TreeMap is a class of Java Collection Framework that implements NavigableMap Interface. It stores the elements of the map in a tree structure and provides an efficient alternative to store the key-value pairs in sorted . Intern, TreeMap-sally a. black tree, which is a self-balancing binary search tree. A TreeMap must implement the Comparable Interface or a custom Comparator so that it can maintain the sorting order of its elements otherwise, we will encounterClass .書. to explain how TreeMap works internally in Java.
The color of root node is always black.
#Now, let's see the structure of TreeMap:
#If we add an element to the TreeMap, it will add the first entry in the first place. From the second element, it will check whether the key of current entry is greater or smaller than the whether the key of current entry is greater or smaller than the previous ent . The key value will be added to the left and the ones with greater value will be added to the right of Parent entry.
To use the TreeMap collection in our program, we first need to create an instance of the TreeMap class. For that Java provides the following constructors:
TreeMap(Map mapInstance): 我們可以使用另一個映射中的項目來建立一個樹映射
TreeMap(Comparator comparatorInstance):它允許我們建立一個空的樹映射,透過使用比較器進行排序。
TreeMap(SortedMap sortedmapInstance): We can also create a tree map with the entries from a sorted map.
Let's discuss a few examples to have a better understanding of the above discussed points.
import java.util.*; public class Example1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // creating a TreeMap TreeMap<String, Integer> TrMap = new TreeMap<>(); // Adding elements in the map TrMap.put("Kurti", 4000); TrMap.put("Shirt", 3000); TrMap.put("TShirt", 1500); TrMap.put("Watch", 2000); TrMap.put("Perfume", 2500); // printing the details of map System.out.println("Elements of the map: "); // iterating through the map for (String unKey : TrMap.keySet()) { // printing details of each node System.out.println("Item: " + unKey + ", Price: " + TrMap.get(unKey)); } String frstKey = TrMap.firstKey(); // accessing first key String lstKey = TrMap.lastKey(); // accessing last key System.out.println("Accessing name of first key in Map: " + frstKey); System.out.println("Accessing name of last key in Map: " + lstKey); } }
Elements of the map: Item: Kurti, Price: 4000 Item: Perfume, Price: 2500 Item: Shirt, Price: 3000 Item: TShirt, Price: 1500 Item: Watch, Price: 2000 Accessing name of first key in Map: Kurti Accessing name of last key in Map: Watch
我們在開始這篇文章時定義了TreeMap,並在下一節中討論了它的內部運作原理。 TreeMap使用紅黑樹來儲存其元素,這是一種能夠自我平衡的二元搜尋樹。此外,我們也討論了一個範例來說明TreeMap的工作原理。