灰鷹是龍與地下城中最著名的場景之一。灰鷹因 D&D 創造者 Gary Gygax 的發明而聞名,它是一個富有想像力的戰役場景,包括自由城市灰鷹和周邊土地。這些傳奇的地點可以為許多偉大的冒險奠定基礎。
但是,對於像灰鷹這樣豐富的環境,可能很難知道從哪裡開始。如果沒有一個堅實的進入世界的入口,很容易迷失在一頁又一頁的知識和規則中。如果您有興趣在 Greyhawk 中開展活動,以下是您需要了解的資訊。
儘管城門外潛伏著魔法威脅, 灰鷹本身仍然擁有繁榮的人口充滿奧術奇觀、迷人的謎團以及眾多派系和行會。
城市亮點 |
範例 |
詳情 |
多元化的社區 |
概述 - 灰鷹的社區和行政區性質獨特且多樣化。從被稱為克勒克堡 (Clerkburg) 的大學區到危險的盜賊區 (Thieves' Quarter),城市蔓延式的冒險活動在灰鷹 (Greyhawk) 環境中完美呈現。 |
範例 - 為了快速、輕鬆地向玩家介紹灰鷹世界,請一位知識淵博的 NPC 邀請大家前往位於克勒克堡的大圖書館。從那裡,玩家可以詢問有關城牆上有趣的地點的問題,以及有關被灰鷹的歷史包圍的城市本身的問題。 | ||
著名地點 |
概覽 - 商店、旅館、酒館等都是灰鷹的家。舒適而古色古香的黑龍客棧可以為疲憊的旅客提供廉價的房間,而被稱為“Unearthed Arcana”的魔法商店則擁有大量獨特而稀有的物品。 |
例子 - 參觀灰鷹的混亂陣營可能會受到誘人任務的誘惑,闖入大城堡及其寶庫,取回隱藏的珍貴物品。 | ||
傳奇派系與組織 |
概述 - 灰鷹是眾多派系和組織的所在地。八人圓環由這片土地上一些最強大的法師組成,而守夜騎士則保護西部山脈免受巨人和龍的侵害。 |
例子 - 隊伍中的流氓角色可能會對神秘的猩紅教團特別感興趣。這個由間諜和刺客組成的陰暗組織以其滲透能力而聞名,可以作為黨派派系的絕佳介紹。 |
提供玩家可供參考的灰鷹地圖,是輕鬆吸引隊伍的好方法。您可以在 2024 年 DM 指南的第五章中找到適合列印的內容。
灰鷹設定中引發的許多衝突都對自由城市的存在構成了生存威脅。 幸運的是,灰鷹在讓政黨投資方面提供了一些速記。
興趣點 |
詳情 |
堡壘 |
在灰鷹的早期為玩家提供一個堡壘可以讓他們投入到保衛城市中,因為他們現在有個人利益來確保他們的財產也保持安全。此外,隨著戰役的持續,推進自己的個人堡壘可以帶來美妙的進步感。 |
派系成員 |
讓 NPC 為玩家提供當地派系的會員資格是在灰鷹紮根的一個很好的捷徑。這也是向隊伍介紹關鍵 NPC 和其他盟友的絕佳方式,這會給玩家一種與當地環境的連結感。 |
未解之謎 |
灰鷹周圍的土地蘊藏著許多謎團,例如赫普莫納蘭的蝙蝠族或黑冰之地。引入這些神秘的地點可以讓玩家快速投入探索灰鷹及其周邊地區。 |
一旦你的隊伍投入到城市中,就該選擇一些開始的冒險鉤子。 此外,在灰鷹中規劃你的戰役結構時,你應該考慮是否要使用 Gygax 的關鍵衝突之一威脅城市和周邊土地的存在。
您也可以隨時自製,2024 年 DM 指南中提供的許多預先編寫的冒險也適合灰鷹的世界。
Key Conflicts |
Summary |
Antagonist Goals |
Chromatic Dragons |
It is well known that bands of evil chromatic dragons call the lands beyond Greyhawk their home. As time has passed, these dragons have grown more bold, and now have their eyes set on Greyhawk and the surrounding territory. Only the bravest of adventurers can stand in their way. | |
Elemental Evil |
Elemental Evil forces draw in around Greyhawk. Over the years, demon lords and other extraplanar entities ran amok in Greyhawk. Now, many of these entities are trapped or imprisoned in dungeons underneath or near Greyhawk. Their servants seek to free them and claim the powers of Greyhawk for themselves. | |
Iuz the Evil |
Iuz the Evil is a demigod recently freed from his prison beneath the city of Greyhawk. Now, he bides his time in the northern regions of the continent, amassing power and followers. It's not clear how he intends to exact revenge on Greyhawk, but his return to the continent has even the most powerful of mages concerned for the welfare of the city. |
最後要做的事情就是將所有這些元素結合在一起。 在灰鷹中開展戰役並保持玩家的興奮度依賴於一些關鍵的事情。
Steps | Description |
Introducing Greyhawk & Key NPCs | First, you want to make sure you’re introducing key NPCs and continuing to connect the players to the city itself. Keeping this investment up through the introduction of friendly NPCs or even giving the players bastions to call their own within the city walls will help keep players engaged. |
Setting Up Key Conflicts | Then, as the conflict of the campaign escalates and the players progress in levels, you want to set up the threat to Greyhawk. This places the players' love of the city of Greyhawk in direct conflict with the antagonists of your campaign (whichever conflict you choose) setting the stage for epic confrontations between good and evil, and a climactic fight for the city of Greyhawk itself. |
Resolving Arcs & Expanding The World | With a key conflict resolved, the Greyhawk setting can expand beyond the city’s gates and the nearby lands into the entire world of Oerth. This world, also created by Gygax, can play host to a variety of different adventures and can carry adventuring parties into higher levels of play. Beyond the free city of Greyhawk, this campaign setting can lay the groundwork for epic, long-spanning campaigns that can last months if not years. |