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发布: 2024-08-30 18:39:32
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Low-Level Design: Polling System


  1. 问题陈述
  2. 假设
  3. 要求
    • 创建投票
    • 管理投票
    • 参与投票
    • 查看投票结果
    • 民意调查数据
  4. 实施细节
    • 函数/方法
      • 创建投票
      • 更新民意调查
      • 删除投票
      • 参与投票
      • 查看投票结果
  5. 数据模型
    • 投票
    • 投票
  6. 实施细节
  7. 代码




  • 我们正在使用基于类的实现
  • 我们没有使用额外的数据库来存储此信息
  • 由于不涉及数据库和服务器,因此没有REST API
  • 投票系统的简单低级方法



  • 用户应该能够创建一个包含问题和多个答案选项的新民意调查。
  • 每个民意调查都必须有唯一的标识符、问题、选项列表和创建时间戳。


  • 用户应该能够更新现有民意调查的问题或选项。
  • 用户应该能够删除投票。


  • 用户应该能够对民意调查中的其中一个选项进行投票。
  • 每个用户每次投票只能投票一次。


  • 用户应该能够查看当前的投票结果,包括每个选项的得票数。


  • 以允许高效检索和更新的方式存储民意调查、选项和投票。
  • 确保数据完整性和一致性,尤其是当多个用户同时投票时。




createPoll :

  • 输入:问题(字符串),选项(字符串数组)
  • 输出:pollId(字符串),消息(字符串)
  • 示例:createPoll("你最喜欢的颜色是什么?", ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"]) 返回 {"pollId": "123", "message" :“投票创建成功。”}


更新投票 :

  • 输入:pollId(字符串),问题(字符串),选项(字符串数组)
  • 输出:消息(字符串)
  • 示例:updatePoll("123", "更新问题?", ["Option1", "Option2"]) 返回 {"message": "投票更新成功。"}


删除投票 :

  • 输入:pollId(字符串)
  • 输出:消息(字符串)
  • 示例:deletePoll("123") 返回 {"message": "投票已成功删除。"}


投票投票 :

  • 输入:pollId(字符串)、userId(字符串)、选项(字符串)
  • 输出:消息(字符串)
  • 示例: voteInPoll("123", "user1", "Option1") 返回 {"message": "投票成功。"}


viewPollResults :

  • 输入:pollId(字符串)
  • 输出:pollId(字符串),问题(字符串),结果(带有选项键和投票计数值的对象)
  • 示例: viewPollResults("123") returns {"pollId": "123", "question": "你最喜欢的颜色是什么?", "results": {"Red": 10, "Blue “:5,“绿色”:3,“黄色”:2}}


  • 民意调查
  "pollId": "123",
  "question": "What is your favorite color?",
  "options": ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"],
  "createdAt": "2024-07-11T00:00:00Z"
  • 投票
  "pollId": "123",
  "userId": "user1",
  "option": "Red",
  "timestamp": "2024-07-11T01:00:00Z"


这段代码使用 JavaScript 类定义了一个基本的轮询系统。它允许创建、管理和投票。让我们分解一下代码的各个部分:

1. Class Definitions

Poll Class

  • Purpose: Represents an individual poll.
  • Constructor Parameters:
    • id: A unique identifier for the poll.
    • question: The question being asked in the poll.
    • options: An array of possible options that users can vote on.
  • Properties:
    • pollId: Stores the unique ID of the poll.
    • question: Stores the poll question.
    • options: Stores the array of options.
    • createdAt: Stores the creation date and time of the poll.

Vote Class

  • Purpose: Represents an individual vote cast by a user.
  • Constructor Parameters:
    • pollId: The ID of the poll the vote is associated with.
    • userId: The ID of the user who cast the vote.
    • option: The option that the user voted for.
  • Properties:
    • pollId: Stores the poll ID for which the vote was cast.
    • userId: Stores the user ID of the voter.
    • option: Stores the option that the user voted for.
    • timestamp: Stores the date and time when the vote was cast.

2. PollManager Class

Purpose: Manages the entire polling system, including creating polls, managing votes, and viewing results.


  • Properties:
    • polls: A Map that stores all polls, where the key is the poll ID and the value is the Poll object.
    • pollResults: A Map that stores the results of each poll, where the key is the poll ID and the value is another Map that tracks votes for each option.
    • userVotes: A Map that stores the votes by each user, where the key is the poll ID and the value is another Map that tracks whether a user has voted in that poll.


