屬性 |
描述 |
HP |
HP 正是它聽起來的樣子。如果你有HP,你就還活著。如果你沒有HP,你就死定了。 HP 透過在旅館休息、使用某些物品、使用某些咒語、升級時恢復。 |
國會議員 |
MP是你施法或使用能力時所使用的資源。 某些職業會比其他職業使用更多的MP,但所有職業都會使用一定數量的MP 。 MP可以透過在旅館休息、使用特定物品、使用特定咒語以及升級時恢復。 |
攻擊 |
攻擊增加物理攻擊造成的傷害。 它不會增加法術造成的傷害。傷害不僅基於攻擊;它還考慮了裝備、力量和敵人的防禦。 |
防禦 |
你的防禦越高,你受到的物理攻擊造成的傷害就越少。 它不會減少法術造成的傷害 |
力量 |
力量增加角色物理攻擊的傷害。 在考慮物理攻擊傷害時,它與攻擊和裝備相結合。 |
韌性 |
韌性與防禦和裝備一起發揮作用,減少物理攻擊造成的傷害。 |
敏捷 |
角色的敏捷性越高,他們就越早按照回合順序輪到。 |
體力 |
角色的耐力越多,升級時他們的生命值就會增加得越多。 建立一個高耐力的角色不會立即產生效果,但隨著等級的提高,效果會更加複雜。 |
智慧 |
智慧決定了法術造成的傷害。 除此之外,智慧的作用也與耐力類似,但針對的是MP而不是HP。 你的智慧越高,升級時你的MP就會增加越多。 |
運氣 |
運氣是最多面的屬性。運氣在進攻和防守上都發揮著作用:它決定了你獲得致命一擊的機會,並且決定你避免受到負面狀態影響的可能性。 |
DQ3 Remake中有六種不同的種子,並且有兩種不同的取得方式。
Seed Type |
Effect |
Seed of Strength |
Increases the character's strength by a small amount. |
Seed of Resilience |
Increases a character's resilience by a small amount. |
Seed of Stamina |
Increases the character's stamina by a small amount. |
Seed of Wisdom |
Increases the character's wisdom by a small amount. |
Seed of Luck |
Increases the character's luck by a small amount. |
屬性 |
角色 |
說明 |
韌性 |
坦克車 | 需要有韌性才能在重大打擊中生存下來;它對於較輕的攻擊可能沒有什麼影響,但是當你的戰士受到重擊時,韌性將會帶來指數級的好處。 |
體力 |
坦克車 | 耐力會對你的戰士的生命值產生很大的影響,快速累積耐力會更快獲得獎勵,因為這意味著你你的生命值會更快得到大幅升級。 |
運氣 |
坦克/傷害 | 運氣是無論哪種方式都可以很好升級的屬性。 對坦克來說,你不希望無法控制你的角色或讓他們根本無法行動。如果是這樣的話,他們就無法保衛自己的球隊。在造成傷害方面,戰士的運氣越高,他們造成暴擊傷害的頻率就越高。 |
力量 |
損壞 | 力量只有當你作為戰士造成傷害時才會發揮作用。但是,考慮到戰士的單一目標傷害可能性有多高,力量最終會發揮重要作用。 |
牧師幾乎完全是輔助型角色,正因為如此,他們在屬性方面有一個非常集中的升級路徑。他們需要能夠使用大量的 MP,並且他們不能承受陷入睡眠、昏迷或其他喪失能力的。
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Wisdom |
Support | Wisdom will be important not for the extra spell damage but for the extra MP that it will net you over time. That extra MP is going to equal more healing and reviving allies, and more debuff spells you can cast. |
Luck |
Support | Luck will be a factor against enemies with negative status effects they can apply to your characters. For example, if a Priest is paralyzed for a couple of turns, it could put your entire party in a hole they can't dig out of. |
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Wisdom |
Damage | Mage's are one of the most spell-focused class in the game; on turns when support isn't needed, a Priest could simply defend and not use MP. But a Mage is relied on to deal damage, and they almost entirely do that with spells. |
Agility |
Damage | Agility is going to be a secondary priority for basically any vocation that focuses on it. But, for damage-dealing characters, if they can defeat the enemy before the enemy can act, then support characters won't need to act as often. |
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Strength |
Damage | Strength is going to improve the baseline damage of your attacks. This is going to help not just your normal attacks but your crit damage, too, because critical damage takes into account your base damage. |
Luck |
Damage | Luck is going to increase the chance of you getting a critical hit, and should be your focus with the Martial Artist, alongside strength. |
Agility |
