1. [代码][PHP]代码
<?php if(!empty($_GET["u"]) && strlen($_GET["u"])>11 ) //get the longurl,如果长度很短,也没用必要压缩 { $url = $_GET["u"]; if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL,FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED)) { $longurl=urlencode($url); //begin bitly $login="helong"; //bitly login name $apikey="R_521dd354f25761aa816fb2317c5cc26f"; //bitly apikey //m.sbmmt.com/ $format="txt"; //bitly api format $bitly = 'http://api.bit.ly/v3/shorten?longUrl='.$longurl.'&login='.$login.'&apiKey='.$apikey.'&format='.$format; $bitly = file_get_contents($bitly); $bitly=trim($bitly); echo $bitly; echo "<br/>"; //begin isgd $isgd='http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url='.$longurl; $isgd = file_get_contents($isgd); $isgd=trim($isgd); echo $isgd; echo "<br/>"; //begin google include('GAPIClass.php'); $objAPI = new GAPIClass('AIzaSyBiZuNRs81SA5VfPk8W4JtAH2B49hzEPrE'); $google = $objAPI->shorten($url); $google=trim($google); echo $google; //print goo.gl result echo "<br/>"; //begin x.co $xco='http://x.co/Squeeze.svc/text/9398242565bd41a384ae959cce109604?url='.$longurl; ////m.sbmmt.com/ //m.sbmmt.com/{apikey}?url= $xco = file_get_contents($xco); $xco=trim($xco); echo $xco; echo "<br/>"; //end x.co } else echo "亲,您输入的网址不对哦!";//sorry,something wrong with your url } ?> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" action="index.php"> <input type="text" name="u" /> <input type="submit" value="Short it" /> </form>
2. [代码]GAPIClass.php
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2011 //m.sbmmt.com/ * @package GAPIClass * @author Vijay Joshi * @link //m.sbmmt.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 GAPIClass (//m.sbmmt.com/) * @version 1.0.0, 2011-01-21 */ class GAPIClass { private $_apiKey; public $error; public $keyWarning = true; public function __construct($key = NULL) { $this->_apiKey = $key; } public function shorten($longUrl) { $postData = array('longUrl' => $longUrl); if(!is_null($this->_apiKey)) { $postData['key'] = $this->_apiKey; } $jsonData = json_encode($postData); $curlObj = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url'); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type:application/json')); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData); $response = curl_exec($curlObj); curl_close($curlObj); $json = json_decode($response); if($this->hasErrors($json)) { return false; } else { return $json->id; } } private function hasErrors($json) { if($this->keyWarning) { if(is_null($this->_apiKey)) { echo '<p>Currently you are not using an API key. It is recommended that you use one. <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/urlshortener/v1/authentication.html#key">Click here to learn more about the API key</a></p>'; } } if(is_object($json)) { if(isset($json->error)) { foreach($json->error->errors as $error) { $this->error.= $error->message.':'.$error->location.'; '; } return true; } } else { $this->error = 'Malformed JSON response'; return true; } } } ?>