  • createPoll(question, options)

    • Generates a new poll with a unique ID.
    • Initializes the poll results, setting the vote count for each option to 0.
    • Stores the poll and returns the generated poll ID.
  • updatePoll(pollId, question, options)

    • Updates the question and options for an existing poll.
    • Resets the poll results to 0 for the updated options.
    • Returns a success message if the poll is found, otherwise returns "Poll not found."
  • deletePoll(pollId)

    • Deletes a poll by its ID.
    • Also removes associated poll results and user votes.
    • Returns a success message if the poll is found, otherwise returns "Poll not found."
  • voteInPoll(pollId, userId, option)

    • Allows a user to cast a vote in a specific poll.
    • Ensures a user can only vote once per poll.
    • Updates the vote count for the selected option if valid.
    • Returns appropriate messages depending on whether the vote was successful, the user had already voted, or the poll or option was invalid.
  • viewPollResults(pollId)

    • Returns the results of a specific poll in an array format, where each entry is a tuple of the option and its vote count.
    • Returns "Poll not found" if the poll doesn't exist.

3. Example Usage

  • Poll Creation: A poll is created asking, "What is your favorite color?" with options ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"]. The poll ID is generated as "1".
  • Voting: Multiple users vote in the poll, and the system ensures users can only vote once.
  • Viewing Results: The poll results are displayed, showing the vote counts for each option.
  • Updating the Poll: The poll's question and options are updated, resetting the results.
  • Voting in Updated Poll: A user votes in the updated poll, and the results are displayed.
  • Poll Deletion: The poll is deleted, and an attempt to view the results afterward confirms the poll no longer exists.

This implementation provides a basic but functional polling system, handling common scenarios such as poll creation, updating, voting, and deletion.


class Poll {
    constructor(id, question, options) {
        this.pollId = id;
        this.question = question;
        this.options = options;
        this.createdAt = new Date();

class Vote {
    constructor(pollId, userId, option) {
        this.pollId = pollId;
        this.userId = userId;
        this.option = option;
        this.timestamp = new Date();

class PollManager {
    constructor() {
        this.polls = new Map();
        this.pollResults = new Map();
        this.userVotes = new Map();

    createPoll(question, options) {
        const pollId = (this.polls.size + 1).toString();
        const poll = new Poll(pollId, question, options);
        this.polls.set(pollId, poll);

        const result = new Map();
        options.forEach(option => result.set(option, 0));
        this.pollResults.set(pollId, result);

        return pollId;

    updatePoll(pollId, question, options) {
        const poll = this.polls.get(pollId);
        if (poll) {
            poll.question = question;
            poll.options = options;

            // Update results for the new options
            const result = new Map();
            options.forEach(option => result.set(option, 0));
            this.pollResults.set(pollId, result);

            return "Poll updated successfully.";
        return "Poll not found.";

    deletePoll(pollId) {
        if (this.polls.delete(pollId)) {
            return "Poll deleted successfully.";
        return "Poll not found.";

    voteInPoll(pollId, userId, option) {
        const poll = this.polls.get(pollId);
        if (poll) {
            if (!this.userVotes.has(pollId)) {
                this.userVotes.set(pollId, new Map());

            const userVote = this.userVotes.get(pollId);
            if (userVote.get(userId)) {
                return "User has already voted.";

            const result = this.pollResults.get(pollId);
            if (result.has(option)) {
                result.set(option, result.get(option) + 1);
                userVote.set(userId, true);
                return "Vote cast successfully.";
            } else {
                return "Invalid option.";
        return "Poll not found.";

    viewPollResults(pollId) {
        const results = this.pollResults.get(pollId);
        if (results) {
            return Array.from(results.entries());
        return "Poll not found.";

// Example usage
const pollManager = new PollManager();

// Creating a poll
const pollId = pollManager.createPoll("What is your favorite color?", ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"]);
console.log("Poll created with ID:", pollId);

// Voting in the poll
let voteMessage = pollManager.voteInPoll(pollId, "user1", "Red");

voteMessage = pollManager.voteInPoll(pollId, "user2", "Blue");

voteMessage = pollManager.voteInPoll(pollId, "user1", "Green");
console.log(voteMessage); // Should inform the user has already voted

// Viewing poll results
let results = pollManager.viewPollResults(pollId);
console.log("Poll results for poll ID", pollId, ":", results);

// Updating the poll
let updateMessage = pollManager.updatePoll(pollId, "What is your favorite primary color?", ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"]);

// Voting in the updated poll
voteMessage = pollManager.voteInPoll(pollId, "user3", "Yellow");

// Viewing updated poll results
results = pollManager.viewPollResults(pollId);
console.log("Updated poll results for poll ID", pollId, ":", results);

// Deleting the poll
let deleteMessage = pollManager.deletePoll(pollId);

// Attempting to view results of a deleted poll
results = pollManager.viewPollResults(pollId);
if (typeof results === "string") {

// Response
// Poll created with ID: 1
// Vote cast successfully.
// Vote cast successfully.
// User has already voted.
// Poll results for poll ID 1 : [['Red', 1], ['Blue', 1], ['Green', 0], ['Yellow', 0]]
// Poll updated successfully.
// Vote cast successfully.
// Updated poll results for poll ID 1 : [['Red', 0], ['Blue', 0], ['Yellow', 1]]
// Poll deleted successfully.
// Poll not found.


Note: Please follow for more detail & Enchanced version of this article with DB, API & other system Design Concept.

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