LongShot AI

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LongShot is a comprehensive tool designed to generate high-quality, factually accurate content which is optimized for search engines using advanced features. Dec-12 2024
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LongShot AI

What is LongShot AI?

LongShot stands out by incorporating real-time information into content creation, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Key features include Semantic SEO, fact-checking with citations, AI Interlinking , Humanizing AI and Plagiarism Checker. Furthermore, LongShot integrates with Google Search Console (GSC), allowing users to tailor their content based on GSC>

How to use LongShot AI?

To use LongShot AI, sign up for an account and access the platform. You can then input your research requirements, choose the type of content you want to generate, and customize the templates according to your specific needs. LongShot AI will generate content based on your inputs and provide fact-checked and SEO-friendly long-form content that resonates with your audience. You can then further optimize your content by using advanced optimization features of LongShot like Semantic SEO, AI Interlinking, Fact-Check & Cite and Plagiarism Checker.

LongShot AI's Core Features

Generative AI for factual content

FactGPT for accurate information

Workflows for easy content drafting

Semantic SEO to optimize content for search engines

Customizable AI templates for specific use cases

Fact-checking to ensure content accuracy

Automatic internal links creation

AI Detection and humanizing AI

Write in your own brand voice

One click integration with Wordpress, Webflow etc

Content Planner integrated with Google Search Console

LongShot AI's Use Cases

Creating blog content on current topics and events

Generating SEO-friendly content to improve search engine rankings

Customizing AI templates for specific content needs

Ensuring factual accuracy in AI-generated content

Improve Semantic SEO Score of your content in one-click

Fact-check and correct false claims in one-click

Build automatic internal links in the blog

Check plagiarism and maintain 100% originality

Detect AI content and humanize them

LongShot AI Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.

More Contact, visit the contact us page(https://www.longshot.ai/contact-support)

  • LongShot AI Company

    LongShot AI Company name: LongShot AI, Inc. .

    More about LongShot AI, Please visit the about us page(https://www.longshot.ai/about).

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    LongShot AI Login Link: https://app.longshot.ai/login

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    LongShot AI Sign up Link: https://app.longshot.ai

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    LongShot AI Pricing Link: https://www.longshot.ai/pricing

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    LongShot AI Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/LongShotAI/

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    LongShot AI Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/longshotai?sub_confirmation=1

  • LongShot AI Linkedin

    LongShot AI Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/longshot-ai/

  • LongShot AI Twitter

    LongShot AI Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/longshot_ai

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