’m sure, but he just doesn’t cut the mustard in the PvE Operations scene. His Auspex Scan ability is great for PvP, but there are rarely any questions as to where the enemies are coming from when playing PvE Operations. Aside from that, although the weapon selection for the Tactical Space Marine class has a good fire rate and decent accuracy, they struggle to dent waves of enemies the way other classes do.

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