function mine() { while(true) { longestChain = getLongestValidChain() -- A number that changes every time, so that you don't waste time -- trying to calculate a valid blockHash with the same input. nonce = getNewNonce() currentTXs = getUnconfirmedTransactionsFromNetwork() newBlock = getNewBlock(longestChain, currentTX, nonce) -- -- and this is what all the "mining machines" are doing. blockHash = sha256(newBlock) if(meetReqirements(blockHash)) { broadcast(newBlock) -- Now the height the block chain is incremented by 1 -- (if the new block is accepted by other peers), -- and all the TXs in the new block are "confirmed" } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sendBTC(amount) { sourceTXs = pickConfirmedTransactionsToBeSpent(amount) tx = generateTX(sourceTXs, targetAddrs, amount, fee) signedTx = sign(tx, privateKeysOfAllInputAddress) broadcast(signedTx) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
文章来自知乎:深入浅出比特币 作者:Wu Hao
作者在 2013-11-22 添加了「第负一章 第二节 删节版」,并提供了一段源码:
----2013-12-10 13:16 更新---
MAIN函数在 bitcoinGUI.cpp 或者bitcoind.cpp 里面。 查看DOC/BUILD-WIN.MD里面有编译方法