另一方面,E2E測試通常會模擬真實的使用者場景來測試整個應用程式。例如,前端通常使用瀏覽器或無頭瀏覽器進行測試,而後端則透過模擬 API 呼叫來進行測試。
在 NestJS 專案中,單元測試可能會評估特定服務或控制器的方法,例如驗證 Users 模組中的更新方法是否正確更新使用者。然而,端到端測試可能會檢查完整的用戶旅程,從建立新用戶到更新密碼再到最終刪除用戶,這涉及多個服務和控制器。
async validateUser( username: string, password: string, ): Promise<UserAccountDto> { const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username }); if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); } if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) { const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000); let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`; if (diffInSeconds > 60) { const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60); message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`; } throw new UnauthorizedException(message); } const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password); if (!passwordMatch) { // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts const update = { $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 }, }; // lock account when the third try is failed if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) { // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 }; } await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update); throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil if ( entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 || (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) ) { await this.usersService.update(entity._id, { $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null }, }); } return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto; }
例如,假設我們註冊了一個名為 woai3c 的使用者。然後,在登入過程中,可以在 validateUser 方法中透過 constentity = wait this.usersService.findOne({ username }); 擷取使用者資料。只要這行程式碼能夠傳回想要的數據,就沒有問題,即使沒有資料庫互動。我們可以透過模擬數據來實現這一點。現在,我們來看看 validateUser 方法的相關測試程式碼:
async validateUser( username: string, password: string, ): Promise<UserAccountDto> { const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username }); if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); } if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) { const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000); let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`; if (diffInSeconds > 60) { const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60); message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`; } throw new UnauthorizedException(message); } const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password); if (!passwordMatch) { // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts const update = { $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 }, }; // lock account when the third try is failed if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) { // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 }; } await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update); throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil if ( entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 || (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) ) { await this.usersService.update(entity._id, { $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null }, }); } return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto; }
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service'; import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service'; import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants'; describe('AuthService', () => { let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>; beforeEach(async () => { usersService = { findOne: jest.fn(), }; const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, { provide: UsersService, useValue: usersService, }, ], }).compile(); authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService); }); describe('validateUser', () => { it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => { await expect( authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD), ).rejects.toThrow(UnauthorizedException); }); // other tests... }); });
我們使用 jest.fn() 傳回一個函數來取代真正的 usersService.findOne()。如果現在呼叫 usersService.findOne() ,將不會有回傳值,因此第一個單元測試案例將通過:
beforeEach(async () => { usersService = { findOne: jest.fn(), // mock findOne method }; const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, // real AuthService, because we are testing its methods { provide: UsersService, // use mock usersService instead of real usersService useValue: usersService, }, ], }).compile(); authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService); });
由於constentity 中的findOne = wait this.usersService.findOne({ username }); validateUser 方法是一個模擬的假函數,沒有傳回值,validateUser 方法中的第2 到第4 行程式碼可以執行:
it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => { await expect( authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD), ).rejects.toThrow(UnauthorizedException); });
拋出 401 錯誤,符合預期。
if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); }
可以看到,如果使用者資料中有鎖定時間lockUntil,且鎖定結束時間大於目前時間,我們就可以判斷目前帳戶被鎖定。因此,我們需要使用 lockUntil 欄位來模擬使用者資料:
async validateUser( username: string, password: string, ): Promise<UserAccountDto> { const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username }); if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); } if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) { const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000); let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`; if (diffInSeconds > 60) { const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60); message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`; } throw new UnauthorizedException(message); } const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password); if (!passwordMatch) { // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts const update = { $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 }, }; // lock account when the third try is failed if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) { // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 }; } await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update); throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil if ( entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 || (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) ) { await this.usersService.update(entity._id, { $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null }, }); } return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto; }
