我想從手機獲取信息,例如 DeviceOrientationEvent
以及絕對、alpha、beta 和 gamma 等屬性,如本鏈接所示。
<template> <q-page padding> <div class="text-center text-h5 q-mt-lg"> {{ $t('tasks.motion.title') }} </div> <div class="row justify-center q-mt-lg"> <q-btn @click="startTest" v-show="!isStarted" :label="$t('common.start')" /> <q-btn @click="completeTest" v-show="isStarted" :label="$t('common.complete')" /> </div> </q-page> </template> <script> import phone from 'modules/phone' import userinfo from 'modules/userinfo' import { format as Qformat } from 'quasar' const TEST_DURATION = 60 export default { name: 'MotionOrientationPage', props: { sKey: String, tId: Number }, data: function () { return { isSignalCheck: true, isStarted: false, isCompleted: false, timer: undefined, totalTime: TEST_DURATION, startedTS: undefined, completionTS: undefined, alpha: [] } }, mounted: async function () { // Events that are running always if (window.DeviceMotionEvent) { console.log('devicemotion was defined') } if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) { console.log('GyroScope was defined') } }, methods: { async startTest () { this.isStarted = true this.startedTS = new Date() this.startTimer() phone.screen.forbidSleep() if (this.isStarted && this.isCompleted === false) { window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function (event) { this.saveAlpha(event.alpha) console.log(event.alpha) }) } }, saveAlpha (alpha) { this.alpha.push(alpha) }, startTimer () { this.totalTime = TEST_DURATION this.timer = setInterval(() => this.countDown(), 1000) }, stopTimer () { clearInterval(this.timer) }, countDown () { if (this.totalTime >= 1) { this.totalTime-- } else { this.completeTest() } }, completeTest () { this.isStarted = false this.completionTS = new Date() this.stopTimer() phone.screen.allowSleep() this.isCompleted = true // package the report const sKey = this.sKey const taskId = parseInt(this.taskId) const userKey = userinfo.user._key let report = { userKey: userKey, sKey: sKey, taskId: taskId, createdTS: new Date(), startedTS: this.startedTS, completionTS: this.completionTS, alpha: this.alpha } this.$router.push({ name: 'reportMotionOrientation', params: { report: report } }) } }, computed: { minutes () { return Qformat.pad(Math.floor(this.totalTime / 60)) }, seconds () { return Qformat.pad(this.totalTime - (this.minutes * 60)) } }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.stopTimer() phone.screen.allowSleep() } } </script>
編輯:使用程式碼,每當我模仿開發工具中感測器標籤中alpha值的變化時,我都會收到Uncaught TypeError: this.saveAlpha is not a function at eval (file1.vue?149e :95)