Damage | Secondary to the other two attributes, Agility is going to help your Martial Artist attack before the enemy does, ideally defeating one of them before they get the chance. |
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Wisdom |
Support/Damage | Wisdom is paramount regardless of what you're looking to do with your Sage, because either way, they're going to be casting spells. |
Luck |
Support | Luck is going to be much more beneficial when using the Sage as a support character, but that's not to say there isn't any value in it otherwise. |
Agility |
Damage | Agility is a bit of a coin toss, really. We've discussed why it's good for a damaging character. Support-wise, on some turns, it would be better to make your move after the enemy deals damage so that your heal is used to its fullest, but sometimes, you need to heal a character before they get hit again. It can't hurt to have some extra agility, though it should be prioritized behind Wisdom and Luck. |
Gadabout 唯一真正的目的是一直待到 20 級,那時他們可以 自由地轉變為賢者。在那之前,您希望在最好的情況下,它們會產生積極的影響,而在最壞的情況下,它們不會造成阻礙。
但是,帶著 Gadabout 達到 20 歲可能會經歷坎坷。而且,如果你更多地使用被動獎金而不是激進獎金,那麼它們的負面影響就會減少。
屬性 |
角色 |
說明 |
運氣 |
不要妨礙 | Gadabout 的運氣好預設情況下,因此傾向於強調他們的優勢之一。如果你把他們變成聖人,那麼運氣統計不會變得至關重要,但它會幫助他們避免負面的狀態影響。 |
智慧 |
聖人,最終 | 身為一個閒逛者,獲得大量智慧並沒有什麼壞處。雖然當你轉變為賢者時你的統計數據會減半,但它仍然會給你更好的起步。 |
韌性 |
別被殺 | 考慮到一個閒逛者經常為所欲為,他們最終可能會給自己帶來麻煩。如果他們的恢復能力很強,至少受到的傷害會更少。 |
體力 |
別被殺 | 與韌性一樣,更高的耐力意味著更高的生命值,這意味著更少的死亡。 |
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Strength |
Damage | Because Merchants don't have particularly high attributes to begin with, you're going to need to start with a foundation to make them useful in combat. Increasing their strength is going to increase their damage and make them a bit more potent on every turn. |
Luck |
Damage | The purpose of increasing a Merchant's luck is to increase how often they deal critical damage. If they can do so semi-regularly, it'll severely impact how valuable they are in a fight. |
Attribute |
Role |
Explanation |
Luck |
Damage | Because a Thief is likely going to be hitting multiple enemies on the same attack, their critical chances are going to roll multiple times on one turn. This is going to exponentially increase how many critical attacks you manage, and higher luck is going to provide extra value. |
Strength |
Damage | Strength will come in secondary to luck for the Thief, but extra strength is still going to increase your damage overall, and still has good value. |
這意味著英雄擁有最大的靈活性 您構建英雄的方式,而這很大程度上取決於您團隊中其他成員的表現已建成。
屬性 |
角色 |
說明 |
力量 |
損壞 | 從傷害開始,力量將為不主要專注於支持的英雄提供很多價值。如果英雄擁有強大的武器並且通常使用該武器而不是法術/能力進行攻擊,那麼力量就是必經之路。 |
運氣 |
損壞/支援 | 與力量齊頭並進,運氣將是對於專注於物理傷害的英雄來說非常好,特別是當英雄使用迴旋鏢時。如果英雄有任何支援職責,那麼運氣也會是有益的,因為當他們無法行動時,他們就無法履行這些職責。 |
智慧 |
損壞/支援 | 專注於處理能力或法術傷害的英雄會想要盡可能地累積智慧。它將使你能夠更頻繁地使用這些能力和法術,並使它們更加有效。它還會增加英雄提供支持的頻率。 |
體力 |
任何 | 耐力對英雄來說在任何方面都非常有用。英雄通常是目前最強大的角色,因此確保他們站穩腳跟將大大提高你的勝算。 |
韌性 |
任何 | 就像耐力一樣,更高的復原力將使英雄活得更久。英雄活著的時間越長,每個人都活著出去的機會就越大。 |
以上是《勇者鬥惡龍 3 重製版》:每個職業最重要的屬性的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!