我在 React 中編寫了一個待辦事項應用程式。我為多個部分建立組件。現在,每次我嘗試運行該應用程式時,它都不會顯示。
我總是收到錯誤 Uncaught TypeError: todo is undefined in footer.js:15。
我創建了一個待辦事項清單應用程序,並將所有待辦事項放入一個數組中,其中有使用狀態待辦事項。這是我在檔案頁腳中的元件 Todocounter 中傳遞的屬性。
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import './App.css'; import InputTodos from './input.js'; import ListTodos from './list.js'; import TodoCounter from './footer.js'; import ClearButton from './clearbutton.js'; function App() { // create usestates for todos const [todo, setTodo] = useState([]); // render all components i have in diffrent files return (); } export default App;
這是 footer.js:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import './App.css'; // use effect to show whenever the array will change from completed todos to not completed function TodoCounter(props) { const { todo } = props; const [completed, setCompleted] = useState(0); const [notCompleted, setNotCompleted] = useState(0); // filter between completed todos and not completed todos with cheackking the bolean status function counttodos(props) { const { todo } = props; return { completed: todo.filter((todo) => todo.isChecked).length, notCompleted: todo.filter((todo) => !todo.isChecked).length, }; } //with the useeffect hook set the todos on completed or not completed if sth changes on the todos useEffect(() => { const { completed, notcompleted } = counttodos(todo); setCompleted(completed); setNotCompleted(notcompleted); }, [todo]); return (); } export default TodoCounter;Completed: {completed}
Not Completed: {notCompleted}
Todos: {todo.length}