NoisOCR 是一個 Python 函式庫,旨在模擬光學字元辨識 (OCR) 後產生的文字中的雜訊。這些文字可能包含錯誤或註釋,反映了在低品質文件或手稿中處理 OCR 的挑戰。此庫提供的功能有助於模擬 OCR 後文字中的常見錯誤,並將文字劃分為滑動視窗(帶或不帶連字號)。這有助於訓練用於拼字糾正的神經網路模型。
GitHub 儲存庫:NoisOCR
PyPI:PyPI 上的 NoisOCR
pip install noisocr
import noisocr text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy...type specimen book." max_window_size = 50 windows = noisocr.sliding_window(text, max_window_size) # Output: # [ # 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing', # ... # 'type and scrambled it to make a type specimen', # 'book.' # ]
使用連字符時,函數會嘗試透過根據需要插入連字符來適應超出每個視窗字元限制的單字。此功能透過 PyHyphen 套件支援多種語言。
import noisocr text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy...type specimen book." max_window_size = 50 windows = noisocr.sliding_window_with_hyphenation(text, max_window_size, 'en_US') # Output: # [ # 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing ', # 'typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the in-', # ... # 'scrambled it to make a type specimen book.' # ]
simulate_errors 函數允許使用者在文字上新增隨機錯誤,模擬 OCR 後文字常見的問題。拼字錯誤庫會產生錯誤,例如字元交換、缺少空格、多餘字元等等。
import noisocr text = "Hello world." text_with_errors = noisocr.simulate_errors(text, interactions=1) # Output: Hello, wotrld! text_with_errors = noisocr.simulate_errors(text, 2) # Output: Hsllo,wlorld! text_with_errors = noisocr.simulate_errors(text, 5) # Output: fllo,w0rlr!
註釋模擬功能允許使用者根據一組註釋(包括來自 BRESSAY 資料集的註釋)向文字添加自訂標記。
import noisocr text = "Hello world." text_with_annotation = noisocr.simulate_annotation(text, probability=0.5) # Output: Hello, $$--xxx--$$ text_with_annotation = noisocr.simulate_annotation(text, probability=0.5) # Output: Hello, ##--world!--## text_with_annotation = noisocr.simulate_annotation(text, 0.01) # Output: Hello world.
NoisOCR 庫的核心功能是基於利用諸如用於模擬錯誤的拼寫錯誤和用於管理跨不同語言的單字連字符的連字符等庫。以下是關鍵功能的解釋。
simulate_annotation 函數從文字中選取一個隨機單字並依照一組定義的註解進行註解。
import random annotations = [ '##@@???@@##', '$$@@???@@$$', '@@???@@', '##--xxx--##', '$$--xxx--$$', '--xxx--', '##--text--##', '$$--text--$$', '##text##', '$$text$$', '--text--' ] def simulate_annotation(text, annotations=annotations, probability=0.01): words = text.split() if len(words) > 1: target_word = random.choice(words) else: return text if random.random() < probability: annotation = random.choice(annotations) if 'text' in annotation: annotated_text = annotation.replace('text', target_word) else: annotated_text = annotation result_text = text.replace(target_word, annotated_text, 1) return result_text else: return text
simulate_errors 函數將各種錯誤應用於文本,這些錯誤是從拼字錯誤庫中隨機選擇的。
import random import typo def simulate_errors(text, interactions=3, seed=None): methods = ["char_swap", "missing_char", "extra_char", "nearby_char", "similar_char", "skipped_space", "random_space", "repeated_char", "unichar"] if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) else: random.seed() instance = typo.StrErrer(text) method = random.choice(methods) method_to_call = getattr(instance, method) text = method_to_call().result if interactions > 0: interactions -= 1 text = simulate_errors(text, interactions, seed=seed) return text
from hyphen import Hyphenator def sliding_window_with_hyphenation(text, window_size=80, language='pt_BR'): hyphenator = Hyphenator(language) words = text.split() windows = [] current_window = [] remaining_word = "" for word in words: if remaining_word: word = remaining_word + word remaining_word = "" if len(" ".join(current_window)) + len(word) + 1 <= window_size: current_window.append(word) else: syllables = hyphenator.syllables(word) temp_word = "" for i, syllable in enumerate(syllables): if len(" ".join(current_window)) + len(temp_word) + len(syllable) + 1 <= window_size: temp_word += syllable else: if temp_word: current_window.append(temp_word + "-") remaining_word = "".join(syllables[i:]) + " " break else: remaining_word = word + " " break else: current_window.append(temp_word) remaining_word = "" windows.append(" ".join(current_window)) current_window = [] if remaining_word: current_window.append(remaining_word) if current_window: windows.append(" ".join(current_window)) return windows
NoisOCR 為從事 OCR 後文字校正工作的人員提供了必要的工具,可以更輕鬆地模擬數位化文字容易出現錯誤和註釋的現實場景。無論是自動化測試、文字校正模型開發,或是像BRESSAY這樣的資料集分析,這個函式庫都是一個多功能且使用者友好的解決方案。
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以上是NoisOCR:用於模擬 OCR 後雜訊文字的 Python 函式庫的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!