“编程有时感觉就像一部悬疑电影 - 充满了意想不到的曲折。但是,如果您可以使代码像精心设计的场景一样流畅,该怎么办?欢迎来到回调、Promise 和异步/等待的世界!”
回调 是一个函数,您可以将其作为参数传递给另一个函数,然后在该函数完成后执行该函数。可以这样想:您在线订购电影票,并告诉他们在票准备好后向您发送电子邮件(回调函数)。
想象一下您正在网上订购电影《蜘蛛侠 4》的门票:
function orderTicket(movie, callback) { console.log(`Ordering ticket for ${movie}...`); // Simulate a delay with setTimeout setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ticket ordered successfully!'); callback(); // Notify when the ticket is ready }, 2000); } function notifyUser() { console.log('Your ticket is ready! Enjoy the movie!'); } orderTicket('Spider-Man 4', notifyUser);
Ordering ticket for Spider-Man 4... Ticket ordered successfully! Your ticket is ready! Enjoy the movie!
回调地狱 当多个回调相互嵌套时就会发生,导致代码难以阅读和维护。它看起来像金字塔或楼梯,很难跟上正在发生的事情。
function orderTicket(movie, callback) { console.log(`Ordering ticket for ${movie}...`); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ticket ordered successfully!'); callback(); }, 2000); } function getPopcorn(callback) { console.log('Getting popcorn...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Popcorn ready!'); callback(); }, 1000); } function findSeat(callback) { console.log('Finding your seat...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Seat found!'); callback(); }, 1500); } orderTicket('Spider-Man 4', function() { getPopcorn(function() { findSeat(function() { console.log('All set! Enjoy the movie!'); }); }); });
Ordering ticket for Spider-Man 4... Ticket ordered successfully! Getting popcorn... Popcorn ready! Finding your seat... Seat found! All set! Enjoy the movie!
promise 是一个表示异步操作最终完成(或失败)的对象。它允许您编写更清晰的代码并更轻松地处理异步任务,而不会陷入回调地狱。
让我们使用 Promise
function orderTicket(movie) { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log(`Ordering ticket for ${movie}...`); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ticket ordered successfully!'); resolve(); }, 2000); }); } function getPopcorn() { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log('Getting popcorn...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Popcorn ready!'); resolve(); }, 1000); }); } function findSeat() { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log('Finding your seat...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Seat found!'); resolve(); }, 1500); }); } orderTicket('Spider-Man 4') .then(getPopcorn) .then(findSeat) .then(() => { console.log('All set! Enjoy the movie!'); });
Ordering ticket for Spider-Man 4... Ticket ordered successfully! Getting popcorn... Popcorn ready! Finding your seat... Seat found! All set! Enjoy the movie!
Promise 通过链接 .then() 方法使代码更易于阅读,避免嵌套问题。
Async/await 是一种现代语法,允许您编写外观和行为类似于同步代码的异步代码。它建立在 Promise 之上,使代码更加清晰、更容易理解。
让我们使用 async/await 来处理相同的场景
function orderTicket(movie) { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log(`Ordering ticket for ${movie}...`); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Ticket ordered successfully!'); resolve(); }, 2000); }); } function getPopcorn() { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log('Getting popcorn...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Popcorn ready!'); resolve(); }, 1000); }); } function findSeat() { return new Promise((resolve) => { console.log('Finding your seat...'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Seat found!'); resolve(); }, 1500); }); } async function watchMovie() { await orderTicket('Spider-Man 4'); await getPopcorn(); await findSeat(); console.log('All set! Enjoy the movie!'); } watchMovie();
Ordering ticket for Spider-Man 4... Ticket ordered successfully! Getting popcorn... Popcorn ready! Finding your seat... Seat found! All set! Enjoy the movie!
使用 async/await,代码更加简单,类似于您在现实生活中描述过程的方式。 wait 关键字会暂停执行,直到 Promise 得到解决,从而使操作流程易于遵循。
“通过掌握回调、Promise 和异步/等待,您可以将复杂的代码变成无缝的体验。告别回调地狱,迎接更干净、更高效的 JavaScript。快乐编码!”