上面的測試程式碼中,首先定義了一個物件lockedUser,其中包含我們需要的lockUntil欄位。然後,它被用作findOne的回傳值,透過usersService.findOne.mockResolvedValueOnce(lockedUser);實作。這樣,當執行 validateUser 方法時,其中的使用者資料就是模擬數據,成功地讓第二個測試案例通過。
在單元測試中,我們示範如何為 validateUser() 函數的每個功能編寫單元測試,使用模擬資料來確保每個功能都可以被測試。在端到端測試中,我們需要模擬真實的使用者場景,因此連接資料庫進行測試是必要的。因此,我們將測試的 auth.service.ts 模組中的方法都與資料庫互動。
async validateUser( username: string, password: string, ): Promise<UserAccountDto> { const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username }); if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); } if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) { const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000); let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`; if (diffInSeconds > 60) { const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60); message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`; } throw new UnauthorizedException(message); } const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password); if (!passwordMatch) { // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts const update = { $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 }, }; // lock account when the third try is failed if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) { // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 }; } await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update); throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil if ( entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 || (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) ) { await this.usersService.update(entity._id, { $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null }, }); } return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto; }
beforeAll鉤子函數在所有測試開始之前運行,因此我們可以在這裡註冊一個測試帳戶TEST_USER_NAME。 afterAll鉤子函數在所有測試結束後運行,所以這裡適合刪除測試帳號TEST_USER_NAME,也方便測試註冊和刪除功能。
在上一節的單元測試中,我們圍繞 validateUser 方法編寫了相關的單元測試。實際上,該方法是在登入時執行,以驗證使用者的帳號和密碼是否正確。因此,本次e2E測試也將使用登入流程來示範如何撰寫e2E測試案例。
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service'; import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service'; import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants'; describe('AuthService', () => { let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>; beforeEach(async () => { usersService = { findOne: jest.fn(), }; const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, { provide: UsersService, useValue: usersService, }, ], }).compile(); authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService); }); describe('validateUser', () => { it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => { await expect( authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD), ).rejects.toThrow(UnauthorizedException); }); // other tests... }); });
現在讓我們開始寫 e2E 測驗:
beforeEach(async () => { usersService = { findOne: jest.fn(), // mock findOne method }; const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, // real AuthService, because we are testing its methods { provide: UsersService, // use mock usersService instead of real usersService useValue: usersService, }, ], }).compile(); authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService); });
編寫 e2E 測試程式碼相對簡單:只需呼叫接口,然後驗證結果即可。例如登入測試成功,我們只需要驗證回傳結果是否為200。
async validateUser( username: string, password: string, ): Promise<UserAccountDto> { const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username }); if (!entity) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found'); } if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) { const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000); let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`; if (diffInSeconds > 60) { const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60); message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`; } throw new UnauthorizedException(message); } const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password); if (!passwordMatch) { // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts const update = { $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 }, }; // lock account when the third try is failed if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) { // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 }; } await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update); throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil if ( entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 || (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) ) { await this.usersService.update(entity._id, { $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null }, }); } return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto; }
當使用者連續3次登入失敗時,帳戶將被鎖定。因此,在本次測試中,我們不能使用測試帳戶TEST_USER_NAME,因為如果測試成功,該帳戶將被鎖定,無法繼續進行後續測試。我們需要註冊另一個新用戶TEST_USER_NAME2專門用於測試帳戶鎖定,測試成功後刪除該用戶。所以,正如你所看到的,這個 e2E 測試的程式碼相當龐大,需要大量的設定和拆卸工作,但實際的測試程式碼只有這幾行:
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service'; import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service'; import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants'; describe('AuthService', () => { let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>; beforeEach(async () => { usersService = { findOne: jest.fn(), }; const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, { provide: UsersService, useValue: usersService, }, ], }).compile(); authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService); }); describe('validateUser', () => { it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => { await expect( authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD), ).rejects.toThrow(UnauthorizedException); }); // other tests... }); });
編寫 e2E 測試程式碼相對簡單。您不需要考慮模擬數據或測試覆蓋率。只要整個系統進程如預期運作就足夠了。
以上是如何為 NestJS 應用程式編寫單元測試和 Etest的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!