例如:int 是一种存储数值的数据类型,需要四个字节。
datatype <variable_name> = value;
C# 数据类型示例:
1. int intVal = 55;在此示例中:int 是数据类型,intVal 是变量名称,55 是值。
2. char charVal = ‘A’;
3. string strVal = “你好世界!”;
4. float floatVal = 15.5f;
5. bool boolVal = true;
C# 数据类型分为三类:
C# 中有两种值数据类型:
C# 中有两种类型的引用数据类型:
以下是 C# 中不同数据类型的一些示例,
using System; public class ValueDataTypes { public static void Main() { //int - 32-bit signed integer type int i = 55; //char - 16-bit Unicode character char ch = 'A'; //short - 16-bit signed integer type short s = 56; //long - 64-bit signed integer type long l = 5564; //uint - 32-bit unsigned integer type uint ui = 100; //ushort - 16-bit unsigned integer type ushort us = 80; //ulong - 64-bit unsigned integer type ulong ul = 3625573; //double - 64-bit double precision floating point type double d = 6.358674532; //float - 32-bit single-precision floating point type //float needs 'f' or 'F' as suffix float f = 2.7330645f; //decimal - 128-bit precise decimal values with 28-29 significant digits //decimal needs 'm' or 'M' as suffix decimal dec = 339.5m; Console.WriteLine("Integer: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Char: " + ch); Console.WriteLine("Short: " + s); Console.WriteLine("Long: " + l); Console.WriteLine("Unsinged integer: " + ui); Console.WriteLine("Unsinged short: " + us); Console.WriteLine("Unsinged long: " + ul); Console.WriteLine("Double: " + d); Console.WriteLine("Float: " + f); Console.WriteLine("Decimal: " + dec); } }
using System; public class BoolEnumStruct { //declaring enum enum Days { Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday }; //declaring structure struct Student { public int Id; public string FirstName; public string LastName; public Student(int id, string fname, string lname) { Id = id; FirstName = fname; LastName = lname; } } public static void Main() { //boolean data type bool flag = true; if(flag) { Console.WriteLine("Bool value: "+flag); Console.WriteLine(); } //Accessing enum value for Friday Console.WriteLine("Enumeration:"); Console.WriteLine(Days.Friday); Console.WriteLine((int)Days.Friday); Console.WriteLine(); //passing values to structure members using constructor Student student = new Student(1, "Riya", "Sen"); Console.WriteLine("Structure Members:"); Console.WriteLine(student.Id); Console.WriteLine(student.FirstName); Console.WriteLine(student.LastName); } }
using System; public class StrObjDynamic { public static void Main() { string str = "C# "; str += "Data Types"; Console.WriteLine("String: "+str); Console.WriteLine(); //declaring object object obj; obj = 100; Console.WriteLine("Object: "+obj); //displaying type of object using GetType() Console.WriteLine(obj.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(); //declaring dynamic variables dynamic value1 = "Hello World!"; dynamic value2 = 5296; dynamic value3 = 6.5; //displaying actual type of dynamic variables using GetType() Console.WriteLine("Dynamic:"); Console.WriteLine("Type of value1: {0}", value1.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Type of value2: {0}", value2.GetType().ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Type of value3: {0}", value3.GetType().ToString()); } }
using System; interface Shape { void rectangle(); } public class Area : Shape { //implementing interface method public void rectangle() { Console.WriteLine("Area of rectangle is Length * Breadth"); } public static void Main(String[] args) { Area area = new Area(); area.rectangle(); } }
using System; public class DelegateDemo { // Declaring delegate public delegate void Sum(int a, int b); public void SumVal(int a, int b) { Console.WriteLine(a +"+"+ b+ " = {0}", a + b); } public static void Main(String[] args) { DelegateDemo delegateDemo = new DelegateDemo(); // Creating object of delegate Sum sum = new Sum(delegateDemo.SumVal); //Passing values to the method using delegate object sum(100, 100); } }
以上是C# 数据类型的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!