
发布: 2024-07-25 04:07:31
261 人浏览过

Stepping into "Anim's Endless Journey", you will find a vast and exquisite fantasy world scattered with countless secrets waiting to be explored. Facing challenging battles, you need to skillfully combine turn-based and real-time combat mechanisms, make good use of each character's unique abilities, and formulate comprehensive tactics. If you are eager to learn more about the gameplay skills of this game, please follow the footsteps of PHP editor Banana to gain an in-depth understanding of the world of "Anim's Endless Journey", master the necessary strategy tips for novices, and start your endless journey!


"Anim's Endless Journey" tips for beginners to play

1. The treasure map can be used to teleport. Every time you take the treasure, the location you come out of is in Xuanwu City


Play in the wild Miner rats drop (miner rats will run away, kill miner rats first)


Boxi Wild Rat Merchant’s 6-star bounty mission boos thylacine drops

2. When you encounter a good buff while walking in the wild and can’t turn back, You can stop halfway and use the bell to teleport.

3. There are very few monster resources in the wild. You can kill monsters in bounty missions, which will definitely drop things. After defeating them, give up the mission and then repeat the mission to obtain fragmented ore equipment. In addition, the 20 miasma added by giving up the mission will not increase to 100. Fallen.

4. Red weapons have a chance to gain attributes after being polished, and they need to be polished multiple times.


After polishing it three times, there are still no attributes

It is recommended not to fight four soldiers when positions 5, 1, and 2 have residual health. If the speed is too slow (fast speed may be dangerous and have random speed), the four of them will go first. There is a chance that you can hit one at the same time. It is easy to appear and be killed before you take action. Also note that some monsters are easy to kill twice in a row.


The first two fixed attacks only attack positions 1 and 2, the latter two attacks are not fixed (the damage is quite high)


"Godzilla" attacks damage second person + corrosion, it is easy to be attacked in the early stage Take them away in one wave (beginners should not be easily provoked on the wild road)

6. When hunting miner rats in the wild, if you continue to fight after a dead person, be sure to kill the miner rats first, otherwise the battle will be automatically judged as failed when he escapes. Back to equipment.

7. When running a map, you need to walk a distance to get from one place to another. At this time, click on the map, click on the next place, and click on the lower right corner to go to the entrance of the next place, which saves time on the map.


For example, if you go to an unnamed village and click on the unnamed village and click on the lower right corner to go there, you will teleport to the entrance and start setting off. You don’t have to run there manually, which can save time.

8. It is best not to have four low speeds in any lineup. At least one high speed is convenient for escaping. Otherwise, all low speeds will be used. Sometimes the opponent will attack first with high damage and we will die before we can escape.

9. Don’t spend all your silver coins at once (especially for polishing equipment). Don’t spend 10,000 silver coins to buy purple equipment in the wild (it’s not worth it. You can get purple equipment by grinding dungeons later, but there is an upper limit on how much silver coins you can get in one day). You can get up to about 30,000 silver coins in a day (about 20,000 from selling goods + about 10,000 from doing tasks). If you spend them all, you will have to resurrect the character, polish the equipment, or even restore the status when the car rolls over later, and you won't be able to get any money.


This is what happens when you spend all your silver coins. You can’t even get out the 50 silver coins you spent camping.

10. It is recommended not to go to the store to buy the materials for polishing materials with silver coins. You can help others find equipment in advance to get friendship badges. (My maximum is 15 at a time), go to the friendship store in advance to buy polishing materials, it doesn’t cost a penny (note that when retrieving, pay attention to the other party’s character level, you will die if you fail to retrieve it, so do what you can)


Help others find it There are at least 4 or 5 of them at one time

11. Once the battle starts on each floor of the climbing tower, you cannot leave. You can only leave after defeating this floor or the entire army is wiped out. The monsters in the tower are different every day, so it is recommended to prepare enough Be prepared (it is best to clear the miasma before climbing the tower). In addition, wild buffs cannot be brought into the tower.






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